When an atomic weapon capable of a mass-extinction event is tragically invented, is that mass-extinction event inevitable?
Only the current crop of liberal Democrats and their cultish followers will decide this fate in the very near future. Cooler heads ask this question: Is the very existence of nukes compatible with the existence of life? (Besides rats and cockroaches).
Maybe because I was born in the middle of the Cold War, I have always imagined the final thing I saw before my death would be a mushroom cloud. However, the “don’t let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud” line of Condi Rice and Hilly Clinton never fazed me, because I knew it was propaganda designed to frighten people into the uncoerced, unnecessary, illegal, and immoral war against the people of Iraq.
I don’t suppose my once radical, Empire-opposing friends/colleagues/comrades will ever forgive me for being a heretic against the elite’s covid narrative; but, now with the world tottering on the brink of nuclear annihilation, where did they think their blind obedience and unquestioning loyalty to a pack of monsters was going to lead to? A new era of peace, prosperity, and the Age of Aquarius? FFS, their complicity didn’t even lead us to a world free of viruses, which, I am sure was their never attainable, or even desirable, goal.
The Infamous Letter
Yesterday, 30 members of the Democrat’s Progressive (Democrat/Progressive should be oxymoronic, but it’s just a blatant lie) sent a now retracted, very mild letter to Joe Biden encouraging, of all terrible things, for the US to approach Russia DIPLOMATICALLY to de-escalate tensions that very well could lead to the end of the world.
Most of my friends who now consider me a covid heretic never fell for the other blatant lie that Putin stole the election right out from under Clinton in 2016, to present to Trump. With the Democrats now putting us closer and closer to closing time (Katy, Bar the Door) for humanity, maybe if Putin did prevent the war criminal Clinton from becoming POTUS, he would have been justified—but being against war and more imperial violence makes one another kind of heretic: the kind that doesn’t want to resort to cannibalism to survive a post apocalyptic world if he/she weren’t lucky enough to go in the initial blast?
The world is fucking nuts at this point. It won’t matter if you’re jabbed, or un-jabbed; Democrat, or Republican; white, black, or brown; you’re going to die. The only ones who will be safe in their bespoke bunkers (like the rats and cockroaches they are) for awhile will be the very elite nutjobs some have worshiped for the past three years. Liberals have morphed into neo-liberal, totalitarian war lovers.
Welcome to Armageddon
Masks and Proof of Vaccine Will Not Be Required
Some of us have tried to raise opposition to this impending doom, but with midterms rapidly approaching, most care more about “victory” for their team, then future existence for anyone.
I have a secret: Neither team will save us.
End war before it ends us all.
They are self righteous, certain of their views, rarely doubting their own prejudiced POV's and close minded. In other words, what a child in 5th grade would say, "You're an idiot, Ralphie"
thank you Cindy. You are so right. I fear the worst as well from the nut jobs in DC.