Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

In the case of Russell Brand, I have considered the defendant innocent until proven guilty ever since the so-called "#MeToo Movement". Imho, #MeToo unfortunately ruined it for genuine rape victims. I literally do not believe most rapes and sexual harassment in political/famous news UNLESS there is evidence. But when notoriously timed 'victims' come out of the woodwork years even decades later, usually for MSM notoriety and/or money in civil lawsuits, I immediately shutdown and say "please, not again during a campaign or against famous person". It waters down the real rape and sexual harassment cases of real victims of non-political not-famous predator men (and predator women in some cases).

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Good points.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I started thinking this way before #MeToo, because of Julian Assange.

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VERY good point.

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He's innocent. They are going after him because he is telling the truth. He may have flirted relentlessly but I truly doubt he sexually assaulted them. Call it an instinct.

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It's sad that these trumped-up cases (pun intended) ruin it for ordinary citizens who file police reports and you never hear about it because there is no million dollar litigation. And most actual victims do not want MSM attention, heck, some do not even want to be witnesses in court!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFK is rich. He can afford the best private security, which is better than official security. Official bodyguards have a long history of killing the ruler under command of rival rulers, or taking a break at the correct time to allow "lone gunmen" to take out the ruler.

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Can't argue with your assessment.

I have been involved in 3 campaigns for office as a candidate--even though I have never been rich, or even well off, it is very financially draining as a candidate. I couldn't get paid by my campaign, and I also couldn't work because I was campaigning. It's only for rich people.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Wow, you definitely should've had Secret Service running with Roseanne Barr as President. She is more well-known than many running today! Anyone who is willing to file and run for President/VP should have SS protection. The system should protect all presidential candidates equally. It should not just be for the "viable" candidates. Who decides who is viable before the voting is counted? No candidate is viable until they WIN!

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I actually had some very good interactions with the SS. One even asked me out on a date. Lol. I still don’t trust them much. Look, they are covering up who brought cocaine into the WhotecHpusr

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You're reminding me of Craig bartmer who stay at my place for a couple of weeks when he came out here to work with/for you.

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He's rich? How do we know that? The majority of the Kennedy's have cut him off. And why should he use his own money? I disagree. He is an American citizen and should DEMAND what every citizen has the right to...protection of life and limb under the law.

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He's worth over 50 million dollars.

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He still should NOT have to use his own money. End of story....you may not like his grandfather or his wealth or his voice or his wife or his stand on Israel but THIS IS WHAT HE IS ABOUT:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgX4FJU1Gys

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Providing good security could make a big dent into even $50M. Housing and food must be supplied in addition to significant wages; in a year that would add up to serious money. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Kennedy, they should view this as an egrious abuse of power.

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He shouldn't have to hire anyone. The government needs to actually do its job. And the so called presidente under the thumb (willingly) of the Deep State along with his idiot VP would like nothing more than seeing Kennedy run screaming with fear. This was imo more than likely engineered by the Deep State to freak RFK Jr out so he would back out, so Cheryl his wife will put pressure on him to drop out for their "family"...since she dropped out once before in the beginning. RFK Jr needs to get a group of political activists surrounding him at all times, drop out of the Democratic Party and run with the Greens or form a new party...and get tough. He has the muscle. He needs to STOP being a nice guy and go after his enemies and the enemies of this country with all the passion his father showed. Then if he is murdered it will be clear who are the Evildoers....in our lovely country. This is not the 1960's...people still had a tad bit of common sense then and were willing to march in hundreds of thousands for justice. We are now in the US of Cowards, Liars, Lunatics and Creeps...and the majority of them reside in Washington DC.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I think he feels a loyalty to the Democrats, even though it is NOT even close to the party of his father and uncle.

I certainly don't want him to die to prove anything. Most of us are aware of who THEY are (The Hierarchy Exploiting You). Unfortunately, only a portion of them are in the District if Corruption. They are in the boardrooms of every major corporation, the ivy covered walls of academia, the lying media, Hollywood, and every large institution world-wide.

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Agree. I did a show a few days ago where my guest called Bobs a “Judas Goat” betraying people and leading them to slaughter.

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I certainly wouldn't trust the Secret Service after they failed miserably to protect JFK.

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It seems at every turn the Bidenites do the wrong thing, with one mean authoritarian streak. Apparently providing SS detail to RFK Jr would lend legitimacy to his run, yet the Biden Team's acting like no else is running besides Trump, who they trying to throw in jail in true Banana Republican fashion. Also the most pro-Censorship regime in recent memory.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The Neanderthal, George Wallace, received Secret Service protection. Enough said.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Unfortunately it did not work for him. Arthur Bremer put George Wallace in a wheelchair.

Bremer's brother, William, ran a fraud scheme in my hometown Hialeah, FL


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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I guess they gave him the third string. But that wasn't my point.

