Great points, Cindy. Everyone has a "right to exist." The problems begin when you displace others from their land in order to "exist." RFK, Jr.'s comments were surprising and very disappointing. One of the few good things about the "Woke" Left is that many of them openly condemn Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. It wouldn't even have been controversial to tactfully say that. And then to follow it up by holding an Israeli flag in a pro-Israeli march? Not exactly a profile in courage. Thanks!

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I think there is more at stake for him than we know on this....there is no way he would openly not stand by Israel. The culture he lives in, his wife and friends, his need to be balanced, his right to life. WHO ELSE came out with factual books against Big Pharma, Don? Heavily researched work? Who else is called mentally ill for doing so? Who else has put his or her life on the line by running for president given the family history? Netanyahu and his group are the enemy. Not Israel itself. There are many Jewish people deeply disturbed by the slaughter of Palestinians. I won't throw out the baby with the bathwater....not when so much is at stake in public health, for myself, for you, for Cindy and most important for CHILDREN which is what his entire life has been about. CHILDREN....of everyone....not just children of the Palestinians.

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Most children in the west don't have to struggle under brutal occupation, as well as the other issues that all children have. That's not a fair comparison, imo.

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I am not in favor of throwing Palestinians under the bus again---they always get the shaft. I am not disputing the good things RFK Jr has done with CHD---I applaud him for those efforts. As Don points out, he does not have to be rabidly pro-Israel to run a campaign. He chooses to. Also, my substack thread is not the place to adjudicate beefs from other threads. I love you and I also think Don has a lot of credibility on many subjects.

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He does...but the guy I referenced is dangerous imo....but sorry you are right...I should have messaged Don privately about the troll

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I think Bobby is generally courageous. I've been accused of a being a fan boy. He and I have the same primary publisher. He has at least some of my books. His book on Fauci was great. My new book, "Masking the Truth," which features a nice blurb from Cindy and a Foreword by Sherri Tenpenny, is the first to tell the entire story about COVID. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1312529385/ref=x_gr_bb_amazon?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_bb_amazon-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1312529385&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

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I have to agree, but I'm doing the hold my nose thing anyway to vote for him in the primary. If/when he doesn't win that, it REALLY gets thorny, including the Israel issue. The DemoCrips are out. RFK Jr. didn't push moving the Israeli capital or embed his son-in-law there. Most here are probably aware of DeSantis's resume in practically everything to do with foreign policy, including Israel. Yet these are the only majors who fought the covid fascism to any extent. On another semantic note, I've always thought Arabs are Semites, probably in the largest number. Has that term been coopted?

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I'm with you, Howard. It's the first thing he's said that really gave me pause. I have no confidence that they really count the votes, but if I vote for anyone, it will be for him. Thanks.

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I also did not like it when he called Joe Biden a "great friend" or when he endorsed war criminals like Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Biden---or when he said that people who don't believe in climate change should be "locked up." As a rightwing Democrat, he give me a lot of pause. I can't hold my nose hard enough to register in the war party, or vote for him. I'd need an industrial clamp.

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Lol. Yes, I mentioned some of this to Sherri Tenpenny on my show last week. I suggested that he really needs to explain the locking up Climate Change "deniers" comment. Actually, he needs to take it back, and explain that it was a rash comment, and his views have changed. Unless they haven't, which is a really big problem. She said she would try to mention this to him. He did support Hillary three times, which is very troubling, to say the least. Thanks!

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He’s got one foot in and one foot out. We can call him the hokey pokey candidate. I’m looking forward to

the nuclear holocaust descending daily upon us while we all debate who to vote for in the as usual sham election.

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I dunno about the question of nations rights to exist. I dont really understand the question. Im obviously against occupations. But one of my favorite things about Ireland (and the faves are quickly disappearing) is that you'd be hard pressed to find a flag over here. Even beautiful tri-colours are rare. You'd see county flags during friendly sports competitions but thats about it. Its refreshing compared to insane America where there is a huge US flag every 10ft across the entire country as if ppl dont even know and have to be constantly reminded what fucking country they live in. Never owned a US flag in my life over there.

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yep---I am also researching and trying to understand the "right to exist" question, that's why I wrote this.

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I agree. It's a way of declaring domination. The issue with Ireland from the last time I visited was the Catholic Church next to every pub. In a way that is their flag...it dominates and permeates everything...and personally the Catholic Church is imo a hateful, discriminatory, sexist, racist institution that supported Nazis. So why would the Irish allow it to dominate visually...????

