Notice how both parties ignore that electronic voting is PROPIETARY AND CLOSED SOURCE, meaning that it's not about hacking, but the freaking company that made the software can easily rig counts without a trace.

No, instead you got pundits crying about mail in ballots, hacking, and illegals.

Idiotic, perhaps by design.

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This is Clint Curtis' whistleblower testimony regarding rigged voting machine that he was asked to create in Florida during 2000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Clinton_%E2%80%9CClint%E2%80%9D_Curtis

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"However, probably the most insidious entity that meddles in the elections in the US is Israel—ensuring that almost 100% of elected officials routinely vote for more foreign aid to Israel, a country that has more social programs for their citizens than we have here in the U.S. Also, this guarantees that Israel’s crimes against the people of Palestine are never properly addressed." This may be the single most important element in many ways in our s-elections and explains the love of Zionism in this country and the influence pro Israel voters and wannabee presidents have on the rest of us. Of course any candidate who did not support Zionism would NOT have a chance in hell, eh? So perhaps a candidate genuinely criticizing Zionism and the US monetary and missile support of Israel calling them out as a "Bully Democracy" - would be a very interesting election. Has any candidate in the last 50 years ever not supported Israel? (Excellent fluent and hard hitting article Cindy)

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thanks, Jo!



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As far as I know, Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that has at least not given unequivocal support to Israel. And he even had the guts to criticize AIPAC. Here's an article about him from the 2020 campaign:


Here's a part of the article:

Brennan: “Do you see a political cost in taking on the pro-Israel lobby in this way (referring to Sanders saying AIPAC gives a platform to bigotry)?”

Sanders: “Yeah, I do. I mean, they have a lot of money. They have a lot of power. Look, I'm Jewish and I'm very proud of my Jewish heritage. As a kid, I spent time in Israel. I am not in- anti-Israel. I will do everything I can to protect the independence and the security and the freedom of the Israeli people. But what we need in this country is a foreign policy that not only protects Israel but deals with the suffering of the Palestinian people as well. You've got 70 percent youth unemployment in Gaza. People can't even leave that district, that area, major, major crises. It is not sustainable that we continued conflict in the Middle East until the United States develops an even-handed policy.... So, I am pro-Israel. I am pro-Palestinian. I want to bring people together to finally achieve peace in that region.” (“Face the Nation,” March 1, 2020)

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Never going to happen. Why? Arabs and Jews hate each other for the most part. And for that you need a magic baton....those tribal rivalries are in the DNA...we hate what we are...

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When we lived in NJ, every time I'd go to the polls to vote in the local elections (only, and non partisan - mostly to get RID of the corrupt mayor and his council), I would see my mother-in-law's name in the book. I would point out number one, she never lived in this town, and number two, she's dead! Dead I tell you! She died years ago, I'd say! day, To this day, I wonder if she "voted" in the 2020 election. Sounds about right here in America.

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I wonder what the proportion of dead people to live people actually vote?

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Great list! I would add the restrictive nature of debates, which exclude other candidates with perspectives outside of the prescribed, manufactured consent lanes: e.g., banning Ralph Nader from even being in the auditorium here in St Louis back in 2000, an election that proved the old adage that "every vote counts," but only if it is "Supreme." I thought about Obama for a minute back in 2008, but realized that he was just another MIC(k-e-y) candidate, so I decided not to waste my vote in that direction. The clueless "lesser of two evils" argument might be added as well, as if there were degrees of evil, like would you rather be on the first or the ninth ring of Dante's Inferno; either way, you're still in Hell...

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And the time Jill Stein, the Green presidential candidate was actually detained in 2012 and held tied to a chair during the presidential debate she wanted to attend! Not hearsay; she said so in person to me and others.

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Yes, I definitely believe Tyrant Biden was installed in 2020 by VOTER FRAUD in specific states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In Florida, we only have PAPER BALLOTS (however they are scanned by machines). There is a paper trail in case of recount purposes. There are no mass mail-in ballots and absentee ballots are on request only. Imho, the FL general election Presidential vote has gone exactly the way it has been predicted to go AFTER the Bush/Florida debacle:

Obama won FLORIDA in 2008 and 2012.

Trump won FLORIDA in 2016 and 2020. Florida in 2020 was not even close, Trump had almost 400,000 more Florida votes than Biden. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_elections_in_Florida

This is Clint Curtis' whistleblower testimony regarding rigged voting machine that he was asked to create in Florida during 2000. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Clinton_%E2%80%9CClint%E2%80%9D_Curtis

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#2. Voter ID Laws

I am all for Voter ID Laws, however they should be FREE for all voters 18 and older.

