Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying 'Fauxci', Milley, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Even though Biden has been a disaster and a criminal, we also need to look at Twump and he is a fascist and racist.
A great comment by Caitlin Johnstone:
“TikTok is back in the US after a brief shutdown, reportedly because Trump pledged to suspend the Biden administration’s ban. A Gaza ceasefire has also finally emerged due to pressure from Trump after Biden stalled for 15 months, and NBC News is reporting that the Trump administration plans on pressuring the Israeli government throughout negotiations to establish a permanent peace beyond the 42 days scheduled for the first phase of the agreement.
Remember this: it’s not that Trump is good, it’s that Democrats are just that bad. Biden’s completely unconditional facilitation of Israeli atrocities has actually been the exception rather than the norm among US presidents, as Trita Parsi explained in Foreign Policy last April. From what we are seeing so far, Trump is just returning things to their horrible standard baseline.
Trump will go on to do many evil things as president, just as he did during his first term, but none of this will reverse the fact that Biden just spent four years advancing genocide, nuclear brinkmanship and authoritarianism. The Democratic Party plays just as crucial a role in promoting the tyranny and abuse of the US empire as the Republican Party does, and it is nonsensical to think of either of them as a lesser evil. The empire itself must end.“
If Luigi showed up at the inauguration today, that would shake the empire’s foundations completely.
Ugh---I can still show you repercussions we are dealing with from the Wilson administration and beyond.
TDS blocks reason, justice and peace.
"But, Trump" Is not a defense, or a good organizing strategy.
As soon as Bush left, I was NEVER able to criticize him without people like you saying, "He's not president anymore. Obama is." Then when I criticized Obama, I was the racist.
I was just giving the quote, not saying that you or any commenter said that Trump was good. But focusing on Biden, keeps us in the same conundrum. It’s all just a game of pinball between the Republicans and Democrats, and we are the pinball . Ending the empire or oligarchy or whatever we call it is the key.
"Focusing on Biden," No it doesn't---it prevents us from focusing on the Empire. That's exactly what I was talking about. Everyone wants to look forward, but the massive crimes happen in the past. These pre-emptive pardons are a massive crack in that Empire that we need to exploit. I mean, if you want to focus on what Trump hasn't done yet, go for it.
That is a good point. They all commit these crimes and get away with them. I still find it unbelievable that GWB, with all his crimes against humanity, faced no punishment and he gets praised for his artwork and is part of the good old boys club. He was a pure terror, and then Obama continued his wars, Trump continued them, and Biden became a twin of GWB and committed as equal crimes against humanity. And we’re back to Trump again.I thought Bush was the worst president in my lifetime but I think Biden takes the cake.
Joe Rogan said it's insane that one person rules over hundreds of million of people.
I agree and why does this person have power to override the representation with veto power, executive orders, and pardons? Because most people didn't or couldn't understand how this is a demofauxocracy.
It's not going to get better under Trump. .. Yes, I have high hopes on Tulsi & Noem & Kennedy... but these are only single human beings, they will crumble or be assassinated... the longer they can keep you from knowing your in a fight, the longer they can keep damaging Us... from food to foreign wars... I've known you for over 20 years on the internet... I've watched you endure battles that were catastrophic.... as I also did in Rhode Island, Rockefellers backyard, (yea, I was stupid) but you tangled with a high ranking psychopath, Pelosi... you know we are in a fight for our future generations... and they are slowly killing them... look at Palestine? ITS to late, they are focused on us..
Everything, the only difference is Trump isn't in a coma walking around like a covvid zombie.... no man nor a woman is an island.... the only way out of this is through we the president, no Tulsi, no RFK... If anyone could of done it that could very well of been you... you have been my inspiration for a long time... and frankly you will always inspire me... your battles are noble and in some circles legendary... no exaggeration either... just saying that if the 30% of us that can still think for ourselves, it's game over... they want a good portion of us gone permently.... we literally are dealing with clinically diagnosable psychopaths... not really writing this for you, I know you know....but hopefully others read the conversation.... this last volley we survived was only meant to take out 10% the next volley is on its way... people that survived the injection look at anyone who questions it as an enemy.. they've created a pro injection cult as they did with trans cult & global warming cult or the BLM cult....they are well funded...
The only thing I am happy about is that Que Mala is not president. I don't think we could have survived four more years of Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi. Stay well. Your TDS has been noted.
I feel the same today as I did the night of election day. I am not happy Trump won. I am happy Harris lost. That's no program or strategy, just a feeling. Which right now seems to be the only grounding, "rational" thing -- feelings.
