The only change Obama brought with him to the White House was negative, bad, bad, bad, change AND Breaking news: The First Son Reaches Plea Deal with Justice Department.
Sadly, most Obamabots still don't see him for the robotic puppet he is. After all, he's half-black. And as Joke Biden says, if you don't support him/them, you "ain't black" or a proper liberal Democrat. I recall Madeleine Albright saying something really nasty about women who didn't support Hillary, can't remember the exact words.
I don't know what it will take for the masses to wake up from this American Dream/Nightmare.
Full Disclosure: I voted for Obama (not in primary, but in the general election) knowing full well he was not what I wanted, but I wanted Insane Mccain (and Sarah) much much MUCH less
McCain was an original Neocon and always terrified me before and during and after his presidential candidacy. Mccain just enjoyed making war way too much for many many years, and he had no compassion for POW Movement even though he was one. So, I really did think he was PTSD/criminally insane. And I really did think he wanted to follow the PNAC Blueprint to the letter:
PS In hindsight, I know Obomber is a warmongering Neocon too. I just think that even if I had proverbial "crystal ball" that Mccain still would have been much worse. When Mccain sang "Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran" I didn't think he was kidding at all. And he openly argued with a Syrian immigrant who did not want Syria bombed. And then there were all his secret trips to Syria, Ukraine, etc. He was always instigating conflict. I really think Mccain was the top chosen whackjob by Military Industrial Complex to fulfill all their nightmarish agendas.
I'm ashamed to admit I voted for Obama in 2008 in the general out of sheer desperation. I supported Kucinich in the primary but lost all Hopium when he voted for Obamacare for what--a ride in Air Force One?
Just an observation that I have thought about since Obama: Have you ever noticed that the Democratic Party never nominates African-American presidential candidates with historical American slave heritage? One of the most well-known African-Americans of all time with deep roots in slavery and Civil Rights, Jesse Jackson, was not nominated by DNC during his Presidential runs. I never considered Obama to be an African-American, he is a Kenyan-American, his father and ancestors are from Kenya. Same with Kamala Harris, her father is a Jamaican, she is an Indian/Jamaican-American. To me, it seems like the DNC just wants a dash of color on the presidential ballot, not the true African-American heritage and experience of slavery and Civil Rights.
There were two Obama Derangement Syndromes at work back then: the socialism laughably attributed to Obama by the paranoid right, and the equally laughable hope-ium of the naive left that you correctly cited.
Only one thing has significantly changed. Our health care is so bad that no one should want it - free or otherwise. I'm sure it was almost as bad in 2010, but now we have the proof.
I was very pro-Dennis until he 1) Threw me under the bus when I ran against Pelosi in 2008 and 2) Succumbed to pressure to vote for Obamacare.
I still like him, but he really stabbed me in the back then after he stabbed me in the back, he asked for my endorsement in the Dem primary that year. #Typical.
Quick story: after I announced I was running against Pelosi, Dennis called me personally to tell me that he wholeheartedly supported me. A few weeks later, I think it was The Hill interviewed me and asked me who has endorsed me so far, so I said, "Dennis Kucinich." They called him to confirm and he said, "No, I never endorse anyone who is running against an incumbent, from either party." I was pretty dumbfounded by that. Did he do it intentionally to make me look stupid and a liar?
Brilliant piece! I knew on the day of 9/11 that Artie Fleischer was lying through his teeth when he said that President W's plane was being shadowed by some other stranger plane, which is why we didn't know where he was, even though Rome was burning, and he was the Emperor missing. Fleischer admitted the lie, ignobly, a few weeks later. The thing about Regime Changeling Obama: his White Mama was a CIA asset in Indonesia in the 1960s when a certain kind of genocide was happening, wiping out the "Communist" opposition. A true appreciation of Obama's presidency might be called "The Ghost of Vietnam--or Indonesia."
Sadly, most Obamabots still don't see him for the robotic puppet he is. After all, he's half-black. And as Joke Biden says, if you don't support him/them, you "ain't black" or a proper liberal Democrat. I recall Madeleine Albright saying something really nasty about women who didn't support Hillary, can't remember the exact words.
I don't know what it will take for the masses to wake up from this American Dream/Nightmare.
It's been a while since I've heard the term "Obamabot," about which, I made this pun:
Obamabots make me sick, it's called "Obamabotulism."
LOL, I called them: Obama-lama-ding-dongs
Full Disclosure: I voted for Obama (not in primary, but in the general election) knowing full well he was not what I wanted, but I wanted Insane Mccain (and Sarah) much much MUCH less
I voted for Cynthia McKinney in 08 and myself in 2012.
It doesn't really matter, Obama turned out to be McCain on steroids, and now, looky, we got his demented VP as POTUS. Yea! We "win" again.
Yes, it would have been truly amazing if Cynthia and you both won! (if USA elections included Third Parties in a perfect America).