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Yes, I know, But I do wonder if Secret Service is worth it for a Kennedy?

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You very well could be right, but he's correct for making a stink IMO.

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◾Popular anti establishment communicator Russel Brand has suddenly been acused of a series of different sexual assaults to different women years ago, every allegation is anonymous and all of them have apparently been collected for the same media company, from different women who didn't knew each other, but who by coincidence all of them contacted the same journalists around the same time to talk about a similar issue?

- just remember what happened to Julian Assange and how the accusations eventually dropped in 2019:

- Assange faced a rape allegation stemming from 2010, but prosecutors decided that, while the Swedish complainant was credible and evidence reliable, her memory of the night in question had faded and there was limited corroborative evidence available.



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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

And allegations against Julian Assange just happened to come about AFTER his famous Wikileaks published leaked materials from war whistleblower Chelsea Manning

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I was at that event in LA's Mid-Wilshire area... The .guy didn't get in, because RFK Jr. has hired a private version of the Secret Service, at great cost to his campaign. Also one of the local Health Freedom Movement activists spotted the guy, and then 'dimed him off'.

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Thank God, sounds like the activist is the real hero!

Much appreciation for your eyewitness account

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Congratulations on the fun first birthday and enjoy in many more.

Regarding RFK,Jr & SS protection.

1) Either the Kennedy campaign staged the event to highlight the Biden Whorehouse rejection of its request for the same protections afforded to other top-tier candidates;

or 2) The Machine wanted to throw a scare into Bobby - we know where you live...your grandkids, too;

3) or, it really was A Lone Gunman.

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Thanks, Dave!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The "staging" has been alluded to in other comments online. No way it was staged, the perpetrator was actually caught and arrested with the guns and ammo while impersonating a US Marshall. This guy is going to do some real time in the big house.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

You're right. Who could possibly believe that this was orchestrated by the Producers of this season's Political Theater?

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Sarcastic much, lol?! Not me. MSM would have already swallowed and spit out RFKjr in a hot minute.

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This is brilliant Cindy! Thank you!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I read somewhere that Newscum can't run because he has severe dyslexia and can't read speeches... Anyone else hear that? Just curious.

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Hmmmmm. Never heard even whispers of that. I would not be surprised.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

No comments about Nancy yet? Why does she even run again? Who ever votes for her?!

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Working on it. I am just one person

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Lol, I mean from the Peanut Gallery (the rest of us).

You already wrote about Garbage Pelosi.

I consider lack of interest in her a good sign!

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I actually writing a piece about it though

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Do they do cupcakes anymore?

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No. Cupcakes are extinct.

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Thank you for your common sense take on these weighty matters. In regards to WHO will kill WHO let us focus on WHO needs to be killed... and they ain't human. What we need is a gadget that measures the puppets to see if they are actually humans? If they pass the human test then they need to be forgiven and reminded that they are human, if they are not human well, we need to incarcerate them and figure out how to get them to leave their shells or costumes and return to their home planets or go back underground from whence they came. BTW is RFK JR a Zionist? Is being a Zionist a good thing? Is Israel an Apartheid state? How did the Kennedy Family make their fortune? Has anyone ever seen this: https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=NoneDare&C=0.3

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Yes, RFK jr is a Zionist; No, being a Zionist is NOT a good thing; yes, Israel is an apartheid state; and the Kennedy family were/are Irish mobsters. Joseph Kennedy was a monster. I have written about these things, as well.

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I completely disagree that Joe Kennedy the dad was a "monster". If he was a monster all the people who came to the US from Ireland and Italy and Russia with dreams of becoming someone were monsters. He was a driven ruthless CAPITALIST intent on raising his sons for a dynasty. He gave us the last TRUE president. His oldest Joe was killed in the great war. His remaining sons except for Theodore were all killed in public office. He did what he believed in: MONEY, POWER and LEGACY. Those were the values then. What are our values now? Beam me back to 1960 if you think we are better off now than then. I was born in 1950 in Massachusetts. I saw with my own eyes and felt with my own heart. And I do not believe most of what has been written about either Joe or Honey Fitz were honest accounts.

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He had his own daughter institutionalized and wouldn't even allow her mother to visit her. I mean, you describe a monster, to me. "ruthless capitalist" He believed in "money, power, legacy." I mean, my oldest son was killed in a war and I don't think I went that way. How many people were crushed when he pursued all those things that you think are good and I think are very, very terrible? Because of what happened before, we are in this state. Greedy, power mad assholes are the cause of these problems, not me.