LOL- No, not TDS. I’m glad she’s not president either. We would surely be heading to World War III. She would have been a terror internationally while Twump most likely will be a terror domestically based on his previous four years . I suspect he and Biden would be best buddies if they didn’t compete to be president. Both are creeps, racists, and both families are full of grifters. Trump would do the same same thing in pardoning his family members as Biden did. Donnie Jr. and Hunter would probably do drugs together.
I think we all need to remember the two parties are two sides of the same coin . And whoever runs for president is chosen by the powers that be to do their bidding.
This is horrendus. I want to see Lizzy and Schiff and Fraudci in prison. He didn't even pardon Peltier. He just commuted his sentence. Another thing Biden did was to destroy the last of any creidibility the Democratic Party had and that could be a good thing.
I actually slept through the Inauguration. I don't like watching speeches from clowns and warhogs and so I haven't really watched any Presidentical speeches in decades. I do watch clips presented by people who see through the speeches, though.
I don't like Trump, but I'm so glad Blinken, Kammy and the Ice Cream man are out.
The Constitution protect us but they pervert the Constitution, and commit crimes against the Constitution, and against us, and those that are armed let them get away with their crimes and perversions! 😞
Pardon me but how can a person with limited mental capabilities be legally capable of making legal decisions? "No One Is Above the Law" ?!!!!!!!!!!!
Right? He will pardon his brother before Trump is sworn in today.
You mean half of Congress and past presidents too?
Reagan, pelosi, and others who had/have dementia have been in power before.
Are we a great country or what? We have preemptive pardons and preemptive wars.
We're #1, in disease, obesity, crime, war, ignorance, and everything else bad.
"USA, USA, USA...."
Preempt or die trying!!!
OMG! Proof of no justice in America!😡😡😡
Pick your favorite Death Dealing Corrupt current or former Politician and President.
For me, that's like asking to pick my favorite pile of shit.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying 'Fauxci', Milley, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
I would hope that anyone with a grain of sense would finally realize the truth behind this.
That if you haven’t done anything wrong, there’s no need for a pardon.
Yet the brain dead establishment Lib’s will still twist this to being a good thing.
Me? I’m fuming.
Even though Biden has been a disaster and a criminal, we also need to look at Twump and he is a fascist and racist.
A great comment by Caitlin Johnstone:
“TikTok is back in the US after a brief shutdown, reportedly because Trump pledged to suspend the Biden administration’s ban. A Gaza ceasefire has also finally emerged due to pressure from Trump after Biden stalled for 15 months, and NBC News is reporting that the Trump administration plans on pressuring the Israeli government throughout negotiations to establish a permanent peace beyond the 42 days scheduled for the first phase of the agreement.
Remember this: it’s not that Trump is good, it’s that Democrats are just that bad. Biden’s completely unconditional facilitation of Israeli atrocities has actually been the exception rather than the norm among US presidents, as Trita Parsi explained in Foreign Policy last April. From what we are seeing so far, Trump is just returning things to their horrible standard baseline.
Trump will go on to do many evil things as president, just as he did during his first term, but none of this will reverse the fact that Biden just spent four years advancing genocide, nuclear brinkmanship and authoritarianism. The Democratic Party plays just as crucial a role in promoting the tyranny and abuse of the US empire as the Republican Party does, and it is nonsensical to think of either of them as a lesser evil. The empire itself must end.“
If Luigi showed up at the inauguration today, that would shake the empire’s foundations completely.
Ugh---I can still show you repercussions we are dealing with from the Wilson administration and beyond.
TDS blocks reason, justice and peace.
"But, Trump" Is not a defense, or a good organizing strategy.
As soon as Bush left, I was NEVER able to criticize him without people like you saying, "He's not president anymore. Obama is." Then when I criticized Obama, I was the racist.
Whoever effing said that Trump was good?????????
I am waiting for your answer.
I was just giving the quote, not saying that you or any commenter said that Trump was good. But focusing on Biden, keeps us in the same conundrum. It’s all just a game of pinball between the Republicans and Democrats, and we are the pinball . Ending the empire or oligarchy or whatever we call it is the key.
"Focusing on Biden," No it doesn't---it prevents us from focusing on the Empire. That's exactly what I was talking about. Everyone wants to look forward, but the massive crimes happen in the past. These pre-emptive pardons are a massive crack in that Empire that we need to exploit. I mean, if you want to focus on what Trump hasn't done yet, go for it.
That is a good point. They all commit these crimes and get away with them. I still find it unbelievable that GWB, with all his crimes against humanity, faced no punishment and he gets praised for his artwork and is part of the good old boys club. He was a pure terror, and then Obama continued his wars, Trump continued them, and Biden became a twin of GWB and committed as equal crimes against humanity. And we’re back to Trump again.I thought Bush was the worst president in my lifetime but I think Biden takes the cake.
so true. Me, too.
