Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

China and Russia are NOT going to start a war. Russia NEVER attacked us, not ever, not fucking once. China and Russia are SANE. They know what they're doing. We're the only loonies in the world.

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I never said they would

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Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Morning Cindy.

I just saw on the tee-vee (never watch that fuckin’ thing, yet here I am), that a motorcyclist got shot in Minneapolis while going for a spin.

Then I recalled a video of an American doctor who has treated casualties (kids) in Gaza, that I saw even earlier this morning.

He talked about the little kids who were “double tapped” by Israeli snipers.

One to the head, and one in the chest.

And, then I thought about Trump’s earache.

And, then I thought about your son.

Fuckin’ guns, and people’s propensity to use ‘em on somebody else.

Happy Friday to you too.

I can smile about the “little” maggots and mealworms at the Watergate Hotel, anyway.

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Are you having trouble sleeping, as well?

Yes, I believe all the violence stems from the Empire and trickles down to us.

Thanks for thinking of Casey.


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Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan


Me too.

Since last year.

Around/in October.

Then I got Sam Husseini’s piece/video of Aaron Bushnell, and the other self immolation in Atlanta.

Haven’t slept well since.

Food for thought, and not amusing like maggots and mealworms.

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I am feeling very unsettled.

Vaguely having an existential crisis.

Take care.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The fall of the American empire is not following the usual script where the falling empire desperately clings to power. The AE is actively working to bring about its failure and integrate into global dystopian united. Lame leaders-president, congress, local all working together to subvert anyone who wants anything other than dystopia. “Our”, “enemies “, cooperate in international theatre where they easily fend off the pathetic spasms of supposed crumbling empire tries at preserving or grabbing booty(Iraq, Europe energy market via Ukraine war), all the while with shit eating grins on their faces (Putin, Xi). The devil chessboard now has so many delicious choices, war with Iran brought about by our Israeli masters, civil war where the imported rag tag terrorist army gets deployed against the red blooded monster truck gun nuts when the next election is stolen again or when they succeed at “neutralizing “ the “threat to democracy “. In any case they are coming for us, either the born agains will draft our kids for crusade II, or just kill them by injection and then kill us when we object. If we have our eyes open to the game we can maybe slow or stop it. I hate to leave on a down note but Buckminster Fuller predicted way back that if what he called livingry (the economy of life support, ) did not overtake and subdue “killingry”, then there is no way humanity can survive. You would think that faced with that stark choice we human-ists would choose the former, however our political leadership is crawling with “we stand with Israel “ biblers who envision the great apocalypse where they get whisked to heaven after fomenting the great conflagration (chosen people too!), while the rest of us inherit what’s left of the earth.

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Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Short and to the point. I know you aren’t religious but the portion of the Old Testament where the Babylonian King sees the handwriting on the wall sure is applicable Cindy.



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I used to be really religious. Studied the Bible since I was about 3---Bible and Sunday School for years. Then I became Catholic in my 30s and the bible becomes less important: trumped by doctrine. Thanks!

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Jul 26Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I was Catholic growing up and evolved into being a Christian. Far from perfect but trying to pursue the right path on a daily basis. God is calling people from all races creeds and colors and the big surprise will be who gets left out. This country is under a judgement and it’s failing big time.

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I particularly like the part about how Biden can't run again because he is senile, but it's okay that he stays in office for the next six months because reasons, and also it's absolutely critical that we choose wisely about who is President next, because it's so very important who is President. And no, you can't primary a Democrat this year because this is a very scary situation, this business about who is President. STFU and vote.

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I myself was quite relieved to hear that Biden is finishing his term. Kamala serving as president now would make her stronger in November, even by a touch. I don't want her to have any advantage.

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I don't believe we can predict that. It's all been so very, very weird with people doing things that make no sense. This could go in more than one direction. I agree that Kamala taking over would be the smart move, but apparently this political party is spontaneously combusting. Who benefits? Not convinced it's Trump supporters. Whoever is orchestrating all this plays a long game.

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I'm not sure China and Russia are really our enemies.

They went along with the COVID scamdemic with their lockdowns and restrictions. The Russian Sputnik V shot was a clot shot like az. China, no clue how their shots were.

