Joe has got to Go; His Criminality is quite obvious for all to see, including his insane Incarceration Bill under Clinton in 1994. Biden's a crook, and so is his kid, Hunter. Biden actually bragged about his other kid Beau being burned alive in a "Burn Pit" in Iraq. Joe Biden is a jerk-off moron, and the sooner we're done with him the better. Trump's a "False Prophet," just to be clear---

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Trump is the definition of Useful Idiot.

We have to get other past this b.s. of if we don't like the current Criminal in Chief, we love the other one.

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It's kind of crazy that the System threw up Joe the Plagiarist at us, after Trump, who is quite ridiculous, but he does manage to say some crazy things that make some sense, as people who suffer from diarrhea of the mouth will do

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I have writings in 2015 related to Biden and UKRAiNE ,Victoria Nuland

Writings i found in one of many books on 9/11/1;

Rebecca Roth; “Methodical Illusions “, “ Methoducal Deceptions “;

Lots of information in her book written as fiction related to her experiences as working for airlines .

A group posing as artists on 90th floor , putting in nanothermite .

Nanothermite being created in Twin Towers , Dept. Energy and other tenants .

Promis software connected to computers , breakdown security ;

All created wars , Shock and awe catastrophes 1993 WTC catastrophes, 9/11/01, 2020 pandemic ;

Daily shock and awe media till February , 2022,

Followed by USA/NATO Ukrainian/ Russia war .

Elections and violations media accountability all connected for decades

We Shall Overcome .

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Yes, I have been covering this since 2014 on the Soapbox.

I don't know how people aren't more skeptical?

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My pseudonym is WhatThe Fuck?

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What does this article have to do with being anti-war? Is the mere partisan screed? I don't like criminals in any party, and they are in both that we have.

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Being anti Biden, or anti Democrat or anti Republican is pretty much being anti war and anti imperialist. Biden and all the other war criminals need to be held accountable for anything

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I don't speak for Cindy, and look forward to her more authoritative response.

But it seems straightforwardly logical and lucid enough that antiwar activists report, analyze, and comment on the growing evidence of egregious high crimes and misdemeanors committed by an incumbent war criminal and his grifting crime family-- regardless of the war criminal's party affiliation.

To use the grating phrase beloved by TV pundits and lawyers, The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present's criminal activities, arguably of a piece with his administrations's aggressive belligerence toward nations and governments that counter and impede Amerikan imperialism and related hyper-militarism, "speak to" his malignant character and motivations. 🤨

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Seriously. What more do Democrats need to have handed to them to WFU? Biden having sex with a 2 year old baboon on the White House lawn. The one thing that pisses me off is when RFK Jr says he was always friends with Biden. SERIOUSLY? That's like saying well I knew Richard Ramirez when he was standing in downtown LA waiting for a bus and he seemed like a decent kid....a creep is a creep is a creep...senility notwithstanding.....when are you moving to Mexico?

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Not able to move to Mexico soon enough!

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If I moved there already, to Baja, I would be under Hurricane Hillary.

I am worried about my brother in So. L.A. County right now.

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The ensuing hype on a hurricane is often massively exaggerated to create more fear and panic....I am hoping that is the case here for your brother and many friends in SoCal...praying....

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I don't think it's hype--I watch an independent meteorologist and he analyzes many modes. There is already rain in Death Valley and he says that there may be a FOOT of rain in Palm Springs Sunday-Monday! The L.A. basin will be very vulnerable due to a very heavy rain season last winter, and the amount of rain Hillary will drop in the mountains. He predicts 3 inches at Big Bear airport. I haven't heard from my brother, the storms haven't started, yet, but I hope he's battening down the hatches, for sure. The dude I watch has no agenda to fear-monger, I don't think. He just has a youtube channel and I started watching him during all of our "atmospheric rivers" and he was pretty spot on all the time.


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Crap....I believe you and your meteorologist but I think all of this is weather manipulation..the government has been screwing with the sky for decades...more depopulation and devastation that can be blamed on"climate change" and "carbon emissions" such BS as usual

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Yes, weather manipulation is definitely a possibility....for sure.

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