Thanks, Dad!
It’s late on a holiday weekend, so what does the Cadaver in Chief decide to do?
He pardons his corrupt, perverted, sex-trafficking, cocaine-snorting, crack-smoking, prostitute hiring, tax-dodging, grifter, Hunter Biden.
Wow, there are many drug addicts living on the streets, cashing in recycling and robbing their parents for a fix! I bet most of them wish their fathers were leaders of the free world so they could live free to commit their crimes and poison themselves with drugs with impunity.
I hate these Garbage People so much!
They drop bombs, murder innocent people, steal our money, imprison small-time addict, users, and criminals, yet PARDON THEMSELVES!
I hope that the disgusting Repukes go after the Cadaver in Chief for every minute of his remaining days in office, but I won’t hold my breath.
Sigh—this is business as usual in WashedUp, DeCeit, but the Biden Crime Family transcends the worse of the worst.
This is all for now. What do you think?
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I didn't think any family could be worse than the Bush family.
Biden and his son are also guilty of serious crimes in Ukraine, especially their involvement with the Burisma Company. Unfortunately, those crimes have been mostly buried, not even mentioned in the mainstream media, and not mentioned enough in the alternative media.