I highly recommend walking. Great for the overall health and especially lungs and heart. I enjoy looking at the birds and squirrels and trees while I walk and just thinking. Doesn't matter how far you go, just keep it up on a regular basis. I miss hiking the beautiful trails in the Bay Area, but still enjoy walking here in the Midwest.

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Yes, nature is the best medicine 🥰

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Amen. I've always walked and biked more than driving, but about 10 years ago I decided to walk EVERY DAY. It makes a terrific difference in mood and general health. Most walks are a half mile, with occasional one-milers

Exercise advisors insist on extreme and precise goals like 10,000 steps or "treadmill desks" or weightlifting, because those goals lead to selling equipment or courses.

People get the impression that you aren't exercising at all unless you meet the perfect standard, so they skip the whole thing.

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Right. I swim and walk. I use my resistance bands if I think of it. Walking to me is life. I would walk 20k steps a day if I had a lot of extra time. One day last week I did 18k. I do work towards a minimum of 10k because that’s where I feel best. After my 18k day, I only got 5k the next day. The key is being in tune with yourself,

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Thank you for the Kim Iversen/Anya Parampil clip; they are both wonderful voices of Reason and Common Sense. I would also recommend Sabby Sabs (Sabrina Salvati), who speaks to these issues with what I can only describe as an Aretha Franklin-like energy and eloquence.

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I walk almost everyday. I also have no health insurance and have not for a good number of years. I eat fermented veggies, that I easily make myself to keep my gut and immune system working optimally. After what has happened with COVID these last few years I have an increasing distrust of our current health care system. We can and need to also focus on our mental health to safeguard physical health.

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I haven't had a vehicle in 10 years, therefore walk everywhere unless I have a ride. Just moved 2 months ago into a "food desert" right smack dab in the middle of St Louis, so the nearest grocery store (or coffee shop) is 25 to 30 minutes away; in fact, just got back from a walk to the store. Sage advice, Cindy. As a golfer over the years (really haven't played much the last couple), I've always preferred to walk, which is by far the best way to enjoy the game, which I know turns a lot of folks off, and I'm no fan of the Golf sub-culture in general for all the reasons anyone who hates Golf can list, one of which I would add is that many golfers would never play the game if they had to walk. I think the Golf Cart Industry is tied to the MIC somehow (small joke). Sage advice, Cindy. Aristotle's academy was known as the "Peripatetic School"; Aristotle was an ass, but he was definitely an early advocate of Walking. Happy last day of calendar Summer everybody!

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I haven't had a vehicle for 17 years!

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Agree and it’s apparent that the DC crowd have completely lost their minds and are so far down the rabbit hole that they can’t figure out how to dig themselves out. Good grief Pelosi is running again, weird R are cheerleading to defund Ukraine? Listened to a dear friend wholeheartedly explain that our only hope is electing Trump back in office. Not wanting to destroy another lifelong friend I walked away in silence convinced it’s just a matter of time before we completely implode. What have we become?

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Walking helps one feel better in this crazy world we live in. Loved the video conversation with Kim and Anya. What are your thoughts about the border crisis in Texas, Cindy?

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Thanks, I don't know what to think because it is such a partisan fiasco and I don't know what is true/false on videos, etc. If what I am seeing is true, it's a humanitarian crisis. I see that sanctuary states are starting to rethink their status as billions of dollars are having to be spent on these migrants. No where in the discussion is the fact that in many of the countries represented at the border, decades of U.S. policies have wrecked and impoverished them.

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Good advice, I need to follow it now that the hot Florida summer is behind us.

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Great! It’s very hot here as well, but I go at like 539am when it’s too hot

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I need to learn to be an early bird too ;o)

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It seems the older I get the earlier I go to bed and get up,

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Wow would love to hear that I will look for it. This video is amazing. https://youtu.be/0k19cpPIlWQ?si=PKzRtL8fK9uD3wIT

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I’ll link it when I get a chance

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Thank you :)

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Thanks! Listening now

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This is great. Definitely need to do more walking. The three books by MLK’s friend William Pepper on his assassination are excellent, as is A Lie Too Bug to Fail by Lisa Pease. (My two most recent audiobook listens)

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I read one book by Dr Pepper and interviewed him once. About MLK

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My goodness: I'm 7 years behind!

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