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Yes I agree with some of that. His own daughter was institutionalized. Yes, true. A big error on his part. But I do not agree he was greedy. He had a vision of an America with a strong working and middle class. What I know from my own life is we wouldn't even know one another if the working class kids like me were not able to pursue their dreams with the help of the state of Massachusetts and the Federal government. I was the first in my family to get as far as I have. Because of men like John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy....and their father. Maybe your family had bad breaks because you were born poor, working class and in California. I don't know. My family made me who I was and my mother in particular who was dirt poor listened to everything the Kennedy's said and instilled in me the values their father gave to them. We have very very different perceptions of the Kennedy's. I would lay my life down for Bobby. It's who I am and what I believe. You know I love and respect and support you....but there are differences. Joe Kennedy was not Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford or Vanderbilt..THEY WERE the assholes...and still are...Joe Kennedy was looked down upon and spit on because he was Irish. The Irish back then were called Niggers. Just like the Italians...

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Okay. But HE WAS THE ONE WHO INSTITUTIONALIZED HIS DAUGHTER. He was NOT a passive participant. It was a disgusting "error." Can you imagine? He did it so she wouldn't embarrass the family legacy. Then he wouldn't allow anyone to visit her. I have read accounts of her institutionalization and she was tortured. This is NOT the behavior of a good person, doing this to your family. Are you saying that because I grew up poor I am not as good as a Kennedy? I really don't get it. I never claimed they were as bad as the other Robber Barons, but that doesn't mean Joe was an angel.

I am not even sure having the values of a Kennedy is a great thing. I mean even Junior has a long history of drug abuse, philandering, and emotional abuse of a former spouse. Ted? Please. JFK and RFK and their multiple extra-marital affairs? Murder in the compound? The Kennedys instill "working-class" values, when they are members of the elite?

Yes, we do have diametrically opposed views of the Kennedys. Mine is based on historical evidence and the fact that most "ruthless capitalists" are responsible for the shithole we live in today. I love you, too, and I know I will never even be able to make a little dent in your hero worship. So, I am going to pull out the "agree to disagree" get out of jail free card on this one.

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I am laughing with ...not at your wisdom. It's not hero worship as much as it is being able to access a life I wanted because of the Kennedy's and the work they all did to help shift people from one class to another. I feel gratitude and loyalty to the Kennedy family. Remember I walked dressed up as a 10 foot giraffe in the Rose Kennedy Parade. I took a lot of abuse from little kids kicking me in the legs (which was actually my stomach) for that woman's birthday. So there's a fun beautiful history there just like the time I marched with you in Los Angeles to protest the Iraq War. You and RFK Jr are family to me. Your lives show courage and integrity. Joe Kennedy could be a bastard but he wasn't always a bastard. I think the mother had more of a negative impact on those boys than the father did frankly....but that's just an opinion...one more thing...every family has skeletons in their closet. I know mine does. And the family of its origin in terms of the time it happened try to cover it up. Your family has skeletons because every family has skeletons...and the institutionalization of Kathleen is theirs. Remember the time period again however...Joe Kennedy's entire goal in life was to make his son president....and he did. And thank goodness for that. Kathleen was the sacrificial lamb. Who was it in your clan? I know who it was in mine....

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

I have heard and read about this story for many years and there is far more to it. Doctors recommended that Rosemary Kennedy be lobotomized due to her mood swings and violent outbursts. They botched it and she became disabled as a result. That is why they had to put Rose into a group home. She was with nuns at Saint Coletta in Wisconsin for 60 years until her death. A difficult decision that all parents of adult disabled children must eventually face. It is true that she did not see her mother for 20 years. https://people.com/books/rosemary-kennedy-lobotomy-her-reunion-with-mother-rose/ Rosie was dearly loved for 23 years at home before the lobotomy. Blame Western medicine at the time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQnlLwhEGOM

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

As an Irish-American I grew up hearing all the stories, how my Grandfather "Barney" saw the signs "Irish Need NOT Apply" and how he fought with the unions. We were called "n****r turned inside out" back then. They were hard times and tough people who made it out of tenant slums. My family was blessed because my Grandpa had skills in the airlines that survived the Great Depression.

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My dad was an "Okie" "Oaky?" A poor white person whose family were literally pioneers from the earliest days of colonization. He and his next oldest sibling, a girl, took turns going to school because they shared a pair of shoes. Just because people are poor doesn't mean we are not skilled, hard workers. Sometimes because we aren't rich means we have ethics and morals.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

There's a great quote by Leo Tolstoy--“Take at hazard one-hundred children of several educated generations and one-hundred uneducated children of the people, and compare them in anything you please, in strength, in agility, in mind, in the ability to acquire knowledge, even in morality, and in all respects you are startled by the vast superiority on the side of the children of the uneducated.” Leo Tolstoy, Education and Children, 1862. True then, and in our lifetimes and maybe even true now although we've had decades of neoliberal propagandizing, which has affected working class too in this country.

