Maybe one day the court will have the ability to enforce this.

It's just a piece of paper for now.

Try and stop them, or try and arrest other war criminals like Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

Doesn't matter what the courts say if there's no way to enact it.

WW2 wasn't prevented or stopped until the bigger bully beat the crap out of the smaller bully.

Maybe I'm missing something here about how the system works but this is how I understand it for now.

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They didn't order a ceasefire. To me, that's not a victory. Netanyahu doesn't seem too disturbed by the decision, from what I read.

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They actually expect Israel to "punish" soldiers who are following their orders to genocide....? 🤔

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Seems too open to mixed legal interpretation, which usually leads to lack of urgent action, often prolonged lawfare debate, and kicking cans down the road:


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Yes, and as long as Bibi says he's following "international law" he'll keep genociding. Urgent action is needed NOW....

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And, mommys, and daddys,

and grampas, and grammas, and, and, and............

It’s a start.

Even a surprise???

A vindication.

Thanks for the rare good news, sister.

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Yes, everyone

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Oh, think USA Murder Inc and the dead man walking latest and newest fad in killing: Nitrogen. The Jewish State of Jewish Israel is making a run on nitrogen, yessirree.

Dustin Hoffman in 'The New Graduate' : 'Nitrogen. Invest in nitrogen.' (Coming to a synagogue nearby soon... The movie that is!)

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The cheerleaders for yesterday’s Alabama gas guzzling were the what would Jesus do gang, if the reporting I saw was accurate.

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WWJD? What would Jews Do?

Kevin Barrett:

So many Jews are aghast at the extreme Zionist tribalism of Netanyahu. And many others, even some fairly tribal Jews who are brought up to believe that everybody hates them for no good reason, which is of course ridiculous, and wants to throw them into the sea and throw them in gas chambers and things like that—I mean, these people are traumatized, a lot of them, certainly the Israeli Jews more than anyone. But I think even some of the people who are somewhat traumatized into believing that the world hates the Jews and persecutes them are horrified by this, because they understand that this is going to take away that immunity that Jews have enjoyed since World War II, which has allowed Jews to take over the United States.

Now many of the Jews who have taken over the United States are liberal. They are not fanatical Zionists like Netanyahu. But there’s an ethnocentric ethnic nepotism that goes on in which ethnic groups vie with each other for control. The United States was dominated by Protestants, or WASPS, up until World War II. Since World War II, the dominant, most powerful ethnic group in the United States has become Jews. We can see this in the Ivy League admissions, where Jews basically took over the Ivy League institutions and now that's why we have so many of these cases where Ivy League presidents are being fired for criticizing Israel and so on. Ron Unz has proven that Jews are grossly overrepresented in Ivy League institutions based on their test scores, grades, etc. That is, there has been a very powerful bias towards admitting Jews in disproportionate numbers to their abilities in the Ivy League now for decades.

That's just one example of American Jews becoming the dominant ethnic group. They also totally dominate the media, Hollywood being the most extreme example, and are grossly disproportionately represented at the high levels in the financial world.

Now, you're not supposed to say this. It's said to be anti-Semitic to say these things, but they are true. And I don't understand why you would call somebody a bigot if they speak the truth about this.

You weren't a bigot if you said the Protestants dominated the United States in, say, 1910. So why are you a bigot if you make the same observation about Jews dominating the United States now, which they obviously do?

I mean, look at Biden's minyan. The Jewish newspapers say Biden's cabinet has enough Jews to make up a minyan. Biden is totally surrounded by Jews and by people with Jewish spouses.

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Calling someone "antisemitic" these days is like calling them a big MEANIE...😂

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Do you think all those Jews are faking their SAT scores to get into those Ivey league colleges? Maybe there is a high incident of Jews in Ivy League because they, um, study?

I'm not weighing in on Israel/Palestine. Israel is a country with a government as corrupt as all governments. Including, and most especially, my government of the United States of America.

I refuse to lump people of Jewish origin, whatever that means exactly, in with the corrupt Israeli leaders.

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Wow. You miss the point of Jewish tribalism and the skewed nature of that influence in institutions. Are you daft? Jews dumping money into the Poison Ivy schools and then getting their kiddos in and also the recruiting of Jewish students skews the numbers.

You know, making poison ivy school x and y institutions that recruit the Jewish tribe.

