At this point, I pretty much think Sloppy Joe Biden (SJB) is toast.
Just like the Super-duper, Emmy Award Winning Star of Covid Briefings, Mario Cuomo, when the establishment wants you gone, you are gone! Why can’t the powers-that-be-but-shouldn’t-be wait until Biden completely loses his marbles, or dies? Well, for one, they have been vehemently denying he is rapidly losing mental acuity and two, he announced on 60 Minutes that he WAS going to run in 2024. #Unacceptable.
Sloppy Joe is still being propped up by the complicit legacy media toadies, but it’s starting to be clear, that the string pullers want this dude gone (with the Top Secret Classified Document discovery, the Twitter files, and the recent laptop exposure). Both Cuomo and Biden (but more Biden) represent the Old Way of Doing Things: the scandalized older White Male. Sloppy Joe must move over for the likes of KopMala (Yikes!) and/or rising Able Servants of Empire like Hakeem Jeffries.
Check out Malcolm X’s exposé of The House Negro and The Field Negro:
Anyway, let me return to the subject at hand: stolen classified documents.
For months, the democraps and their paid/volunteer shills on social media have been loudly clamoring for the total annihilation of Donald Trump. They were filled with glee when classified documents that the National Archives did not know about were discovered in his Mar-a-Lago estate. Seemingly, unaware that it’s all just a big game to keep us proles fighting culture wars against each other, instead of class wars against them, every one of their waking thoughts are how to “get Trump, and get him good.”
Since there have been Top Secret classified documents found willy-nilly all over Delaware and PA (I love hyperbole), the shills find themselves in an uncomfortable position of contorting themselves illogically to explain how the Sloppy Joe thing is “different.”
I agree, it is different, but, also, the same:
The first big difference is that SJB was VP when he stole his paperwork. The VP does not have the legal authority to declassify documents, like the Pres does. Do I think that the US should be drowning in Top Secret documents? No, and this scandal proves that the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” is just another Top Secret Society that works overtime to keep things from us, while simultaneously, storing all of our private information for their pleasure.
SJB apparently has kept these documents for seven years and the chain of custody is certainly more murky and potentially damaging than those docs stored by Trump. These hot documents were probably retained by both crooks for personal gain and that’s one thing that is the same. However, storing boxes of USG paperwork in your garage where anyone with an admitted crack addiction, loose morals, and proven ties to foreign governments (Yes, I am looking at you Hunter, Ukraine, and China), seems somehow even more troubling.
(I will admit, that even though I loathe both parties and the entire cancerous system, the democraps hold a special place in my disgust).
Speaking of Hunter, it was very kind of the AG, Merrick Garland, and the toady, legacy media to obstruct the news of SJB’s found Top Secret Classified Documents, just like it suppressed the news of the contents of Hunter’s laptop right before two important (to them) elections! I mean, not even Faux Noise, or the NY Post are kind to Trump anymore. Trump got the Waco/Ruby Ridge treatment for his Top Secret Classified Document storage, and SJB got a tongue bath.
BTW—-this is a collage my eight-year-old granddaughter and I made of the Top Secret Classified Documents found at Mar-A-Lago, pictured below:
I mean, how much more proof does one need? (Here’s one for the Conspiracy Theorists, my granddaughter’s name is Jill!)
To the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” kinder-idjits, and the “I’d rather be Red, than Dead” toddlers: grow up and pull up your big-kid pants and stop cozying up to these demented and demonic, powermongering, murdering, psychos.
Neither party, nor any of the establishment institutions that prop them up have any good intentions for we the people.
There are four more ex-POTUS criminals, I think a national scavenger hunt for Top Secret Classified Documents is in order—whoever finds the most, wins a gallon of gas, or a dozen eggs!
This piece IS flippant, and tongue-in-cheek, because the stakes are very high and the trajectory of SJB’s regime and the people who pull his strings are growing more desperate and dangerous as many more of us are seeing through their b.s. Sarcasm is my wheelhouse when I am terrified of the flippant attitudes of sick a$$holes with the power to annihilate life on our only planet.
To answer the question in the title for the Eff Bee Eye: “I keep my stolen Top Secret Classified Documents in my junk drawer. To be fair, I didn’t know that they were Top Secret Classified Documents, I thought I was stealing (ooops, just normally picking up, as normal people do) a tourist map at the National Archives. I didn’t know that they were there, nor did I sell ANY secrets to foreign governments to fund my grocery habit. In fact, I think it’s time that I put them in my recycling barrel.”
Like SJB: I said it, so it must be true.
Carry on.
Well put. Yes, sarcasm and satire are our friends, I often say, paraphrasing a famous quote: Satirists of t he World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your Cheneys.
So, appreciating puns, I'll add: We insist on our right not to BARE arms.