Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Buffoon.
NGT has styled himself as the heir to the legacy of Carl Sagan, which to me is profoundly arrogant, and NGT isn’t really fit to Windex Sagan’s telescope lens.
Especially surrounding the “$cientific con$en$u$” around the coronaviru$, the lockdowns, and vax mandates, Tyson’s “curiosity” stops at the doors of the FDA, NIH, CDC, and WHO: entities which have all monetarily profited off of the manufactured crisis, as their unelected power over civil society grew enormously.
Recently, Del Bigtree of the Highwire was trying to show Tyson ALL of the MDs, immunologists, statisticians, biologists, virologists, vaccinologists who disagree with him, and this was what the “pedigreed” dope had to say:
“I’m not interested in medical pedigree. I’m interested in scientific consensus.”
And THIS, my friends, has been the ISSUE since early 2020: Dr. Falsie, SETTLED the $cience very early so he, they, and Big HARMFUL could realize maximum profits.
I know all of you reading this are extremely intelligent, so let’s think of some of the harmful things that were scientific consensus, over the years:
Smoking cigarettes was healthy, even during pregnancy: all the “cool” celebrities, athletes, and health professionals did it!
Literally bathing children in DDT was swell.
Coffee is good for you; coffee is bad for you; coffee is good for you; ad nauseam.
The “give every woman a valium” campaign of the 1960s made every community a Valley of the Dolls.
Plastics will save the planet.
Atomic energy is safe.
Hiding under your school desk will prevent you from being killed by an atomic bomb.
(Cow) milk does a body good.
There are safe levels of mercury poisoning.
War is Peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is Strength
2 + 2 = 5
Now, it’s your turn to add to this list!
THE FBI and Other Alphabet Garbage Agencies
FBI Asks Court For 66 Years To Release Seth Rich Laptop Information
MONDAY, OCT 31, 2022 - 06:45 PM
The FBI is asking a U.S. court to reverse its order that it produce information from Seth Rich’s laptop computer.
If the court does not, the bureau wants 66 years to produce the information.
The TAs who attacked Riley Gaines
Champion swimmer, Riley Gaines, has gone on a courageous campaign to protect women’s sports from being infiltrated and ruined by biological men being allowed to compete.
This isn’t just a sport’s thing—biological women, and how we feel, and what we need, are being quickly wiped about by men who want to play act like girls (Dylan Mulvaney), or women, for “clicks”, money, or fame. Bio-women who have trained diligently for their entire lives to achieve the pinnacle in their sports are being denied scholarships, sponsorships, records, and further advancement due to weak men who have ego problems. In no normal, or sane world, is this considered fair.
William Thompson, the huge man who couldn’t compete with other men and win a race, is the main focus of Riley’s activism, but she is supporting all women in her quest for safe spaces for bio-women.
Transactivists often accuse those of us who oppose this inequity of being “transphobic,” or that “dead-naming” or “misgendering” them is violence—but the only actual violence I have seen, ever, are transwomen, and their allies going apeshit against people who don’t worship this trans-bully-ism.
Recently, Posie Parker was attacked by trans-bullies in New Zealand at a “Women Speak Out” event, and Riley was just physically attacked here at a university in SF, where she had been invited to speak.
So, a big YES to those with courage to fight this trans-bully-ism and boo to the violent ones who ALWAYS think that violence against women is a recourse, and who resort to that.
Quit being d-bags, for god’s sake.
Article about the event:
RILEY GAINES: I was hit in the face by a man dressed as a woman and threatened by a racist mob for daring to speak out against an extreme trans movement erasing female athletes like me... But I refuse to be silenced!
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The Del Bigtree interview was great if incomplete. Tyson used the line "talk to a medical professional about that, not me" about 5 times. That's when he seemed to lose it. The meat of the conversation was mostly the vaccine and not on the other measures. Del was close to crumbling the rationale for the EUA when they ran out of time. Shame.
All the stuff below is good for you, EXCEPT when:
Neurotoxins in vaccines cause autism.
Aluminum in deodorants causes breast cancer.
Hormone replacement therapy causes breast cancer.
Most pharmaceuticals have side effects.