Just watchin the most recent freakshow over here. 🙄

“What is monarchy? From whence does it derive its sanction? What has been its gift to humanity? Monarchy is a survival of the tyranny imposed by the hand of greed and treachery upon the human race in the darkest and most ignorant days of our history. It derives its only sanction from the sword of the marauder, and the helplessness of the producer, and its gifts to humanity are unknown, save as they can be measured in the pernicious examples of triumphant and shameless iniquities.

Every class in society save royalty, and especially British royalty, has through some of its members contributed something to the elevation of the race. But neither in science, nor in art, nor in literature, nor in exploration, nor in mechanical invention, nor in humanising of laws, nor in any sphere of human activity has a representative of British royalty helped forward the moral, intellectual or material improvement of mankind. But that royal family has opposed every forward move, fought every reform, persecuted every patriot, and intrigued against every good cause. Slandering every friend of the people, it has befriended every oppressor. Eulogised today by misguided clerics, it has been notorious in history for the revolting nature of its crimes. Murder, treachery, adultery, incest, theft, perjury – every crime known to man has been committed by some one or other of the race of monarchs from whom the british crown is proud to trace descent”

~James Connolly

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Love James Connolly!

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So your power is limited to certain hours?


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We haven’t lost power because we have to severely limit it. Other places that n our town have.

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Regarding energy costs in general, I have seen comments in social media how Bidenflation is going to continue into Winter and the elderly, disabled and others on fixed incomes are not going to be able to afford heating costs :(

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Y’all are screwed on the West coast, sorry. Damn oligarchs!!

What’s your take on the British monarchy? African Americans are having a field day celebrating her demise.

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It was too hot to celebrate yesterday, but I concur with African Americans

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Watched and learned from the Black Revolution stream on YouTube. It was a great history lesson about the monarchy raping, kidnapping people, destroying their land and resources and stealing the Crown Jewels from Africa. If you’d like I’ll find the link. Hope you stay as cool physically as you are characteristically. ✌🏼❤️

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okay, thanks

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Impressed with these young men.

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I don't know much about PG&E except what you and Erin Brockovich tell me, and it is NOT a good contributing member of society at all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Brockovich#Pacific_Gas_&_Electric_litigation

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I interviewed her years ago

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oh I'd love to see that interview with you two together... if it is on video, please post it!

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