Dear Friends,
I don’t have much money, or many material possessions, but, what I do have is scrupulous honesty, and I intend to go to my grave with that intact.
Also, I can’t say how much I appreciate my subscribers, and paid subscribers that help keep me afloat, but, I am having issues with the pay-portal and a few of my subscribers reporting paid transactions THEY initiated with me as “FRAUDULENT.”
I get that sometimes we don’t recognize a certain transaction, so, I am going to show you what something from my Substack looks like on your bank/credit card account:
This means “Subscribe Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox”
When anyone subscribes, I hope they are doing it in good faith and I try really hard to be a good faith recipient, but, reporting this as “FRAUD,” not only hurts my feelings, but hurts my chances of being retained as a customer of the payment portal.
Some people have unsubscribed, or withdrawn their financial support, which is fine, but reporting this as FRAUD is not necessary because, I have never forced anyone to become a paid subscriber and I offer 99.9% of my content gratis.
The times this has happened, I have immediately reached out to the subscriber to see if we can reach a remedy where FRAUD is not in the conversation. It has always been because they didn’t recognize the charge (usually upon renewal). A few of you have responded and we have cleared it up like adults, some of you ignore me for whatever reason and I am turned into a SCAMMER and I do not appreciate that, at all.
Thanks for listening.
It’s never too late to become a paid subscriber to support our work, or for a one time donation:
We have different tiers of support: $5/month; $50/year, or $100 as a founding member.
Checks/money/orders/cash/etc can be SNAIL-mailed to:
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox, LLC
PO BOX 6264, VACAVILLE, CA 95696
Ok so the Atlantic & others have been reporting that Substack is a platform that refuses to censor, and worse than 4Chan. You know, "Nazi" type behavior - free speech, anti-war, and (gasp) anti-vaxxers.
So some folks (likely from the left) are subscribing to certain Stacks, then reporting the charge as fraudulent, to try to jam up the payment processing, or even get people kicked off Substack.
I am sorry to hear you’re going thru such a hard time. I hope it improves especially on the income end. Let me know if it becomes critical. Your writing ✍️ is phenomenal (not to mention your constant struggle with the hand you’ve been dealt).
Much love (mucho encantar)
from Mexico 💜.