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On this day
12 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
 · Vacaville ·
Today, I accepted George War Criminal Bush's proposal of marriage...(about as subtle as some of the other April Fool's pranks I have seen today).
On this day
2 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
In three days (April 04) it will be 18 years since Casey was killed in Iraq. Anyone born that year is now eligible to go die/kill in imperialist wars.
Honor Casey--don't do it
On this day
2 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
On this day
3 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
"Great Reset," "Agenda 21?"
The aims of Imperial Capitalist Fascism has always been to consolidate power, wealth and resources at the top and slowly starve the peasantry to death.
This past year, capitulators are showing the fascists how little they really do need us. They don't need our small businesses, they don't need workers in a physical work space; they don't need nearly as many teachers or postal workers---the only thing they need are people willing to mask up for at least 8 hours a day to sell us our TP and overpriced groceries and deliver stuff from the warehouses of billionaires to our doors.
The ones that want you to line up to shoot poison into your bodies are the same ones that think it's a good idea to block the sun. Who needs Vit D and food crops, anyway? Not GatesOfHell who has a line of factory-food for you. (Don't forget your free donut!)
Ko.vid has only accelerated the process which has been centuries in the making.
The US as it exists today is just the pinnacle of their plan all along--it just didn't start last year.
People say I'm crazy?
4 years ago
From Cindy Sheehan·
Many of the virtue-signaling, bougie-selfish will say, #StayHome
Or call someone an "asshole," for daring to point out that people don't want to go back to work to save capitalism, but feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.
If you have the privilege of comfortably "sheltering in place" for an indefinite amount of time, then bully for you---#StayHome, but try and have some compassion in your heart and an open mind for the 99% who are victims of capitalism.
AND there are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who don't even have hovels, let alone jobs and homes to lose.
On this day
5 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
How many Yemeni children, or 3rd world babies are you willing to sacrifice for your "free" healthcare? This is the bottom-line, if you support imperialist politicians, no matter what "freebies" they are promising, you support murder. We cannot, or should not, have "nice things" here in the country when we are bombing so many more. Something has to give, and it has to be imperialism.
I am not willing to compromise on this issue---so, block me.
On this day
5 years ago
Cindy DanceintheRain Sheehan
This is the worst insult shills for the crappy Democrat party can hurl at us: "Purists." Yep, because we oppose war, imperialism, capitalism, Israel, and Wall Street and won't look the other way when the Democrat Du Jour is horrible on those issues, WE ARE THE PROBLEM.
I enjoy these blasts from the past.