BTW, I obviously know that millions of people think Trump is good---but, when did I, or any of my frequent commenters every say that?
Fake democracy.
Why does the president have the power to pardon criminals?
Why does the president have the power to veto bills?
Why does the president have the power to make executive orders which bypass Congress?
Because it's always been bullshit.
Joe Rogan said it's insane that one person rules over hundreds of million of people.
I agree and why does this person have power to override the representation with veto power, executive orders, and pardons? Because most people didn't or couldn't understand how this is a demofauxocracy.
Fkkn Biden--"Trump made me do it!: 🤧
Is that similar to the "Palestinians made me do it" strategy?
It's not going to get better under Trump. .. Yes, I have high hopes on Tulsi & Noem & Kennedy... but these are only single human beings, they will crumble or be assassinated... the longer they can keep you from knowing your in a fight, the longer they can keep damaging Us... from food to foreign wars... I've known you for over 20 years on the internet... I've watched you endure battles that were catastrophic.... as I also did in Rhode Island, Rockefellers backyard, (yea, I was stupid) but you tangled with a high ranking psychopath, Pelosi... you know we are in a fight for our future generations... and they are slowly killing them... look at Palestine? ITS to late, they are focused on us..
Yes, no crap (sorry), but, what does Trump have to do with what the Cadaver just did?
It's not the ones who sit in the seat of the power that wield the actual power.
So, since Biden has no compos in his mentis, who was behind this?
Everything, the only difference is Trump isn't in a coma walking around like a covvid zombie.... no man nor a woman is an island.... the only way out of this is through we the president, no Tulsi, no RFK... If anyone could of done it that could very well of been you... you have been my inspiration for a long time... and frankly you will always inspire me... your battles are noble and in some circles legendary... no exaggeration either... just saying that if the 30% of us that can still think for ourselves, it's game over... they want a good portion of us gone permently.... we literally are dealing with clinically diagnosable psychopaths... not really writing this for you, I know you know....but hopefully others read the conversation.... this last volley we survived was only meant to take out 10% the next volley is on its way... people that survived the injection look at anyone who questions it as an enemy.. they've created a pro injection cult as they did with trans cult & global warming cult or the BLM cult....they are well funded...
You will always be my hero btw..
All the comments about cults
remind me of things Twump would say.
Ok, I get it. You don't like Trump.
Well, i don't like him either.
The only thing I am happy about is that Que Mala is not president. I don't think we could have survived four more years of Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi. Stay well. Your TDS has been noted.
I feel the same today as I did the night of election day. I am not happy Trump won. I am happy Harris lost. That's no program or strategy, just a feeling. Which right now seems to be the only grounding, "rational" thing -- feelings.
LOL- No, not TDS. I’m glad she’s not president either. We would surely be heading to World War III. She would have been a terror internationally while Twump most likely will be a terror domestically based on his previous four years . I suspect he and Biden would be best buddies if they didn’t compete to be president. Both are creeps, racists, and both families are full of grifters. Trump would do the same same thing in pardoning his family members as Biden did. Donnie Jr. and Hunter would probably do drugs together.
I think we all need to remember the two parties are two sides of the same coin . And whoever runs for president is chosen by the powers that be to do their bidding.
Despicable scum pardoning despicable scum. Bedfellows in hell!
this was just the beginning.
This is horrendus. I want to see Lizzy and Schiff and Fraudci in prison. He didn't even pardon Peltier. He just commuted his sentence. Another thing Biden did was to destroy the last of any creidibility the Democratic Party had and that could be a good thing.
I actually slept through the Inauguration. I don't like watching speeches from clowns and warhogs and so I haven't really watched any Presidentical speeches in decades. I do watch clips presented by people who see through the speeches, though.
I don't like Trump, but I'm so glad Blinken, Kammy and the Ice Cream man are out.
He is certainly a very evil man.
and it got worse.
See my new post.
Preemptive pardons are unconstitutional! 😐
The Constitution protects them and punishes us.
The Constitution protect us but they pervert the Constitution, and commit crimes against the Constitution, and against us, and those that are armed let them get away with their crimes and perversions! 😞
Pardons prevent the DoJ and FEDERAL Courts from prosecuting...
Does that work against torches, pitchforks and rope, at the local level - wherever these criminals may be found?
Nopers, that was kind of my conclusion with the JFK quote.
I don't think it includes state//local prosecutions either.
Let's face it though, the complete system is totally fucked, but especially the justice system.
Woah, that was a doozy!