The Korean or "Forgotten" War (Truman called it a "Police Action" at the time, and Harry was given some Hell over that remark, even though the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Bomb Drop thing was a Pass-Pass for Truman) I didn't know so much about, outside of "M*A*S*H," which really wasn't about Korea at all, but Vietnam; however, I did read David Halberstam's "The Coldest Winter" and some research reported that the US had dropped between 30 and 40, 000 thousand tons of Napalm on Koreans in less than 3 years--and here I was thinking that Vietnam was the "Napalm War"! I look forward to reading Mr Stone's book, and thank you for the heads up!
Truman and everyone else called it a police action because declaring an actual war was messy and might require such things as Rules of Engagement and other restrictions. Napalm was used in WW2 as was white phosphorous (Willie Peter).
All driven by Imperialist warmongers/industrialists. Did Stone mention the bloody 'payback' demanded by the US for 'protecting' South Korea from the Commie Scourge in order to rebuild and recover? South Korean soldiers by the tens of thousands were sent to slaughter Vietnamese as US 'allies' in the American War. Korean soldiers were among the most vicious and brutal, according to the many accounts I've read.
PS: Gonzalo LIRA?!? The trust fund baby? Hm. I smelled a 🐀 when he first showed up on the scene. His fantastic stories of surviving torture and riding his motorcycle 1,400 miles heading for refuge in Hungary are entirely ridiculous imo.
It's exhausting to keep up with the lies, the deliberate distractions, the game I get why folks just tune out.
We need better drugs for that.
Just kidding, clean as a whistle!
btw, I miss you!
Ditto and thanks. I'll be back in two weeks time and will jumpstart the motor again to reconnect in real time...
Just keep in mind that just about everything the government, media and "history" tells us is most likely a lie and you're on the right track.
The Korean or "Forgotten" War (Truman called it a "Police Action" at the time, and Harry was given some Hell over that remark, even though the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Bomb Drop thing was a Pass-Pass for Truman) I didn't know so much about, outside of "M*A*S*H," which really wasn't about Korea at all, but Vietnam; however, I did read David Halberstam's "The Coldest Winter" and some research reported that the US had dropped between 30 and 40, 000 thousand tons of Napalm on Koreans in less than 3 years--and here I was thinking that Vietnam was the "Napalm War"! I look forward to reading Mr Stone's book, and thank you for the heads up!
Truman and everyone else called it a police action because declaring an actual war was messy and might require such things as Rules of Engagement and other restrictions. Napalm was used in WW2 as was white phosphorous (Willie Peter).
Good for you Cindy, for shining your bright light on the name Gonzalo Lira. ❤
taa, ms Cindy for TBFTP of this ol'mechanic's hero,'s the 'The Hidden History of the Korean War' freebie .pdf ...
Great! I will put the free pdf on the post.
This is why I read the comments! Thanks!
All driven by Imperialist warmongers/industrialists. Did Stone mention the bloody 'payback' demanded by the US for 'protecting' South Korea from the Commie Scourge in order to rebuild and recover? South Korean soldiers by the tens of thousands were sent to slaughter Vietnamese as US 'allies' in the American War. Korean soldiers were among the most vicious and brutal, according to the many accounts I've read.
PS: Gonzalo LIRA?!? The trust fund baby? Hm. I smelled a 🐀 when he first showed up on the scene. His fantastic stories of surviving torture and riding his motorcycle 1,400 miles heading for refuge in Hungary are entirely ridiculous imo.
I did not know that about Lira.
Not sure, but I take your word for it. #trust
So cool!
Right on!