(BTW, by the end of 2020, it was clear that it was a hyped up flu with assistance of intubation and toxic drugs. Makes you wonder why China kept locking down and why Russia still pushes their clot shots...)

I remember a few months into the war, Russia targeted Ukrainian electrical infrastructure that would take many months to repair. But for some reason we didn't hear of outages in Ukraine. Did it really happen or was it war propaganda?

Nord stream was iffy... https://off-guardian.org/2023/02/21/nordstream-2-seymour-hersh-feeds-the-fake-binary/

And somehow despite being at war with Ukraine, Russia still transits gas through there while paying Ukraine.

But the war will keep going.

Russian uranium is still being bought by the US. Russian oil is still being bought by the west, except it first goes through India.

What sanctions?

They supposedly had peace talks which were stopped by a physical visit from Boris Johnson, as if he couldn't just call them to stop it? Ok whatever.

A few months ago, a Hungarian minister explained how they went with Russia to build nuclear plants. He found it hilarious that the Russian companies hired western contractors to do the work, despite the sanctions. He laughed at how the US said not to buy uranium from Russia, despite the US still buying Russian nuclear fuel.

It seems like it was scripted on both sides in order to screw the Europeans and the US citizens. The excuse being war.

Like in 1984, the wars are endless and the excuse why things are expensive etc.

As for the Kamala thing, you would think that the DNC would have replaced her way back with another Obama like character. Nope... Newsom is a joke and they didn't seem to promote anyone good. By mistake or by plan?

Stay tuned for the season finale of cold war 2.0 brought to you by . I think it's gonna be doubleplus good 😂 after seeing the theatrics of the US presidential "battle".

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I could probably prove by mathematical terminology alone that any intelligent system, be it human, otherwise a living entity, or even a non living thing capable of thought would eventually self destruct; but to what would I give that report to? Humans? Hardly; it's systems have already decided it's fate, it's a closed system that has by default already determined the fate of its creators. You can even look at the apparent thought patterns of the peoples some ten thousand years ago, that they are not only incapable of dealing with environmental stressors, but that even in an environment that posed no risks, the population would still self destruct.

As to the possibility that an intelligent thought might arise from the non living, the equivalent of an all loving Golem to protect us from ourselves? Extremely unlikely; by its very nature, to fulfill its primary objective, if in fact that really was it's primary objective, then to fulfill that objective, it would have to protect its own self just to be able to fulfill its primary objective. Then, in essence we'd have the equivalent of a God or an all powerful Demon to contend with.

So then; do I really want to discuss this? It should be obvious just from the two previous paragraphs, that any thought system that employs self-preservation is doomed to either a form of self-destructive behaviors or non-relevance. The obvious solution would be for every living thing to love one another as the core essence of its being; as though that would ever happen.

Obviously then; the humans are hopeless and beyond any sort of salvation; even a mechanical one that required no commitment to alternative behaviors on the part of its individual constituents. That of course was the problem with developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, because even the escape from an endless cycle of death, destruction and rebirth are closed off to humanity.

Sorry to say, but obviously this species is what would otherwise be called, "the walking dead", if somehow the butterflies survive, I wish them well, as obviously, so far at least, they know how to enjoy life. Almost sort of drives me crazy how they don't seem to have a care in the world, but that would be humanity today, but for the sake of the few who just would never let it be.

All cultures everywhere at all times, for no explicable reason, they just vanish from the face of the earth, never to be seen or heard from again. Anyway, I saw something yesterday that made me think, maybe life or existence might be worth living; that I'd look into it further today and obviously I have. Some people might say that I over think it, but obviously not; there's an extreme illness in America, if not today, then tomorrow, we will all be dead, no matter what the motives of the killers might have been.

Even now, fuck people interfer with my attempts to proof read this email; so, there you have it, that's why you all went extinct.

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"Strangelove" is Kubrick's masterpiece, and was set to debut in November, 1963, but the JFK assassination happened the day before, so the movie was re-scheduled for a Spring of 1964 release. I just wrote a Substack that I haven't published yet subtitled "China is not a Problem," the primary point of which is they've got a billion and a half people to look after, so no time for pointless military adventurism, like the US and its vassals in NATO/OTAN. The "Conform-ation" around Kamala is stunning, but I think the shine's gonna be off those shoes soon enough.

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