Thanks for shining the bright light of truth on these lying cockroaches, Cindy. (All apologies to actual roaches, who are far superior to these subhuman creeps ;-) ~~ j ~~

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Really, what do you have against cockroaches?


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Ha ha, t'would be funny if it weren't so sad. After the last "election" it is hard not to be depressed by the number of people who believe the crap they are being fed and think they are going to vote themselves out of this coup d'etat. Thanks again for being so tenacious in this fight for our very survival. ~~ j ~~

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Cockroaches are by magnitude older than humans. What they have in common with politicians is their reaction to light. In the case of the politicians, it is spiritual, moral and intellectual light. The most apt comparison would involve the worst of the worst life forms on Earth: fleas, ticks, or leeches. The bloodsuckers. Maybe Vampire-Bats, but those are on a much higher level of usefulness. Politicians are parasites - sucking the life out of their hosts until these die like a newborn Kitten from flea caused blood loss.

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I like it ... dirty stinking rotten Lying Leeches has a nice ring to it 🤙🏻😝

~~ j ~~

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good points!

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Regarding the Megyn Kelly interview of Callahan. Won't go into the timing of this promotion (and July publication of book) as it relates to Jr.'s run for office (I don't even support him). Won't question the credibility of the material discussed. Will ask Megyn Kelly (and others in her lofty position) this: if you're so strongly committed to exposing predatory sexual deviants and misogynists (fine), did you ever interview, even privately, Whitney Webb when she first published her stories on Epstein (in Mint Press)? How about shortly thereafter? After her book came out? How many in the general public are even aware of the book? Have I missed out, or am I accurate; the only places that "featured" Webb were some alternative type media outlets. Could it be that Epstein, while clearly meeting the threshold for major coverage on the sex angles alone, was part of something even much bigger than that (which Webb was aware of) and which put "featured coverage" off limits? To the point of not even "investigating" his "suicide?" I think many people here have their ideas on this, and, no, this is not "defending Hamas," I mean, the personal behavior and character of the various Kennedys.

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I've had Whitney on the Soapbox. RFKJ Is just a small part of this book. I am going to get the book. Looks interesting. Megyn is not a lib. I don't know about the author. Thanks!

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Maybe Megyn can run with this:


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You should tell her, but she has covered it:


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Jun 29Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks. But the clip isn't a real coverage of it, and doesn't (or wouldn't) go near the possible implications of the RT story, which Webb significantly went into. Also, I noted Megyn's smooth establishment of the "credibility" of the official suicide story in the way she conveyed the "fair and balanced" decision of Attorney General Barr. He didn't call doubters conspiracy theorists. Rather, "he was open to the possibility of murder. He just thinks it was suicide." He told her this "personally."

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I know. I didn't have time to scour her thousands of videos. It is important though and I think we're going to cover it on SheeLilly next week

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Dumb and dumber arguing with each other about whom is the dumbest! 🙄

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Debate in this "country"

"You are,"

"No, you are"

"I know you are, but what am I?"

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There has to be a poll about what percentage of the American people is deeply ashamed about this pathetic display of name calling and lying oneupmanship. As if the main task is not the wellbeing of the American people, but who has the bigger ego.

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Charles Manson is my choice for the ballot

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Do you think the DNC will nominate him?

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Manson? He’s as qualified as any of the other people you listed. Actually more so because he’s dead and far less dangerous

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He's a piker compared to these sleazeballs.

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He killed far fewer people

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that's what I am saying.

A miniscule amount compared to them---and there's some evidence that Manson was MK Ultra, or something.

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Hey, Charlie is a fellow alumnus. He graduated from Ohio State Reformatory several years before I entered. We had lots of semi-pro psychopaths like Charlie, but we could never play in the same league with the Yale and Stanford psychopaths who are killing and torturiing billions.

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Jun 28Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks Cindy. Particularly for the confirmation of Benjamin's more "subtly intelligent" cluelessness (or whatever it is). I did not/would not/could not bring myself to watch the show last night (and I really had nothing better to do). I'd venture Israel was one of the winners, in a 3-0 shutout (Jr. allowed to vote on that one).

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Israel always wins and we always lose.


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Oooh! Love your analysis. On the fly...will be back to jump into the fray!

Repukes -1 Demroids -0

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Is it too late for Frank Underwood to enter the race?

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He's not?

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THINK ABOUT THE OTHER MASTURBATORY EVENTS. I was a real working real journalist (newspapers) back during those other fucking freak shows. Come on, remember? You can go back before I got let go of my training wheels, when I was 15 and working still as a newspaper cub reporter. Oh, that Nixon debate. Oh, those Ray-Gun NPD debates? Oh, those NPD Gore and Bush debates. Debate is put in fucking thick, 50 point quote marks.

