
One thing I forgot to say in the piece: The unDemocraps have disenfranchised millions of its voters. Again.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes. There's nothing "democratic" about this farce..

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You spelled "pissed all over" wrong.

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Dangit---I was never good at spelling. :)

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes exactly! and I think they have Obozo "Control Freak In Chief" to thank for that!

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It strikes me kind of funny (not ha-ha funny) that the dems could have had RFK JR. as their nominee. Outside of the covid hoax, he would have been a perfect Democrat puppet.

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Yes, and he has been super-adamant that he is not "anitvax." He would be very compliant.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He's doing that as a strategy that Aaron Siri is also doing.

They are not anti vax, if and only if there is proof of such safety with proper safety testing. The check mate is that is that none of them have been properly safety tested and none of them would pass safety testing. More info here


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I don't think you can come out fully against Big Pharma or Israel

and get elected to anything. RFK Jr. has to be careful how he speaks

about things at this point.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Kalama who barely rose above single digits in the 2020 primaries set to take the reigns of power and suckle the nuclear football giggling our way to Armageddon. At least there will be some laughs on the way to perdition.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Remember that time when everyone voted for Bernie and there was that super delegate thing? Did the party just decide who is running again?

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Election 2024: Spy vs Spy!

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I loved Mad Magazine. Never missed an issue.

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Me too. We're just about the same age. Oct 1957 here.

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Joe Bye-den, and good riddance, even though it was a Swampster decision. The Swamp Things need a different figurehead, hood ornament, and little doubt that Trump will comply (not enough dedicated Pinot Grigio drinkers/swillers in America for Kamala: Happy Hour is over for Dems). I wrote a Substack last September (9/8/2023) called the "Joe Biden Replacement Theory," which I'll have to revisit to see if it was any good. Meanwhile, the Sullivan-Blinken Administration rolls on, looking for more wars, corporate welfare handouts, the usual rigamarole. Not really a "plus" when you subtract a manifest "minus."

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"Joe Biden Replacement Theory." Love it.

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They do try to keep the masses entertained with their scripts. Will Hillary reemerge, so that it will be Trump-Clinton Part 2- This Time it's Personal?

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

haha, true. We do love our franchise series--fast & Furious 362, the 400th Marvel comix iteration, prequels, sequels and "re-imaginings". That latter doesn't work without imagination though, which they ain't got.

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In theory, if it’s Kamala, Trump wins in a landslide.

But do we really believe those in control will allow a return of Trump? It isn’t that he won’t capitulate, just that he is so “what’s in it for the Donald” and they want someone who does as they are told without question.

I can still see a “shock Democrat win” with some bullshit reason, probably that RFK took more of Trumps votes than expected.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

LOL! LMAO! Funny that "Genocide Joe" endorsed Kahmalah, but Obozo did NOT endorse her! LOL! and you can tell easily, that it was Obozo who wrote "Joetimetogo" letter LOL! LMAO! They are all so pathetic. The control freak in chief. The sheeple should protest, boycott the election permanently! Nobody for President! But no, they still keep doing the same old same old thing over and over and over and expecting a different result! I shake my head in bewilderment! Wait til you read the USA opinion piece! That will really make you laugh even more! They are pushing this "It would be an HISTORIC Presidential Election" if the Dems nominate both Kahmahlah/WhitmAH as President and VP!! Oh my gawwwwd! can it get any worse?! Yup! I feel the "circus charade carnival chaos" is still not yet over! Expect more ridiculous nonsense to continue... they are dressing up more puppets... Eye Roll Emoji here. Jill is in denial and she will be a "very bitter woman!" Her body language and facial expressions speak volumes. Reminds me of the song in 70's "American Pie" Don McLean. ...they were singin' bye bye miss american pie, Genocide Joe always lied, good ole boy network spied, Jills too angry she wont cry, the day DNC and Democracy-died, so bye bye Miss American pie... LOL! I'll add some more rhymes... LOL! LMAO!

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It is too late now, but I wonder if Biden could have ran, won and THEN stepped down so Kamela could win. She only polls half as well as Biden.

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But, he wasn't going to win. Even a poll today in Michigan said it was Trump 49 and Biden 42. I think Kammie polls a tiny bit better than he did.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thank you Cindy. You were the first to bring this hysteric news to me in the UK where I have disconnected myself from traditional "news" providers. How appropriate I feel. I note your thrilling prescience. Fab work!

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thanks Jane Ellen B. !

I try. It's definitely interesting.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Anything for the feminist movement…and they use the ‘isms ‘ for whom they want when they want.

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Yep, the unDemocratic Party excels in identity politics.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Oh no. Say it isn't so! Like the man said : We've made great progress as a nation.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Way way down we still go. I guess , like you stated ..undems elite continue to FORCE short cuts californication.

( gaslight the voters and send shock waves…

What now???? Media rats/ media print rats field day????

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I believe Jesus will save us. Jesus Gonzalez that is. We all know Obamadama is the actual president anyway and has been since the circus started.

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Jul 21Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He plays left field for the Dodgers?

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Yeah, Century of the Jew, Kamala Emoff Jewish Harris.


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yes, it feels like the "Zionists" have infiltrated all over the globe! and infiltrated every aspect of all our lives! Economy, commerce, pharma, education system, agriculture, tech industry, et. al. Things will get much worse before they evah get bettAH! Wouldn't it be great if the sheeple stopped paying their income taxes?! War Tax Resisters, permanently! It pays the Zionists to kill us ALL off soon! They believe they are better than all of us "goyims!" Who wants to live with that sadistic, barbaric, vile evil! Imagine Americans are paying them to kill us all off any day now... While paying for more and more wars! Bibi coming to US he wants to convince congress they need to go after IRAN now. He said that since 1995! Now Stinkin Blinken is pushing the Colin Powell narrative... Oh my gawwwwd! SICK! EVIL warmongering psychopaths!

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