Great story.

I hope Cynthia McKinney makes a comeback after the regime collapses.

Hillary Clinton will never be the man that Michelle Obama is.

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Substack has (temporarily or permanently?) suspended my "like" ability without explanation, and I guess they thought that would shut me up.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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May 26·edited May 27Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Aw, come on now; anyone can be a 'man' these days.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

She actually is a PERFECT representative of the vile, corrupt system of "democracy" that is the USA...

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Demoncrazy in the USSA

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She has been a vile, evil creature since the day she was born.

I just watched a good short documentary on Libya before and after.

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SheDevilry has so many war crimes and crimes against humanity under her fupa, her father Satan is very proud of her.

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I couldn't have said it better myself! Have you ever seen the film Waco, rules of engagement? There's a good clip in it of genius Joe badgering the heck out of the survivors.

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Yes...it's a good film.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I voted for Jill Stein in 2016. I'm with you now, though. The Greens were terrible during the scamdemic. I'm not voting any more, except for maybe Steve Garvey!

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Me, too!! Garvey 2024! No Shitty Shift. Not voting for POTUS.

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Right on! Maybe Aaron Rogers can run for president.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I hope Ms. Clinton had a nice Mutha's Day.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Steve then gave me the my biggest reason to never support her or to even think of voting for her. “Mrs. Clinton will come out against the war when it is political advantageous for her to do so!!!”

That they would be so cold as to say this to a grieving mom speaks volumes. These are the types who rise through the ranks in this reverse meritocracy political dystopia farcically called Democracy.

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A lot of these idjits thought I could be bought....or I was as unprincipled as they are.

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I'm not going to name names, but I've met someone who cross-examined Hillary on Whitewater, and the verdict was guilty as sin. Hillary Clinton: no damn good!

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This a wonderful, first-hand, eyewitness account - of exactly what's wrong with Killary Clinton, Rob Reiner, and the DNCIA, Imperialist Democrats.

Killary and Victoria Nuland are like two rotten peas - spreading their decay, to the entire pod.

I was always a big fan Cynthia McKinney - since I first saw her arrive on Capitol Hill. I feel like she continually lives up to the standards I would set, for any activist or politician. She was targeted for removal from her Congressional seat - TWICE. After the first time, I was happy be able to assist her, in getting her message out to the left in LA, by doing some radio interviews and public events with her. She's truly a Gem. She's everything that Killary is not, and the system's disparate treatment of each of them, reflected this.

Thanks for writing this. Kudos to you and Cynthia - Gallows for Killary.

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Absolutely true! Hillary was a "Goldwater Girl" back in the day, and she never "left" the fold. Her "deplorables" were Romney's "47%," same people being trampled on by Big Government Lies, which means Wall Street Lies.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

She was kicked off of the legal team that was investigating Nixon for lying too much

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the irony!

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Good point!

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Hilarity Rotten Clintoon & her Podesta Epistein Spirit Cooking Demonic Rats

democRats and rinoRats alike.

However, I'm not a jousting at windmills libtard like I was voting for McGovern & Carter Or a conservative voting for Bush 2 or Smary Romney

We have All had Our journeys to arrive at this point, to then "Follow" Hilarity's quote "What Difference, At this point, Does it make?" ???

Never. So as you will, I will vote Trump, while knowing

si vis pacem para bellum

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vote for whomever you desire.

I never tell people what to do, or not do.

I just say what I am doing, or not doing.

As long as you are not hurting anyone, do as you will.

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I concur as far as voting, but There is unfortunately & sadly a Lot of Hurting Coming Our Way.

Just the # of ChiCom PLA men amongst the "Newcomers" is enough to subdue CA, especially with Gruesom as Gubernor.

That is not counting the Various Mex Cartels and Moosie Tourist infrastructure already In Place for a Decade, the "Newcomers" are merely filling out their ranks..

Larger cities are All democRat ruled and complicit/compliant, It's Rural vs Urban .... at Best.

We (allowed) wasted so many in useless foreign wars, When the Real War is Here protecting You/Me/We.

Perhaps that was their/them's plan all along, but The Results are Obvious........

and while mere condolences don't help, it's all that I can offer. Take care.

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do what you will, but, first, do no harm.

The hurting will inevitably come, but, goddess, please, don't allow me to be part of the hurting and do what I am able to help those who do hurt.

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and the Christians loved to be eaten by the Lions ….

I will endeavor to severly hurt anyone who attempts to harm me & mine.

Nothing “wrong” with being a conscientious objector.