Florida requires it and I bought my disabled son a Florida ID since he does not drive.

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The only thing we have to remember is that not everyone has the same circumstances as we do. I am sure a birth certificate is required. I, a pretty competent person, recently had to request my marriage certificate from L.A. County---it took every bit of "21 working days" plus a few more AND cost me about $56 dollars. I had to upload a picture of my driver's license AND get a paper NOTARIZED (another $10) and upload it before I could even apply for the certificate.

Your son is lucky to have you, but there are countless number of people that would have a hard time with all of the rigamarole.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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I hear ya, had to go through a lot of rigamarole too to get my current Florida Driver's License too (something about a new Homeland Security law or something like that?). I understand because driving is a "privilege".

If they could make a voter ID for FREE the same day as you register to vote in your district, that should nip the problem in the bud... maybe.

I mean, I LOVE John F Kennedy, still my favorite president in my lifetime!

Apparently "dead folks" loved him too ;o)

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I pluck for the revolution. The extremely loud noise bombs make me very angry, to put it mildly.

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If the Republic survives, election reform will be a major necessity. I would think that the Constitutional Convention process ( now occurring ) should be used - but time is ( has ) run out. However, I have no faith in any political process these days. 1776.

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I had not heard this story. I voted for Jill Stein in both 2012 and 2016. Hillary rewarded Stein for her due diligence in raising funds to challenge the vote counts in Pennsylvania and Michigan after the fishy 2016 election by calling her a "Russian asset." I don't have the receipts, but I think Hillary cast a vote for Trump in '16 while wearing a Vladimir Putin disguise...

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A bit off the primary topic: Instead re the cat foto. My brother and sil have learned how to accustom their cats to this odd occasional, seemingly national behavior--namely, fireworks. When they view a flick on the telly with cats present, they crank up the audio's volume quite a bit. Bad for their own hearing but makes for a better cat world. BB

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Thanks for this concise and useful summary of the corruption of representative deMOCKracy when it comes to electoral and party politricks. Of course, when it comes to anything corrupted by power, there's always more to add, since ruling elites never rest from research and development of ever new means of engineering subject populations into corners, where whatever we 'choose' we lose. And even with the additions, one's only begun to enter, as with the rigged rituals of voting, the vast Kafkaesque mazes of political bureaucracy which protect the essential law of rule in its naked exercise under the rule of law, ever elaborating more ifs, ands, and buts to clothe the emperor, and how we live under the butt of empire.

It's the (taken-for-granted?) persistence of these and other corrupt practices which again strikes me here. I remember much similar criticism of establishment politics all the way back to grade school civics courses, as the civil rights era exposed again, for a while, corruption like gerrymandering and all the constitutional reconstructions of separate but equal. I also recall having retained enough original naivete of childhood at the time to wonder why we the people were having to fight so much for rights we supposedly already had thanks to our founding fathers (and their constitutional coup).

I decidedly remained a misfit within the System the more I learned about it from the underside of history, where the same old shit keeps settling in all sorts of ever revised ways due to our continuing condition as no more than resources for the machinery of production, not least reproduction of social relations of rank and chains of command serving a pyramid of power, extending beyond political governance to virtually every institutional occupation of our lives dispossessing us of agency and autonomy over them.

Why, for instance, anyone would say we live in a democracy when we spend most of our lives in wage slavery for private tyrannies exploiting our labor for bosses' profits has long puzzled me, or my unrealistic naivete. Maybe such ideological illusion in the land of the free reveals "the invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country" (Bernays) and all the hidden persuaders employed to propagandize and program us. It certainly recalls how just doing one's job defines the "banality of evil" (Hannah Arendt) for every cog in the machine.

We're now living in a time of revolution from the top down to totally overhaul human society in the image of the machine, to the point of no return to anything resembling our species' being before the deluge. The present coordination and consolidation of governance within a global matrix ultimately means our kind will simply cease to be if the psychopathy of power over the masses of us as mere means for the ends of the few is not fought. No established politics or institutionalized governance can be trusted and turned to as refuge from the war waged on us because these centers of power form the front lines of the advance of a fascist corporate state coming home to roost with a vengeance, visiting mass murder upon us on a potentially unprecedented scale.

If we're to have a revolution from below, everything must be reimagined and remade with our own radical reset of social relations from the ground up, recovering the roots of who we are where we live every day by reclaiming the communal basis of our common humanity, shared in self-governing associations of direct democracy and mutual aid and respect for our fundamental equality, free of the corruption and organized crime of class rule.

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Jul 3, 2023
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Thanks for posting a link to this perfect parody. ❤

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