So SAT scores are in the millions and the playing field is uneven if Jewish influence takes precedent over others, i.e. Goyim.

Israel of course is not a country, but mandated by the powers that shouldn't be. Israel is a state of mind and spiritually dead idea.

USA is the outpost for Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine.

May both countries wither and die.

What about what about what about. Full stop.

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Thank you for this. I pray for the right thing to be done.

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A huge THANKS to the people of Madiba! Free Palestine, indeed.

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Warmakers stop making war when they run out of resources, not when "treaties" and "laws" change words. As long as Israel and Ukraine and other areas are receiving billions of dollars and thousands of weapons from US, they have no reason to change their behavior.

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I just wish it had been stronger. Here is how Richard Medhurst characterized the decision:

Richard Medhurst


It's my job to translate politician to English so let me explain what the ICJ just ruled:

Israel can keep slaughtering Palestinians. Take your time and stop announcing the genocide when you speak Hebrew. Also give Palestinians some food before you shoot them. Back in a few years


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Yes, of course it was not perfect, but it does show that international disgust with Israel is growing.

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It's a start (as someone else just said)--we'll see what happens. In any event, some good news finally!

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Pretty significant that the ICJ stood up to intense pressure from US/UK/EU to do the right thing. Israel now stands accused, in the court of world--and European--opinion as a rogue gangster state, which it is. The United States, or at least our criminal elite class, is next up on the dock. Sea change? We'll see. Historically ironic that South Africa's leading the charge.

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The immortal Nelson Mandela delivers another strike against Apartheid!

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It’s a start but will Israel take any notice I doubt it

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"South Africa" such a paragon of Virtue with it's Communist Black Racist Government, Killing the few remaining White farmers. South Africa following the NWO Model of Zimbabwe as it descends into a typical African cesspool.

Of course It's "Racist" to say so, but changing "Elites" from White to Black Changes only the Economic from a "European" level to the typical African "Tribal" level.

As for the "International" Courtesan of Criminals ..... Sheesh. Klaus Schwab is certainly laughing at the "Useful Idiot" Libtards.

When did "Jews" become Ousted from the Libtard Tribe??? I'm not Jewish or Libtard, but understand "War is Hell" according to the CW Feral Gen. Sherman.

Choose your OppreSSors carefully, Comrades....... Because the Millions of Foreign Invaders over the Borderless Areas of the USSA will be knocking on your doors soon. When your Reality becomes Daily Survival, Your Life is at Risk, get back to me about your Sanctimonious Purity Bull Shiat.

I Spit.

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So it's only the libs that did crazy shit like this?

Ever hear of Iran Contra, and the support of bloody dictators in South America during Reagan? Remember the old days of United fruit company killing dissenters?

Remember company towns where even the government ignored murder of striking workers?

All of that authoritarian shit was done by capitalists, not commies.

Im not saying communism hasn't done that too, but why the hell do people ignore the horrible shit we have done over and over?

Both sides serve the same masters, the banks and military industrial complex.

It's not communism, it's called FASCISM, where the state and corporate power work hand in hand.

As for South Africa, I have friends from there that are glad apartheid is over. Both of them are white.

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"Choose your OppreSSors carefully, Comrades." Discernment is the First Casualty of War.

Tyranny is Tyranny despite Any Labels affixed to It.

I made no defense of apartheid, only for the Genocide of White Farmers under the Rule of Black Communists in SA.

The USA firebombed Dresden Germany in WW 2; a War Crime??? Certainly would have been IF the Nazis had Won the War.

No Person or Country has perfectly Clean Hands, Libtards live in a Delussion of Life, that Reality continually Crushes.

What of Right & Wrong??? Depends on Your View, Not that Your View is Wrong to you, But Is wrong to Others.

Defending Gazans may be Noble, but those Islamists will cut your throat unless you Submit to Islam. Israel may be Wrong, but Muslims do live and work in Israel; Do Jews or Christians live and work Freely in Islamic countries??? or Communist Countries???

What destruction have democRats wrought creating their Obamanation??? Did You Choose it??? Congratulations, now Live in it. San Fran, Chicago, NYC, etc Any democRat city in Decline..... and the needed caveat .... rinoRats suck, but then it takes the recognition that Both are Rats on a sinking USSA ship.

CYA, conduct yourself accordingly, my friend.

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