Thanks for sharing Cindy, and making the important point that not all of allopathic medicine is bad (although most of it is utterly wretched, which is partly why I retired from it ;-)

Early on in the covid scam I started trying to help folks find the few good doctors left, who now stuck out like a bullfrog on a pizza by virtue of their non-compliance.

They were easy to find, right there on the "bad boy lists" of the state medical boards. And now the best of the best are suing their state board, like the courageous ENT doc from my home town whose license was suspended for not requiring masks in his office! Like you, he's a fighter and was actually interviewed by Hannity at one point in his battle. So yes, there are good docs, but they are few and far between. Just gotta know where to look. So glad you were able to find them in your area.

And thanks for helping folks understand that not all specialties are equal. I think Surgery is the best example of one that still has good docs doing great things for their patients. And as you show, Ophthalmology is another one that has the requisite objectivity.

Best of luck with your vision and your visionary battle for freedom! 🤙🏻🤠

~~ Doc

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And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and for being willing to get on the "bad boys list" for all of us! I think you and Dr. Tausif are saints.

I am sorry that medicine has become one size fits all and that politicians can prescribe, or proscribe treatment for medical conditions. "My body, my choice" except if you want to not be poisoned. Ugh! It's a strange world we find ourselves in.

Peace, love, freedom


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Thanks Cindy, that means a lot coming from a patriot like you.

As we fight this epic battle for our freedom, medical and otherwise, it helps to know that truth is THE weapon we shall wield until we win. Or as George Washington put it, "Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light." Thanks again for shining your light so bright.

Keep firing Sister, it's hard to miss when you're directly over the target!

~~ Doc

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

wow! what a frightening experience. glad you're on the mend.

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It was extremely scary

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I heard good things about coq10 to speed healing of the eyes.

There was this Russian eye drop called visomitin which had it but I can't find now.

Here's a supplement that might help, or look for the coq10 eye drops...


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By the way, this is neither here, nor there, but, I have tried to supplement with coq10 in the past and it hasn't sat well with my system.

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Your body makes co q 10. Thanks. I am healing very well.

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

There’s some good stuff in that supplement. I’ll check it out.

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Glad to hear you're doing better, Cindy!

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And no one even knew I was not!

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Glad to hear (no pun intended) that the procedure worked. I have avoided Doctors--the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex-- like the plague my entire adult life, but there are clearly some conditions that what is labeled "alternative medicine" simply is not the answer. Unfortunately, the medical system, at least here in America, is predicated on "price gouging"--or "gauging" as Ka-mala has called it, misreading the teleprompter, or showing her unfamiliarity with the concept. Here's to a continued recovery without complication!

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

What a story! I almost had a panic attack just reading what happened to you. So sorry you had to go through it, but very glad your eye is going to be o.k. Take care!

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

glad you're healing up! I've also had weird vision stuff, and know it's very scary. So glad you avoided surgery--some doctors are actually doing what they should be doing!

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Wow! Glad to hear you caught it and had it taken care of! 💙💙💙

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I have Kaiser and love it. A year ago, I tripped up a set of stairs and broke my left tibia in 4 places. The bill was $32,000 by the time it was all over and my portion was $800. Thank God for their care. I'm so happy to hear you are doing well with the surgery on your eye.

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Hey Greta

I hope you are healing well I am sorry to hear your broke your tibia!!!!!!!

Correction: I did not have surgery. That is more complicated. I had a procedure in the doctor's office. I literally drove there, had the procedure, and drove home after I waited at the pharmacy for some prescription eye drops.

Kaiser is hit and miss. I have had it off and on since the 1970s.

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Glad you’re healing. Time is of the essence when it comes to retinal tears or detachments. I was able to pop in to my nearest optician and have my eye checked when I was experiencing floaters from a PVD. There’s a small risk of retinal tear when the vitreous detaches from the retina during “normal” aging. I hate doctors but these people were ok and they have sophisticated instruments to diagnose eye problems. So no real guesswork is involved.

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I think Dr. Tausif is a saint.

I wish he could be my GP...LOL...I always tell him I will write a positive YELP review and rec him for anyone with retina problems. He told me he loves his job. It's interesting and he gets to help people.

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exactly!! thanks!

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Your Eye for Peace is healing ! We send you the same energy! Keep on!

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

si tuvieras un sanidad publica de calidad, gratis para todo los ciudadanos y pagada con los impuestos no tendrias que andar mendigando dinero a tus congeneres. Pero no, eso es comunismo.

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Pero no estoy rogando, sólo pidiendo

que tengas un dia maravilloso.

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

same for you Cindy, nice to read you

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I read and understand spanish--just not so good at speaking or writing!

I used google translate for the 2nd and 3rd sentence, but they are sincere!

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

we are real even through thecnology means. Comunication is real. I´m writting from spain.

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Spain is so beautiful I had the opportunity to do some peace work there in 2005. I went to Madrid and Barcelona. Danced salsa one night until about 5am with some friends in Madrid. I wish I could have spent more time there!

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you can have a raid if you wish it. this subject of peace is so nedeed mainly at a personal and individual level because world is going crazy all the global world. Peace is a fundamental need for every human being like food, shelter and all the basics. And wars are not started for democtracy, defense o rights but for greed and inertia. I dont know if we can change that.

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