Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I think he knows he won’t be president and probably doesn’t want it but the platform to spread your message is the biggest in the USA. He might even be picked as VP OR as a government watchdog. Personally I think the world is getting close to its end and something much bigger will be unfolding. It’s just a matter of time.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Appreciate & respect your perspective.🙏

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I’ve had very similar questions and thoughts. It’s becoming more and more difficult to not become jaded. I do agree with you wholeheartedly that local movement is the most effective way to go. And I also concur that his run will most likely mimic Trump’s. The outsider who challenges their party to bend or lose a large chunk of voting base with a threat to take them 3rd party, which will most likely get him the nomination and possibly even elected. If he is elected, he will face backlash and be undermined, as we saw with Trump. I do have more faith in him than I do Trump to navigate that hostile environment, seeing that he has been exposed to the inner workings and ins and outs of that landscape his entire life and it also doesn’t hurt that he has a brilliant legal mind.

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Every empire throughout history has collapsed because of debt, military expansionism, and internal corruption of its politicians. The U.S. is no different. We're in the late stage end game of this empire. If I were of breeding age, and knowing what I now know, I don't think I'd be bringing children into this world.

Btw Cindy, you're right... "RFK Jr’s enemies are the same ones that killed his father and uncle". If he actually does become the POTUS and does try to right the wrongs of this country, I believe he will end up exactly as his father and uncle did.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I agree with you, Cindy, 100%. There is no room in our political system for positive change. It is too corrupted by money and power to be reconstituted. And voting is the most ineffective thing we can do to bring about needed change. I did not vote in 2022, and in 2020, I voted Green. And I have no doubt that if RFK Jr were to gain the kind of momentum to make a difference, he would meet the fate of his uncle and father. But I will support his candidacy so he can get his message out to as wide an audience as possible.

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I agree Ann. It’s all about the platform to convey all that’s been conveyed to those that haven’t heard.

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

As far as I’m concerned Cindy, you just lost credibility with your stance. Country-wide as well as globally RFKjr’s message is a good thing to be heard. The public has been blocked from hearing from him. He is extremely intelligent and well-informed. As a presidential candidate he again attains wide exposure and that is a good thing. For the sake of my children, grandchildren and all children, for medical freedom and freedom of speech I will put full support behind Robert’s candidacy even though I question his capitulation to the existence of viruses and possible good from vaccines.

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Whilst I understand and support your sentiments and argument Cindy does that mean that you will be throwing away your vote slip?

Both my Grandfathers fought in WWII and strongly believed in using the right to vote that they had fought for. Neither were politically minded men apart from a free and United Ireland. I doubt they even considered the ways a supposed free and democratic voting system could be used and abused.

They instilled in me a passion to use my vote. Even if to vote for the lessor of two evils or an outside the two horse race party that has no hope such as the Greens. At last resort to vote but ‘spoil the ballot’ by ticking all options. But the right to vote still remains a precious thing even in a warped system. Perhaps now I am the one being naive.

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I can’t imagine voting for him, or anyone, ever again either. Just bracing myself for a lot of heartache. I find this terrifying.

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In reference to the Clarence Thomas bit, the only one who suffered a "high-tech lynching" was, in fact, Anita Hill.

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I like it, Cindy. I'll probably go vote for JFK unless the Greens nominate someone better than Howie Hawkins this time around, but I'm certainly not going to spend time imagining that he could be elected.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

BRAVO, Cindy!!! Your comments are always eloquent and on-point! I also love your concise description of our current prez as a flea with Alzheimer's!!! I, too, love all that Kennedy has been doing for many years now, but your position that this war machine does not deserve propping up is perfect! THANK YOU!!! xoxo

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I think though we share a common language there are still cultural differences in the way we use it and how it’s perceived. I’m Irish but live in London and sometimes find it hard to communicate! Another Irish person would know exactly what you mean or where your coming from with fewer words. Culture or perhaps social conditioning?

I admire your work and fully support you. I don’t think a mother who lost a son in a war for hidden objectives could ever being accused of being over sensitive, ever.

I thank you for your reply and will continue to comment but perhaps think more carefully before opening my gob!

I never thought of treason. What a topic in itself! Is it treasonous to work within a corrupt system or only by remaining outside it can you be a true patriot. I worked within the belly of the beast in Whitehall for many years, trying to change things from within but ended up having to walk before I had a breakdown. It’s funny on this side of the pond the word treason is seldom used and never against the people, very rarely against the government but reserved for the outdated, overpriveledged Royals!

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That is some clear thinking and words, and I see your point clearly and mostly agree, however in a world where it makes no difference WHO you vote for, because all of the candidates since at least 1960s have been either rigged in or were rigged a little bit after the votes are in, then a candidate that will stir memories of the Republic and the Constitution WHILE campaigning, at least serves a net positive purpose.

The platform he would have, might crack open a few more reality tunnels on the way to defeat or false victory. Better that than some simp, gimp, or pimp of the New World Order, (ie. totalitarian corporate fascist domination towards trans-humanism... which is just another term for Eugenics). IMHO. BTW further division of the resistance by throwing a anti-mRNA Democrat against any Republican or Libertarian candidate that would spout off Republic VS NWO rhetoric.

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I wasn’t judging you but asking you a question Cindy. I’m aware this is an emotive subject for you and was simply trying to get further wisdom from you on wether abstaining from voting completely is the best way forward. I can’t but feel letting them have total control of the shit show called democratic elections is a dangerous thing. Hence seeking your thoughts on voting for outsiders or spoiling ballots(which still have to be counted) as a form of protest.

I certainly did not mean to cause any offence. I thought we were coming from slightly different perspectives but allies aiming towards the same goal. I shall sadlyrefrain from commenting on your posts again.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Can't argue with anything you said. I don't believe we'll make it until November '24 anyway.

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