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Please pardon my levity... it just dawned on me that this thread is starting to sound a tad like my favorite Monty Python skit, lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKHFZBUTA4k&t=1s

I had to listen to Mom and Dad competing with their Great Depression stories (North and South versions) for years. But when I was old enough to be able to talk back (the late teens) I finally let them have it: "You were Depression KIDS you had no problems! My grandparents were dealing with it, not you two!"

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

The Northeast was rough for immigrants who came through Ellis Island. Legal immigrants, to be sure, but they had lots of competition between them. The Irish/Italian feuds were infamous back then. My grandmother was damn lucky, she was a widow with two children when she met my Grandfather "Barney". He was the son of the woman who watched her kids while she worked. Even he and his brother had to spend time in an orphanage while his own widowed mother worked. That is probably why he married my widowed Grandmother with her two children (my Dad's half-siblings). I don't even want to think about what would have become of them had they not met each other.

The "mobs" back then were known to be survival for desperate families and against brutality of the reality of life in the Northeast tenements. I was lucky to have been in a Catholic family with values and skills, but I honestly do not judge the ones who had no other choice in those slums with so many families crammed into close quarters, disease, poverty, child labor, etc. I can certainly see how that would inspire the drive to get out.

It sure is ironic that Robert Kennedy, Attorney General, fought Jimmy Hoffa and the 'mob' during the1960s. Split loyalties for sure among Kennedy voting union members!

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RFK Jr has blind spots. He is not RFK or JFK and in fact I think he maybe somewhat off base in thinking this is the 1960's and we can return to THAT America. It is WAY past that now. But he does not deserve the way he is being treated if for nothing else than he wrote THE REAL DR. FAUCI..that piece of shit ( my editorial comment on Fauci, not the book)

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Yes, I agree. That’s what I said. Even though I don’t support his run for POTUS I also don’t want him to be murdered

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This sentiment is what is lacking, today. We can support someone, without liking them, for the good of progress. Sometimes, I think I should shut up, because I tend to rub people the wrong way. Who does that serve? I ain't giving in. Not sure how long I'll be on buttface, they're really screwing with me. They just removed a post of mine, for trying to generate false likes!!!! Won't tell me what post and no one likes my posts!!!!! Giggles I hope you're well!

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I am pretty good---I am happy off of buttfacebook myself.

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I know and miss ya!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I agree overall with your takes here on the Kennedy history (i.e., Joe Sr.), many warts and all, especially in the historical context. I might even exempt Ford from the Carnegie/Rockefeller/

Bankster group. He correctly saw the poisonous effects of totally "financializing" capitalism and respected the "productive value of labor" more than anyone in either "party" today. As for "supporting the Nazis," who didn't, according to the broad brushstroke standards that are used? And who wasn't mob connected? I also agree RFK Jr. is not in his father's league, let alone his uncle's.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I don't want to get in the middle of a family argument, but you both make valid points. IMO I think the Kennedy family has its warts, and old Joe was probably not a nice man, but he may have had some decent qualities. Most of what we know are from others, and I'm sure he had plenty of enemies. Both John and Robert were philandering men that felt entitled to do so. Those are character defects affecting a huge percentage of the population, male and female. Yet both had some redeeming qualities.

I think we need to stop putting our hopes and aspirations in humanity, and find principles to embrace. We better figure out ways to save ourselves and our families.

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I believe that a big black magic spell / trick has been played on us all, since the times of Sumer and probably beyond. It's the same kraft used by the ancients, handed down through the ages. Since the merger of the Italian mobs with the OSS during WWII, the mobs of the World have merged in self defense. Now they are all in alliance under the World Bank. We are a docile yet intelligent animal and again, until we recognize that we are inside a deception and WHO the power players are, we are deceived . The current awakening has been building since the late 1800s. It was heavily derailed in the 1970s and 1980s but it has returned with a vengeance. The Apocalypso is upon us and everyone's eyes are opening to varying degrees whether or not they are trying. How we use this energy is up to us. Follow the money all the way back.


We could start imagining a world without "THEM". What would that be like? Buy local act global. Support local art and music. Love thy neighbor. Ya know?

Let go

Breathe in

Feel the space

Judge not

Be open to learn

Ask for guidance from light

Be grateful

Move on.

Evil is not darkness.

Darkness is not Evil.

All souls, even evil ones, are made of light. All good souls have a dark spot within... JFK JR.

Evil is when one soul violates another soul’s free will or choice, on any or all levels of existence. No contract with the dark ones are valid if it denies free will, even if you knowingly entered into it. Cancel those contracts now. Be free.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/michaelarturo/p/rfk-jrs-assassination-scare?r=8k9o9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web This is Michael Arturo's substack. He is a terrific writer and actor. And I think the possibilities he gives in this for the assassination effort by the actor in the encounter are excellent and thought provoking and he delivers always with Black Humor.

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Sounds credible.

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Happy first Birthday Austin!!! Sending peace and hugs from Y-all-ville.

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