Come on, I was teaching too, while working the newspaper gigs in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico. Imagine, teaching rhetoric and composition and other courses in communication, as well as journalism. There were no "debate" rules set and abided by. My community college students could have outdebated each and every one of those fucking fools, from 1972 onward.

Then, the journalists? These fucking media muts, bubble butts and bubble brains? Real journalists would have pressed and pressed and stopped these fucking NPD sociopaths in their tracks.

So, you can look at the dementia or failing brains of these old men, but look at their fucking records.

Biden was a fucking ignorant and slow on the uptake dude in his thirties, forties, fifties, and shall I go on?

Trump? You have enough history of this grifter from age 20 onward.

This is the Century of the Polluted and Perverse Jew. BlackRock, you say? Blackstone, you posit? Come on, the Wailing Wall White House was always going to be that with a Zyklon Blinken and VIctoria Himmler Nuland and Usury Kapo Yellen.

What was that neoconservative movement? Who were the foundational fucking felons in that movement?

Go to their rabbis, their Torah Torah Torah upbringings.

So, the media is owned by who? Hollywood? Oh, let's mention 80 TRILLION DOLLAR question? BlackRock and BlackStone?

Biosecurity, and the Mossad and Silicon Wadi and Little Tel Aviv and Unit 8200 and Google and Palantir and Oracle and, come on, the bar mitzvah gang is the cabal.


Cogent stuff here:

“Indeed, what the current revolution from neoliberalism into biosecurity is demonstrating is that, far from being opposed to fascism — as it has depicted itself in the culture wars of the past twenty years — woke, with its cult of youth, its saccharine sentimentality, its suppression of memory, its embrace of mob rule, its kitsch aesthetics, its regression to cultural conservatism, its adherence to identity politics, its hatred of the working class, its allegiance to the market as the only framework for change, its addiction to surveillance technology, its extolling of reform over revolution, its suppression of intellectual, cultural and political debate, its normalisation of censorship as the default response to disagreement, its culture of no-platforming those who do not share its principles, its ban on books and authors that do not adhere to its ideology, its organised campaigns to socially ostracise and professionally ruin the uncompliant, the violence with which it demands allegiance to its orthodoxies, the adolescent puritanism of its sexual politics, its creation of ideological hegemony through indoctrination programmes such as ‘diversity training’, its hierarchy of obedience established by public demonstrations of virtue, its almost universal adoption by our media, police forces, education and cultural institutions, its enforcement by repressive legislation removing our rights and freedoms on the justification of protecting us from the heterogeneous elements of society, and above all the ease with which it has been employed by national governments, international corporations and the global technocracy they form to increase and expand their political, economic and cultural power — in short, by its facilitation of capitalism’s construction of the totalitarianism of the global biosecurity state — woke is not liberal, and it certainly isn’t socialist: woke is fascist.” -- Simon Elmer (From Kitsch to Woke: The Aesthetics of Totalitarianism )


Or, just let 'er rip:


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I got a text from Newsome today begging for money. I replied with 😂😂😂😂

P.S.I can just picture Joe as Walmart greeter.....

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It would seem Kamala is the logical choice to replace Biden were it not for the fact that her approval ratings are as low as his, which leaves the field wide open. It wouldn't surprise me if they threw an Obama --- even Barack --- at the Convention wall to see if it sticks. In any case, last light should've sent chills down the spine of every American that those two are the best a nation of 360 million citizens have to offer. Knowing there would be nothing of substance discussed --- certainly not on any honest and competent level --- I tuned in only for the entertainment value and watched for a couple of Q & A exchanges and had to turn it off. The only silver lining is the potential for last night to have removed any doubt as to the undeniable farce the whole election debacle has become, hopefully alerting voters to the urgent need for alternative parties and perspectives.

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Since the Electoral College renders NY State votes in national elections unimportant and discounted, I have been voting my conscience for decades. I recommend Independent Emanuel Pastreich, the ONLY candidate for POTUS who speaks truth and wisdom on every issue.


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Cthulu will take power from the mortals 😂

But yeah, it reminded me of the debates in Idiocracy.... Team Brawndo vs team Carl's Jr.

And they're still against putting water on the crops because it'll affect Brawndo's share price . 😂

Let's go Brawndo!

End stage capitalism where they have the gall to put these jokers on TV in such a poor production...


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Is Max Headroom a Zionist? If so he could win !

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That was one bizarre "debate," which excluded "We the People" as part of its duopolistic format. Biden was already toast in 2020, when he couldn't get out of his own Basement; he's never been anything beyond a MIC War Criminal, financial criminal, racist, and all around nasty creature of the corporate, donor class. Demented Joe's got to go--to some form of a Care Home. The Dumb-Dems have set themselves up for a mad scramble for his replacement this Summer, which I think was part of the "plan" all along.

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I'd pick Hawk Tuah. Dixie lady don't take no shit.

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NOBODY For President.

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