Happy Saturday!
This post is half gossip and the rest no B.S. accusation.
Apparently, it’s pretty much confirmed that Barry “I’m really good at killing people” O’Bomber is cucking Mikey with Jennifer Anniston! She’s way out of his league, for sure, but, the other gossip is that Barry and Mikey are heading for divorce. More gossip: Que Mala and Dougie “The Epitome of the New Masculinity” are also heading for splitsville. Word is, she blames his awfulness with women for her loss. It’s my opinion, she pretty much did that herself.
What’s weird about the O’Bomber’s fake marriage, is that the public part of people in the Rubbish Class usually stay fake-married for their public image. Look at the Clintons. Probably The Cadaver in Chief would be still married and cucking Mrs. Biden with babysitter Dr. Jill, if Mrs. Biden hadn’t been killed in a car wreck. If Barry does divorce Mikey for his mistress, wouldn’t that be about the only time this happens in human history?
Trust me, I don’t care who the Rubbish People do, or don’t do. It’s that whole war criminal aspect of their lives that matters.
Below is a book I published in 2015. It’s a compilation of articles that I wrote during the first seven-years of his crime spree AND I had to remove some of the articles when it got to be 215 pages!
The Obama Files is Cindy Sheehan's latest book. The book is a six-year long chronicle of the hypocrisy of the US Empire and the abdication of the "left" in calling out the war crimes of "the first black US president." Cindy's work shows clear-thinking and understanding of the truth behind the Empire of lies, but this is not a book about "gloating." It is meant to awaken people to these truths that should be "self-evident" by now! Original cover art by Anthony Freda. (click the image for more information)
Really, if a person is okay putting his personal name, reputation, fortune, and fame based on genocide, or murder on a massive scale, then of course cheating on a spouse is peanuts!
Even if Barry looked like a young Brad Pitt, the black rot of his soul would be a huge turn-off to me and most people who have a sliver of humanity.
This is important because by accepting the pre-emptive pardon from The Cadaver in Chief, Dr. Falsie literally confessed to being a felon. Just watch the first part of this, unless you want to watch more.
What do you think?
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And below is my mailing address for checks/cash/notes.
I love getting mail, don’t you? I always reply via mail and send notes to people who contribute.
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
PO BOX 6264
FYI, Foreign “assistance” usually means money for weapons.
And one of the most annoying things is that libs STILL won't hear anything remotely critical of obummer. I cannot understand that level of denial.
The new management are selling out the old management.
It's just like pro wrestling where they make the good guy on the backs of the bad guys.
I really don't give a shit what happens to Fauci. Even with AIDS he was not the ring leader and all of this shit is a distraction.
They're desperate and every step of the way they let the cat out of the bag.