What I got done was sending these five bullet points to the elongated muskrat's flunkies:

o The U.S. has been and remains a white supremacist state.

o The Constitution created checks and balances between the three branches of white supremacist government.

o Apartheid in the U.S. "justice" system still exists despite constitutional law.

o Israel is a project of the UK-U.S. to maintain an outpost of white supremacy in West Asia.

o Zionism is a particularly virulent form of white supremacy that carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.

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had a lovely visit with a friend whom I just happened to contact on the fly and who stopped by on her way from Michigan to Wisconsin. said goodbye to my feline friend Woody whom I looked after for a month for his Mom. kept warm. took out the garbage. kept warm. :)

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1. Cleaned out some 'files' that made me wonder...'Why do I have these?"

2. Sent a curious friend Allison Weir's 'Against Our Better Judgement: The Hidden History of How America Was Used to Create Israel' (highly recommend)

3. Practiced Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' on my ukulele (too slow)

4. Marveled at the chaotic 'new' Administration and the Musk Ketamine Stare

5. Subbed at the local senior center one day (wondered what it would be like to work from home).

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I watched a talk on youtube years ago with Allison Weir describing her new, at that time, book "Against Our Better Judgement".

I just happened upon the video. I had not thought much about the Israel/Palestine situation. Perhaps I found it after I watched James Corbett's documenatries about World War 1 when the Palestine/Isreal situation began.

I have never forgotten that talk by Weir. Thanks for the reminder.

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You’re welcome! I have shared that ‘little’ book many, many times. Allison has an excellent website and newsletter worth checking out. I don’t think she is on substack, now that I think about it. Some of us are late to this platform. I know I was. Cheers! www.ifamericansknew.org

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Thanks for the link!

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Can't think of anything. Have to voluntarily resign me.

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Ha, ha, ha, ha. Good'un, Cindy.

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I read your post today, oh boy...

This lame Musk homework assignment brought back the horrors of management "self help" training from my state worker days. These supposed cutting-edge programs and philosophies originated in what we called the "private sector". They then trickled down, or across, to federal bureaucracies; finally, the degraded and shopworn concepts were introduced in lowly state agencies, like hand-me-down clothing.

I admit that I generally retreated to my "happy space" instead of paying close attention when subjected to training of this kind, so I definitely wasn't interested in taking it seriously. For instance, I remember managers and stuporvisors* (* not misspelled) being very impressed with "Who Moved My Cheese?" If understood and practiced correctly, it would be transformative!

Trainees were supposed to get a copy of the book to accompany the training, but with our El Cheapo Deluxe version only managers got the book to gather dust on credenzas; we got photocopied excerpts. The training amounted to scolding line employees not to worry and fuss about their damned cheese all day, but to instead learn to love top-down changes and go with the flow. 🤔 🧀

I'm sure that Musk and especially Muskophiles superciliously laud the "list five accomplishments" exercise as a clever, even Zen-like, method of giving both management and employees a fresh perspective on their worth, etc. This might be barely plausible if it wasn't delivered with so many heavy-handed "or else!" threats and menacing implications.

This seemingly-straightforward directive is like being handed a loaded gun to point at one's head; spin the barrel five times and pull the trigger: Muskian Roulette. 🎰

It also brings to mind the classic "trust exercise" most of us have involuntarily performed in a workplace or classroom: pairing off, and then falling backwards in the expectation of being caught by one's partner. Perhaps by now, too many lawsuits from negative outcomes have curtailed this popular "team-building" stunt.

Even if an employee accepts the Musk challenge in good faith, it's obviously a loaded setup. If a reasonably conscientious government worker-- and yes, they do exist-- wanted to comply, the fearful desire or need to give "right" answers will contaminate the responses.

If one happened to be performing mundane, dull, and seemingly pointless functions last week, saying so would be risky. So workers would rack their brains to describe activity that would make them seem indispensable. Would you fall backwards upon the theory that your partner Musk would catch you? I wouldn't!

In short (ha!), even accepting the outrageous premise, it's impossible to respond in good faith. Oh, I'm sure that Genius Musk knows all this, and has some special Muskian five-dimensional chess logic that addresses it. I say once again "Bah!" "Humbug!" 😠

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OK! I will play!

1. Ordered a new dishwasher. Old one suffered from built in obsolescence.

2. Witnessed my son washing the insides of our windows for the first time in a year, despite being asked 8 months ago.

3. Saw sunshine for the first time in months. Almost thought it was a UFO.

4. Signed my Last Will and Testament. Left all my worldly goods to the local tip.

5. Began to read my new book “Dictionary of the Khazars” by Milorad Pavic.


New dishwasher installed and operational. I love to hear it purring away in the kitchen. There is nothing more satisfying that NOT having to do the washing up! 🧡💛💚

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Yeah, har har har, and soon you will be on Bill Israeli First Mahr.

Betty Bradley of Meals on Wheels Plus in Abilene is concerned the Big Country could be left wanting, depending on what happens in Washington, D.C.

One million less people fed.

Meals on Wheels is one of many services funded in Texas by Social Services Block Grant funds. They include Adult Protective Services, Child Protective Services, mental health services for adults and children and much more.

Ground Truth, man. I am a volunteer at senior center and drive for Meals on Wheels, plus I have full-time job, am a journalists, teacher, and shit dawg, radio show host on FM community radio station.


“If it hadn't been for a volunteer delivering her meal, it might have been days before anybody else found her,” Bradley said. “And her husband, because of the Alzheimer's, wouldn't have known to go looking for her.”


Yeah, 110 IQ Apartheid Racist South African Musk:

“It is cruel and disrespectful for federal employees to be forced to justify their job duties to this out-of-touch, privileged, unelected billionaire who has never performed one single hour of honest public service in his life.”

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