The movie Hacksaw Ridge showed the nobility of a man in the midst of the carnage of War..

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and the Christians loved to be eaten by the Lions ….

I will endeavor to severly hurt anyone who attempts to harm me & mine.

Nothing “wrong” with being a conscientious objector.

The movie Hacksaw Ridge showed the nobility of a man in the midst of the carnage of War..

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Gavin Newcomers?

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Gruesom Newcomers ? spread everywhere in this USSA for ………???

You/Me/We KNOW “What”is coming.

si vis pacem, para bellum

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"Do as you will"

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Oh, I think that Hillary IS perfect! Perfectly abominable, that is. I began referring to Clnton as "The Empress-in-Waiting" in 2016.

In part, this was inspired by Bernie Sanders, whose supporters believed him to be an admirable old-school gentleman politician and Defender of the Little Constituent. He obsequiously deferred to the Empress at the 2016 DNC; in the process of kissing her feet, he left his most militant and dedicated True Believer supporters slowly twisting in the wind, and graciously encouraged his more tractable followers to jump on board the Imperial Bandwagon.

BTW, thanks to the miracle of cognitive dissonance, Bernie's appalling capitulation was hailed by die-hard devotees as a courageous demonstration of rare personal integrity, manifested in a resolve to honorably "keep his promise" to support the nominee. They also didn't see a problem with this "socialist" independent gadfly being rewarded with the sinecure of Democratic Party "Outreach Chairperson", of all things.

But I digress, as usual. The Empress obviously believed, and still believes, that she was ordained, or fated, to break the glass ceiling and triumphantly ascend an Oval Office Throne worn smooth by male asses. Besides the "We came, we saw, he died" er, quip, another of her most revealing moments was when she declined to perform the time-honored ritual of personally conceding to Trump when the election results were in.

The rumor is that she was simply too drunk to manage it. But even if it's true that she drank herself into oblivion on that fateful night, that's only a symptom of the traumatic massive righteous outrage and high dudgeon she felt because somehow defeat had been snatched from the jaws of destined victory.

To repeat a oft-expressed truism, The Empress has never taken personal responsibility for her loss, even to the extent of ruefully admitting that she could understand that voters, even "loyal Democrat" drones, might reasonably prefer another candidate to her. So, as the entire Democratic Party of Judas has done, she attributes her loss and "seeming" unpopularity to madness or badness.

Her insistence that she was taken down by the pathological and malevolent persistence of sexism is one of The Empress-in-Waiting favorite lame excuses. She can't face the possibility that a more honest appraisal might be that the voters were thinking "We came; we saw through you; you died." 👿 🤨

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I like Diane Sare and YES Last Time I Voted I wrote in Cindi and Jesse. The DemonRATS and RepbliTHUGS really are TRASH. I will NOT Vote for Trump and the DemoRATS pretty much SUCK. We MUST have real Leadership NOT the Dog and Pony CIRCUS We currently suffer. I could Vote for Liz Cheney and ????

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May 27Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thank you Cindy - You are, if anything, being far too soft and easy on HRC and what she really is... Bless you!!!

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Nice job of castrating the enemy.

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She is the enemy of humankind, peace, and anything good for us.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Cindy, do you not like Jill Stein. Climate change and green energy is a crock, but she is very anti war.

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i do like Jill a lot. She is a very nice person and we have done many antiwar things together.

I will not vote for any Green, now, though, unless they come out against the lockdowns and vax mandates. I don't think Jill was against those and the national party definitely supported the fascism. I won't vote for Gloria again, no matter how much I love her, though, because of the same reason. I left my party the Peace and Freedom party because they abandoned the "freedom" part during the lockdowns. Jill's running mate, Ajamu, even had meetings where proof of vaccine was required to attend. Yeah, no. FTS......I feel like being antiwar has to be against attacks on working people and harming our health. Thanks for asking.

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May 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Almost the entire Left self-immolated with their support of the Establishment’s deranged and entirety bogus fauxdemic policies. Their betrayal of the working class, most egregious in their support for the killer vax mandates, is on a par with social democracy’s voting of war credits to their respective bourgeoise governments in the lead up to WWI.

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*venimus, vidimus, mortuus est! "dicimus" is first-person, plural, present for "we say" or "we speak."

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I just put it in google translate.

I am not Latin fluid.

I put in "We came, we saw, he died' and that's what I got back.

Thank you, though

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No one's Latin fluid; it was just one of those odd details I happened to catch. Love what you're doing here!!!

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thanks! I guess even google isn't fluent.


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