I wanted to LOL, and would have if it wasn't so pathetic and Orwellian, when the cadaver-chief yelled, "Democracy has prevailed!", during the time he thought he was in charge.

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The hype, like a High School pep rally on steroids for Teens cheering on their own brain-washing; quite dystopian. Film reference, "Logan's Run" (1976). I can see Ka-mala announcing her policy initiative to set up a Brain-Washing Clinic on every corner when that corporate puppet takes the stage. To the media: "No questions, please: that's a Mandate, not a request!"

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Seems like we are heading full-speed into Minority Report, as well.


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There’s no Crime like “pre-Crime.”

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The football speech by Walz was my favorite/least favorite....

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I missed last night’s extravaganza, which is probably a good thing. Walz is that aw-shucks guy in a horror movie, central casting all the way…

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Shit-dog, this AmeriKKKa with its crocodile (more like poodle) tears society, all that Friday nights football faggotry permeating EVERYTHING (especially the mainline mutt media), well well, then Taco Tuesday for the Goyim at the RNC and DNC. RFK? Yikes. RFK slithered toward Kamala Emoff for a little bit of that Genocide Jew Mojo, then he's slithering toward the Kushner Klan in Chlamydia Trump's bandwagon. EPA anyone? At least the biological diversity boy might do something there, but he too is 70 years and counting.

Tacos in a Ziplock? Shit-dog yeah.

Prison food for the masses. Soylent Green, be gone.


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Bobby is a Kennedy. That's all I need to know about him. Kennedys started as gangsters and never stoopped being gangsters.

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I agree.

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Once again, I generally agree with your take. It's probably just as well that I'm finding this week's Through the Looking-Glass orgy of sociopolitical depravity too tiresome to inspire the usual screed. I might never be able to eat a lifelong favorite candy bar again: Almond Joy, of course. Thinking of the Almond Joy personified nominee would probably trigger my gag reflex. 🍫 🤮

I also admit to a sort of contradiction, if not hypocrisy: I surprised myself in 2016 by indulging the (faint) hope that the egomaniacal and narcissistic Trump might be a bull in the Beltway china shop and blunder into doing some Right Things. I was definitely seduced by his "Lock her up!" demagoguery, which proved to be artificial red meat for his base.

But the contradiction/hypocrisy is that, despite decades of righteously scorning lesser-evilism and "strategic voting", and indeed all of the standard Electoral Politics 101 political pseudo-science, I now find myself settling into an "Anybody but Harris!" stance. By "Harris", I mean any Democratic Party of Judas candidate.

I hold a profound grudge for the TDS-inflamed Democratic Party "Resistance" policies and practices, from Russiagate to the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic psyop to the Ukraine clusterfuck-- and the totalitarian lawfare enabling all of this, including the reprehensible "January 6th insurrection" narrative and its Stalinesque show trials. So, God help me, nowadays the Republican Party of Cain is looking like the-- gack-- lesser evil. 🤔 😠

Other than that, I grudgingly agree that Bobby might make a decent HHS secretary. But I might as well share a comment I posted elsewhere yesterday, and was roundly ignored:


Hmm, so there's a rumor that Trump is interested in giving RFK Jr. and Elon Musk important positions in his administration.

Before last October, I would've been impressed by the possibility that Trump would make RFK Jr. his "health czar"-- leaving aside the fact that all "czar" appointments in the US are pure hype and "optics".

But now I worry, or suspect, that if this actually happened, whatever their official job descriptions are, this trio will form an ad hoc Genocide Council to continue facilitating the Israeli-imposed Final Solution on Gaza and the West Bank. 🤨

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Yeah, a ziotrio if there ever was one!

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When I listen/read about the DNC convention, literally everything is exactly in alignment with and supporting the globalist plutocrat agenda of divide, conquer, and enslave humanity (open borders, economic destruction, destroying freedom of speech, press, religion, and medical, climate change hoax, child sexualization, ending 2nd amendment, & on and on). When I watched the Republican convention, most everything they said was directly opposed to the globalist plutocrat WEF/UN agenda. The Democrats have the media and tech companies to steal the election, which would be a disaster - we should all vote Republican, but of course remember that the Deep State rules in any event and keep fighting back and spreading the word. Thanks Cindy for speaking up so well!

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I think they played their hand too soon. You know what they say, Pride goeth before the fall. (Or something like that.) Time will tell.

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Why Don't I Vote? I'll Let George Carlin Explain It To You

I Agree & Disagree at the sametime. Ronald Reagan Did reverse the Carter Economic "Malaise".