Obomber is really bad, but for lack of a better way to put it, at least he considered Libya his "worst mistake" (for whatever excuses he gives). .
McCain was an original Neocon and always terrified me before and during and after his presidential candidacy. Mccain just enjoyed making war way too much for many many years, and he had no compassion for POW Movement even though he was one. So, I really did think he was PTSD/criminally insane. And I really did think he wanted to follow the PNAC Blueprint to the letter:
Don't you recall how the Obamas fawned over McCain at his funeral? They're all in the same club and we ain't.
I remember
I doubt I wanted to watch the Mccain funeral, so I really do not recall.
But I do remember W and Michelle's "friendship" at Bush Sr.'s funeral (non-stop televised and online). blech!
PS In hindsight, I know Obomber is a warmongering Neocon too. I just think that even if I had proverbial "crystal ball" that Mccain still would have been much worse. When Mccain sang "Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran" I didn't think he was kidding at all. And he openly argued with a Syrian immigrant who did not want Syria bombed. And then there were all his secret trips to Syria, Ukraine, etc. He was always instigating conflict. I really think Mccain was the top chosen whackjob by Military Industrial Complex to fulfill all their nightmarish agendas.
I voted for you in the last two elections.
I'm ashamed to admit I voted for Obama in 2008 in the general out of sheer desperation. I supported Kucinich in the primary but lost all Hopium when he voted for Obamacare for what--a ride in Air Force One?
Yep and I think his wife was offered a job
I'm ashamed I voted Obama in 2012!
I wish I had given Romney a chance... at least Hitlery and her minions would be gone.
He was the only other "choice" in 2012 after Obomber bombed Libya back to the Stone Age
Just an observation that I have thought about since Obama: Have you ever noticed that the Democratic Party never nominates African-American presidential candidates with historical American slave heritage? One of the most well-known African-Americans of all time with deep roots in slavery and Civil Rights, Jesse Jackson, was not nominated by DNC during his Presidential runs. I never considered Obama to be an African-American, he is a Kenyan-American, his father and ancestors are from Kenya. Same with Kamala Harris, her father is a Jamaican, she is an Indian/Jamaican-American. To me, it seems like the DNC just wants a dash of color on the presidential ballot, not the true African-American heritage and experience of slavery and Civil Rights.
yes, good points
Well, that's the Democratic Party for ya!
yep, all about the DNC
Obama's white half was deliberately overlooked, but it's that half he brought to the White House, while leaving his black half locked in the attic.
I remember what she said about women like me who wouldn't vote for Hillary-there is a special place in Hell for us.
Isn't it ironic that she is burning there now!
Good one!
There were two Obama Derangement Syndromes at work back then: the socialism laughably attributed to Obama by the paranoid right, and the equally laughable hope-ium of the naive left that you correctly cited.
yep, good point and reminder.
Only one thing has significantly changed. Our health care is so bad that no one should want it - free or otherwise. I'm sure it was almost as bad in 2010, but now we have the proof.
Like I said, bad change
The hypocrisy of modern life has surpassed the Coliseums of Rome.
"Bread and circuses" haven't changed much.
Imho, it would have been really nice if Dennis Kucinich won 2004 & 2008. The "media" was increasingly against him, which made him more viable to me.
I was very pro-Dennis until he 1) Threw me under the bus when I ran against Pelosi in 2008 and 2) Succumbed to pressure to vote for Obamacare.
I still like him, but he really stabbed me in the back then after he stabbed me in the back, he asked for my endorsement in the Dem primary that year. #Typical.
Oooh, sorry to hear that Cindy.
Quick story: after I announced I was running against Pelosi, Dennis called me personally to tell me that he wholeheartedly supported me. A few weeks later, I think it was The Hill interviewed me and asked me who has endorsed me so far, so I said, "Dennis Kucinich." They called him to confirm and he said, "No, I never endorse anyone who is running against an incumbent, from either party." I was pretty dumbfounded by that. Did he do it intentionally to make me look stupid and a liar?
I didn't know about that. I'm very disappointed in him.
No, he made HIMSELF look stupid and a liar.
Wow, that IS so weird, especially considering Kucinich initiated Bush impeachment and Pelosi infamously took it "off the table".
I had two Meetups at the time, one for Adult Asperger's Social Group and the other for Bush Impeachment.
Weird, but true and hurtful
Spot on.
Brilliant piece! I knew on the day of 9/11 that Artie Fleischer was lying through his teeth when he said that President W's plane was being shadowed by some other stranger plane, which is why we didn't know where he was, even though Rome was burning, and he was the Emperor missing. Fleischer admitted the lie, ignobly, a few weeks later. The thing about Regime Changeling Obama: his White Mama was a CIA asset in Indonesia in the 1960s when a certain kind of genocide was happening, wiping out the "Communist" opposition. A true appreciation of Obama's presidency might be called "The Ghost of Vietnam--or Indonesia."
God damn our society has too many, blatant double standards. Biden’s suck!