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colonized people (like Mexicans) who were "converted or killed."

Ireland is a much more secular state than the US is, in my experience. Most Irish I know agree with you on the Catholic Church---first they had to defeat the British and the North is still under dominion of both.

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The church is not the problem currently. It permeates little these days. The EU is the problem now along with the WEF and WHO. (In terms of outsiders that is)

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Good point

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The entire notion of "rights" is nonsense. It's not anywhere in the Bible or other scriptures. God talks about our duties, not our "rights". "Rights" were invented by aristocrats and further expanded by the terrorists of the French and US revolutions. The history of "rights" is consistently bad. Courts always use "rights' to grant special privileges to aristocrats, above and beyond the privileges already given by their class,

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great points

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I wrote and performed an Open Mic piece called "Everyone's a Palestinian" a few years ago. From my perspective, approaching everyone as a "Palestinian" kind of annihilates hierarchical biases and that sort of thing. Not being a racist is so easy, more people should try it. Really good column, by the way. What is a State? Not to go overlong here, but I will say that there is no such thing as a "State of Nature"; the so-called "State of Nature" was invented by sycophantic political philosopher Think Tank types to justify their tyrannical Overlords and imperious bureaucracies. Not sure what RFK Jr is thinking, but he seems to be serious about running, and AIPAC's just another "Brick in the Wall," so to speak...

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Just a quick response as I have A LOT to say on the subject of Israel-Palestine but for now...NO pretender to the throne (ie challenger for the Presidency of the US) will get ANY traction unless they are seen rallying around the Israeli flag and kowtowing to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee aka US Zioni$t Central). RFK jr is only doing what has to be done. Shameful.

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Very shameful and shameless

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It's actually kind of ridiculous to me. He should know full well that he will not be President. That would NEVER be permitted in our precious "democracy." So why is he playing these political games? He should be getting the unvarnished truth out wherever and whenever possible. He's alienating those of us who value the truth!

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I agree---if you're a renegade candidate, then you should act like one!

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Unfortunately, RFK Jr. has come out as a strong supporter if Israel. Dam it all to hell.

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Thank you Cindy.

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My two cents: Cindy, I agree with your axiom: "in general, every nation has a right to exist without interfering with the existence of other nations". In context I think the argument is framed more accurately stated this way: The Palestinians should recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, and vise versa, of course. The "right to exist" is said to be an attribute of nations. According to an essay by the 19th-century French philosopher Ernest Renan, any state has the right to exist when individuals are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the community it represents. An important question in my view is do the citizens of any nation have the right to defend themselves should they be invaded by another and if so to what degree? Humans have inalienable rights but are governed by states rights. I remain unclear as to how one would separate those rights should any country be deemed to not have the overall "right to exist". Fun fact: On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.

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Cindy, I invite you to read this Dr. Michael Rydelnik: https://www.chosenpeople.com/is-the-modern-state-of-israel-2/

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I’m sorry but biblical prophecies are irrelevant to me, or this question. Thanks

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Question: who decides if something is a "nation"? What is the definition of "nation"? i.e. I am going to state that the property upon which I live and have lived for a quarter of a century is my own territorial state within the United States. Why is that not ok? Or is it ok? What is the actual definition of a nation? ......Israel does have a right to exist as it has always existed. Palestine has a right to exist as it has always existed. Hmmm...so where is the boundary of these nations? And how far back in history do we have to go? It seems to me the biggest bully decides boundaries...in fact, isn't that what has always happened throughout history? We should simply call Israel and the USA the bully states. And I declare my home and property Joanna State. On another equally ludicrous note, RFK Jr...I was rather surprised at this stance but then his wife had a hisssy fit when he connected the Plandemic with the Holocaust, remember? His wife is Jewish, correct? A Hollywood actress and a good one who wants and needs to maintain her popularity. It appears Mr. Kennedy loves and needs her particularly after his previous experience and tragic loss, correct? I suppose he still wants to stay in this current marriage.... right? He's human. He's flawed. And remember a lawyer/politician will do what it takes to get in power...that is the nature of the game....here is what I know as a volunteer woman on his campaign. He is the only one of prominence who went after Big Pharma, Fauci and the destruction of society with any fervor and with hard work and FACTS. So no matter his flaws and we all have them, he is getting my vote in the primary. Incidentally, anyone out there must declare themselves a Democrat ---- ugh I know -------to be able to vote in primary....so I held my nose and took some gag prevention meds and just re-registered as a Democrat because I think RFK Jr is our only hope...simply because he is a Kennedy.

