I’m thinking that the drop in enlistment is directly related, not totally, but in part to what you have done. It’s also an artifact of the silent majority patriotic people of this country recognizing the war con and refusing to send their children any more. Thank YOU for your service!

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I hope so, then, everything I've been through would have been worth it.


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I admired you Cindy ever since Camp Casey and was delighted to find you on Substack and became a paying subscriber. I also bought a copy of THE VIGIL from you a little while ago and I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who hates war and wants peace!

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thanks, Amy!


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You were (and still are) an inspiration to me, for your integrity, clarity and doggedness.

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Texas of all places, every time I hear it's name I think of all the hundreds of people the State kills every year as capital punishment. This country was meant from its very inception to be a godless hell; for having lived up to our founders' expectations; we are in fact the living hell on Earth.

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That was Obama's schtick: "I...didn't vote...for Iraq; it was...the wrong war."--as if Barack O'Bushma were in a position to vote; if he had been, I'm pretty sure he would have voted for it, he of the 100,000 troop "surge" in Afghanistan in 2009, modeled after General David Betrayus' Iraq troop "surge" in 2006/07; both "surges" led to a surge in flag-draped coffins. At least O'bomber went to Hiroshima, the only President to ever do so, even though he offered no apologies. The last two years at the ceremony the Japanese PM and Hiroshima mayor have failed to note who dropped that WMD, the first atomic bomb, which is another way of whitewashington History; who knows, maybe Putin dropped it? As Obama put it so eloquently, so euphemistically: "Death just... fell from the Sky." Good catch on that infamous PDB happening on Hiroshima Day.

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That was indeed, a very special time. We had hope that the voices of the people could be heard. It was so demoralizing that once Obama was in office, many of those voices decided to be silent and so here we are...two steps forward and one step back, as always.

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thank you

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