The NWO Bush the Elder killed the Reagan Revolution.

The Clintonistas were just Gangsters.

Bush the Younger gave Us Perpetual War abroad and Der Homeland Sekurity Apparatus domestically.

Obamaites introduced the Bolshevik-Islamic Demoncrazy.

Trump, like Reagan earlier, reversed the Obamy Economics, but the rinoRats & democRats of the above listed Rat Uni-Party Impeached him Twice, Put his Associates in Jail and/or Financially Blackmailed, (threatened to Ruin them thru Lawfare) Finally Removing him in the 2020 sElection & Jan 6th Scam.

HERE WE ARE AGAIN IN 2024... at the tail end of a 50 Year (at least) NWO Bolshevik/World Corporate/Bankster Pogrom.

I do like Carlin, who was also a Hollywood Leftist that came to see some of the light, But Offered No Solutions. "No Responsibility" is Very Low on the Scale of Survival. Nihilism never made Anything Better.

This Carlin rant on Edumencation is so true. The Question being Do We Have The Time necessary to Regain an Enlightened Educated Citizenery?

The Reason Education Sucks

Cacklin Kamala & Tampon Tim have Voters and Ballots. 2024 is for all the Marbles. Comrades.

The USSA will not be the Utopia promised by them/their's insanity. ChiCom Rules aren't pleasant.

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LOL The demon party is nowhere near "Bolshevik" or "Leftist."

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Please tell me "What" they/them are "near", Comrade

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Reactionary fascism for starters...

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I agree with you blessthebeasts. Both parties are fascist AND neoliberal/neoconservative jackasses. I don't know how to break through the incessant /incorrect red baiting

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I just gag when people call dems socialist/leftist/Bolshevik commies. The ignorance is appalling.

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I felt like a stranger in a strangely horrifying fictional narrative that at its best made me hunger for a commercial break. The clear blue sky above

The squirrels chasing each other on the branches of an ancient oak the remains of the day the forgotten country

LOVE? We have made a mess of this most precious and remarkable world. “God bless us everyone” But you know Cindy where my loyalties are. I’m clinging and breathing to the thinnest thread of hope. Love you.

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Love you back!

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Pelosi is indeed something else. She "made it big" in 2006 by campaigning against Bush Jr (ie. the Iraq War, mostly), and in her first speech she said something like "impeachment is off the table."

Worse, the '06 Democratic surge marked the purge of moderate/anti "Iraq Resolution" candidates (Kucinich, Byrd, etc) and their replacement with hardcore Zionists (Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel, etc) that were even MORE hawkish than Bush in the Middle-East and Centrasia (notably Iran).

We see it in action with Kamala, literally in bed with the warmongering Israeli lobby. Not that Trump is *that* better in distancing himself from the Palestianian Occupiers/Gaza Genociders/anti-Iran crowd, but still.

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Probably almost nobody reads this, and that really is a shame; they did that to Christ and a whole lot of other people; cockroaches maybe? I saw a cockroach the other night hiding it's head under the lip of a stainless steel sink; they like to sleep with the off, too? I've actually have an opportunity to observe cockroach behavior in great detail throughout the years, and to be quite truthful I think that cockroaches are far more honorable than the Democrats or Republicans, well, really the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller's. Bitch patriarch of the Rothschilds pays a television actor to tell me that he's a Vampire and can never die; he died not long afterwards. Should have taken my offer, but in all likelihood if he was that ill, I probably wouldn't have been able to help him anyway.

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Very nice picture of you with a pumpkin; you do great commentary on pictures!

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Thanks, lol. Maybe I could stand to gain a couple pounds?

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Oh yeah, “Liked”, and “Shared”.

But, unfortunately, I believe it’s like beatin’ a boulder in the brain with a baseball bat.

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I've had more important, more pressing things to do lately ; for one, I gave the dog a bath...

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An international research team has mapped a giant underwater avalanche that took place nearly 60,000 years ago in the Agadir Canyon. Researchers at the University of Liverpool have traced the path of a massive underwater avalanche that expanded over 100 times its initial size while wreaking havoc along the Atlantic seabed. This landmark study provides [...]


Would this be where the US Navy sunk its aircraft carrier the USS Eisenhower; and, perhaps they sank it with all hands on board? To keep it a secret that the ship in service of Israeli forces was so heavily damaged by a bunch ragtag Houthis armed with little more than slingshots and bows and arrows that it had to scuttled; and dead men tell no tales.

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