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He seems to be literally living in two worlds.

One is the reality-based where he knows perfectly well what is going on and who is making all the diabolical decisions for the rest of us. He's smart and has risked a lot to tell the truth.

The other is the fantasy world of Hollywood, Hyannisport and all the privileges that come along with it. He can't seem to give that up.

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Great observation

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It’s not a fantasy world. It’s a huge business world with very powerful people controlling the narrative. Some of them evil and some of them heroic. As far as the Cape where I grew up the same is true to a lesser extent. It’s the hideout for some and a working class area for the support staff

He is between two worlds. He

loves his wife and kids. He doesn’t want to jeopardize that. In the end family is all we have. One thing I resonate with re RFK Jr is

loyalty to his family. Loyalty. Fealty. Love. Maybe he has mixed feelings about Israel. He’s entitled to feel however he feels. You don’t like him? Don’t support him. You like him more than Trump or deSantis or Biden or Michelle Obama? Support him. It’s not rocket science. He’s either in or out. I’m 100 percent on his side Palestine and all.

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I will support him when as he is telling the truth, not when he is trying to placate his Hollywood friends and wife. (BTW, she isn't Jewish) Sounds like a sad, superficial relationship to me.

Of course he will not be allowed to be president. I would think he would realize by now that the president isn't in charge of ANYTHING. The only positive thing about his campaign is his ability to speak to the American people about all the lies and deceit we are subjected to everyday. If his ego is getting in the way of that and he is thinking of becoming part of the "system" after all, his cause will be tainted forever.

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As you know, I was never joining the war party to vote for RFK, but this stance confirmed it for me.

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It's troubling I agree...but then he is not anti-Semitic and he wants people to know that. There are many white Catholic/Christian males who are. There are hateful anti semites blaming Jewish people for where we are now...when it is actually men like Bill Gates (non Jewish); Klaus Schwab (Nazi legacy); Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton (non Jewish); so on this we disagree respectfully. I won't go against Israel either. I will go against their leaders like Netanyahu who is racist. I am opposed to all forms of bigotry and hatred but especially opposed to anti-Semitism by Christians. Anti semites claim that the Jews killed Jesus but in fact it was the Romans who did....and a rogue group of rabbis....who hated him....I see things from both sides....and I will stand with anti Semitism every time...so RFK Jr knows exactly what he is doing....and he is perhaps the only one out there who does....remember his legacy....

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Being against the apartheid, colonial state of Israel doesn't make a person anti-semitic. Also, Palestinians are semites---most Jewish settlers are not. I am not getting into RFK Jr with you, anymore. As I have said, I don't give two shits who anyone votes for, but I can also state my own opinions. US elections are sham and even if RFK Jr wins every primary, the DNC can still give the nomination to Biden.

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Biden is sick in many ways. They will remove him and put someone in his place is my bet. Harris? There is talk about Michelle. But yeah it is true the bankers and the oligarchs will never permit RFK Jr unless he compromises himself. Don’t all politicians compromise themselves? He chose Kucinich. That’s hopeful. I’m beginning to think we are doomed. And it’s our collective fault. Not any one person. But i’m old and will be dead soon enough. I’d like to live out the rest of my time in an old renovated farm house writing and growing food back in New England. With my family.

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A nation, I think, is just a useful word for a political community within (so far) a geographic area. The "nation" has acquired a special legal and political status under international law through centuries of historical development, which solidifies its legitimacy as a "base-level", inviolable political community, but it does not have that status in the first instance just by virtue of being a "nation". So, if the question is whether a nation has a right to exist then I think its mystical properties emanating from its special form should be discarded at the outset before seeking to answer the question. In turn, I think the discarding means that the question becomes, does a voluntary political community have a right to exist? The answer to that question is an obvious yes, provided it doesn't infringe on other political communities or become involuntary internally (this is very similar to your "yes and no" answer). The trouble is, what is a voluntary political community? That's hard to answer, and it also can be hard to know when a voluntary political community becomes involuntary internally to its own constituents and externally to other voluntary political communities. But it's pretty obvious in the case of Israel that that country is not a voluntary political community vis-a-vis the Palestinians.

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FYI the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917. This was in the works WAY before the Holocaust.

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