Like Alicen says, an "excellent conversation". Two nice people being themselves, speaking from the heart. What a relief and de-stressor from the usual antagonism. You're a delightful person, as is Mickey! thank you.

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Thank you!!!

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Excellent conversation! Thank you for this thorough analysis of the devolution of the "Left" (whatever that means anymore). It's reassuring to know that there are people who can not only see what's happening, but can articulate it so well.

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Thank you, Alicen. If we still have history to write in the future, some people are going to look really bad. Or should.

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Conspiracy Theory Number 5,432:

The deep-state used Trump to give us five years of Russiagate in order to set us up for the war against Russia in Ukraine.


I am a proud member of the Anti-Establishmentarian Party.


a political philosophy that views a nation's or society's power structure as corrupt, repressive, exploitative, or unjust. Keep the faith dear Cindy. All are welcome in the A-E Party.

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Is there a sign-up form for the A-E Party? I think your theory is pretty smart. If that's not what the plan was, it certainly worked out for the MIC, didn't it? <3

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So far, it's just thee and me :-) but at least there is no ambiguity about calling oneself an A-E. Plus, it's a broad tent given that so many folks are anti the U.S. political system, and don't vote anymore, regardless of their views on other issues. Just one platform item we all can agree on: a government of, by and for the people, that was first proposed by Lincoln at Gettysburg. It's good to have your Soap Box active again so I don't feel like the Lone Ranger.

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Amazing you two!

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Just want to thank you for the recent podcast episode. For me, it was inspirational. I also have considered myself to be very "liberal," and so far to the "left" that I didn't fit in--long before the scamdemic. (Yes, I do think it is a scam, and a weapon used for social control.)

Now, I call myself a truthseeker.

The labels don't mean anything anymore. I'm talking with people who are very right leaning in the sense that they disagree with my so-called "feminist" ideas, my concerns about racism, sexism and classism, my belief that we should all work together to create a better world (an idea some people think is "communist") and my anti-war and anti-big business/big money tendencies. However, many of these same folks are starting to see that multi-millionaires and billionaires are not going to save us. These are the same peeps who in the past kept telling me that millionaires like Bill Gates were helping us, donating money to schools and charities. Now, we have a chance to get them to see that the richest of the rich are not going to save us. Maybe, just maybe, we need to stop giving so much attention to the rich and start focusing on caring for each other again.

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Hi Meria, thank you for your thoughts. "Scamdemic" "Shamdemic" "Panicdemic" "Plandemic" however you look at it, it sure wasn't a pandemic. When I was speaking at the conservative rally in Sacramento, they began with the National Anthem and the Pledge. I talked to some of them about the dichotomy between pledging an oath to a government, that they may have to fight. A lot of them got it, and like you said, a lot of them are getting it. Peace

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