Except for you Cindy, where have all the peace-loving hippies in California gone?

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they are all democrats who support party over peace

I am still here

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Sounds like we are kindred spirits, I went through the same process. I was so proud to be a democrat opposing all the Bush lies. I laughed at the people boycotting French’s mustard, an American product. Then came Obama who just continued the neocon plan. The dems “became” the warhawks and nothing made sense.

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During Bush lies era, Senator Biden was his Neocon "left" arm the entire time. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bidens-hawkish-record_b_214873

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I would send this to my ex friends, all liberal Covid hysterics, but I truly believe they would sigh and mumble something about white supremacy, and then hop back on their screens.

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Fine and true. Thank you for providing an oasis from the madness of a civilization on the road to suicide and planetocide.

A Marxist view of middle-class liberalism is that it has no independent class basis and can thus be swayed easily with the political winds, mostly to the Right but, under some conditions, to the Left.

There is a jealousy and fear of the very rich and, conversely, a fear of the lower classes since many are not far under brutal Monopoly Capitalism from a descent into that stratum.

Their knuckling under to the COVID lies and inability to think independently -- and demonization of those who do -- as "right wingers" is an instance of the former tendency.

In this they trod the scabrous footprints of the "COVID Left" generally who have -- with several notable exceptions -- fully bought into the anti-scientific policies of the ruling class in the name of...Public Health Science(tm)...more properly termed "Scientism".

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yep. "where have all the liberals gone, long time passing....." captured idiots one and all.

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And then merkel actually comes out and says Minsk was bullshit.

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Thank you.

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This post reminds me of the nice chat we had at the CHD meeting, in Santa Monica. I still really like your necklace.

Speaking of American Terrorist attacks upon Russians - now there's this: https://t.me/Global_Intel/10377 .

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