Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This guy was in a Blackrock commercial, just like the last ‘assassin’. This is all theater for the masses.


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No way!!!!! Wow.

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The impression is given that unhinged psychopaths are lining up behind the pseudo left, whereas it appears that in the opposing camp no factual patriots can be found. This is awkwardly reminiscent of the old proverb: "When two are fighting- the third one is rejoicing." Now, the quizzy question is: Who is the third man?

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"Just a coincidence. Nothing to see here."


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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I say Kayfabe, Cindy.

If CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBN, FOX, MSDNC all say something is true, I’ll go with the opposite.

Historically, that’s a pretty reliable way to hedge one’s bets.

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I agree

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I thought the 0-2 thing was provocative, but I have no idea how I would respond in his shoes.The thing that stands out is finding the mole, because there must be one or more in Trump's security team. How did Routh know he would be at that hole on the golf course at that time? And also how was he financed on these Ukraine gambits or anything else? It seems some people don't want the wars to end even if everybody in Ukraine, Russia and perhaps even the world have to die over it...

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Good questions.

Jeff Childers over at C&C wonders too.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

All I can think about is if the two assignation attempts were on Kamala Harris we would never hear the end of it.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

That's based on accepting these were actually assassination attempts. Seems "illegals" are still far more important to MIGA (aka MAGA) core and Trump himself than attempts on his life are. Not to worry, he lives with clenched fists and continues to play golf and fight on.

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Cindy, as it turns out apparently the “0-2” post was photoshopped. Trump didn’t post it. (It certainly seems like something he would post.)

In the meanwhile my assumption is that the deluded would be assassin is a CIA asset.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Seems more like a liability than an asset.

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I just wrote a Substack about, or around, this incident. To me there is no question that this Routh character was a mind-controlled idiot, so I entitled the piece "MK-Ultra-Lite." You could have a Bud Lite, but why not a Mic-Ultra-lite, or Coors Light, instead? Maybe a shot (that missed) of Whiskey or Tequila instead? This psy-op helps to paper over the more overt assassination attempt on Trump back in July. Someone at quote "Central Intelligence" has way too much empty space time on their hands. Really good Jimmy Dore segment with Mike Benz on 9/11, because, lo and behold, "It's not too soon!" Hope all is well as can be on the corner of your neighborhood where you're walking. Trying to get published over here, but it's a tight market, so to speak; I think there are a lot of Dominatrix clamps being clamped down on none of the "Big Five Publishers," meaning excluding the Independents out. Of course the "Big Five" are Dominatrix-controlled entities, and the Dominatrix might be a She or a He, or who the else knows: "Only others included, others excluded."

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

And lest we forget, Twump has been constantly criticized for his disastrous debate performance last week. He needed something to change the subject.

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In all fairness, the Dems are pretty damned provocative and nobody seems to be shooting at them lately.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Not that I needed real convincing, but "No. 2" reaffirms for me the phoniness of "No. 1." I believe Trump is less concerned about any of this than Amy Goodman or Jimmy Dore, if he's concerned at all. I note in this link to Celia Farber today the reference to this (whatever he is) being PRO-Palestinian and critical of Israel at the same time he's so fanatically pro-Ukraine and anti Russia and China? Does such a person exist?


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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan
Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The man was 400 yards(1200 ft away )from Twump, an average length for a golf hole. Would a better description than an assassination attempt be a man was shooting off a gun ?

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I remember when Stevie Scalise got (a) hit at the Republican softball game awhile back.

They sure don’t make shooters like they used to.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

curiouser and curiouser indeed.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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thanks---I thought something was wrong with compliment.

I am stressed out about something right now...not just regular stress.

I will change it.

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It’s a minor thing, but as a sometime English teacher, I have to go there.

I’d want the correction if I did it.

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Zero for two.

Looks like a dare. Crazies with TDS will be goaded to take that challenge.

Nothing like openly throwing down the gauntlet eh?


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I don't buy it. Trump spent a big part of his career in Hollywood, producing reality TV. He knows how to arrange a publicity stunt. Fake burglary attempts and murder attempts are old hat in Hollywood.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He most assuredly did NOT spend a “lot of his career” in Hollywood. Hollywood came to HIM, because his brand carries weight.

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Sep 16Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes. he was an expert in conning and swindling people long before he came to Hollywood/Hollywood came to him. Where's Roy Cohn?

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Nigga, the fact that you have to go back half a century for a lame guilt by association attack means you must have been AWOL (Asinine Wuss of the Left) when the man was bolstering our economy, standing up to China, fighting off your pedophile Democrats to prevent the current invasion of pet eaters, making us energy independent, minimizing inflation…

Don’t wanna discuss REAL issues, hm?

You deserve the shithole Harris wants to make of America.

But the rest of us patriots DON’T.

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Some "patriots" (now another barf word) feel America already IS a shithole. Harris, or Trump, not needed. Both already helped dig the hole deeper.

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-renews-praise-covid-vaccines-one-greatest-achievements-mankind-n1286551 (2021)

https://jewishjournal.com/news/united-states/342026/trump-says-israel-used-to-rightfully-control-congress/ (2021, but Roy Cohn would be proud)

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Doesn’t matter.

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Was the FBI raid on Mar a Lago faked as well?

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Probably not. "Assassination attempts" -- probably yes.

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I don't know about that. He's obviously too unpredictable for the Deep State to have him back in office. If they can't stop him with nonstop propaganda pushing Kamala, it's not really outlandish to think they would facilitate some nutcase to get rid of him .....

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