Paul Krugman is no good, at best a sniveling moralist with a degree in economics, which is a perfect background for being a New York Times columnist. These so-called economists never make the connection between our disastrous wars and the economy hitting the skids, like in 2007-09, which my spider sense tells me was at least partially caused by illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The War Machine's a spendy item, not that Paul Krugman would know anything about that.
Wow! Killer stuff, Cindy. And, IN ADDITION, I'm really believing the hurricane was engineered to begin with. People have never experienced or seen shit like this, where it drastically amplifies as it moves away from the ocean, and UPHILL inland into mountain areas. The "liberal" on the "Rising" clip is flat out frenetic, frantic.
It's interesting that most hurricane ravaged states during any hurricane season attack "red" states? It's not so much that they are engineered, but, states that regularly get slimed also vote Republican? Interesting to say the least!
I don't know. This guy worked in the 60s! Who knows what they're capable of now, and with what motivations? The red state thing COULD be a coincidence the way Vietnam was, i.e., they both historically ARE prone to the "climate extremes" to begin with, so that built-in "credibility" could make manipulating the processes easier to pull off there without many people questioning it.
Paul Krugman is no good, at best a sniveling moralist with a degree in economics, which is a perfect background for being a New York Times columnist. These so-called economists never make the connection between our disastrous wars and the economy hitting the skids, like in 2007-09, which my spider sense tells me was at least partially caused by illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The War Machine's a spendy item, not that Paul Krugman would know anything about that.
Wow! Killer stuff, Cindy. And, IN ADDITION, I'm really believing the hurricane was engineered to begin with. People have never experienced or seen shit like this, where it drastically amplifies as it moves away from the ocean, and UPHILL inland into mountain areas. The "liberal" on the "Rising" clip is flat out frenetic, frantic.
It's interesting that most hurricane ravaged states during any hurricane season attack "red" states? It's not so much that they are engineered, but, states that regularly get slimed also vote Republican? Interesting to say the least!
I don't know. This guy worked in the 60s! Who knows what they're capable of now, and with what motivations? The red state thing COULD be a coincidence the way Vietnam was, i.e., they both historically ARE prone to the "climate extremes" to begin with, so that built-in "credibility" could make manipulating the processes easier to pull off there without many people questioning it.
yes, I do expect the worst from them, but, we cannot prove a lot of their evil.
We can just suspect
Wage Peace and Justice. Jose Vega for President!
Thanks for the scum bucket videos -- incorp;orated in my latest fucking righteous rant!
thanks Cindy! the lies from the censoring and prpagandizing Democrat media/government/ Pharma complex are beyond odious.
Jose has MEGA-BALLS!