Thanks to that fake liar Obama, the law that prevented insider trading in Congress was repealed.

Every president since Reagan has just continued sucking the dick of wall street.

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Let’s face it. The real mafia is owned and run by the evil satanic cabal that calls the shots on every war, pestilence, outbreak and any other “man made disaster”. These people need to be exposed, arrested, and punished. All of their wealth must be confiscated and used to pay back the generations of everyday people they’ve stolen from.

Speaking of Nancy, you know her papa was a very corrupt politician in Baltimore with strong connections to the mob. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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Well yeah, mafia princess.

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If you want to know the Wall Street “wizards’” secrets, read Nicholas Taleb’s “Fooled by Randomness.” It’s a brilliant summary of the Wall Street fraud and the periwinkles who run it. It’s actually a great read. If you have money in the market, you’ll pull it out immediately. That is unless you are investing in Pfizer, Boeing, Blackrock, and the rest of the MIC, in which case you’re going to Hell, so enjoy yourself while you’re here.

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Good characterization of Nancy Pelosi: "The DC Drunk." I understand her planned future replacement is her daughter Christine, one of the most oxnoxious people in the Democratic Party. My kids, after gettting the party to call by resolution for the lowering of the voting age, took the issue with other teens before the Platform Committee. Christine Pelosi had all those on the committee, speak one by one about how brainless and lazy everyone below the age of 18 is and she allowed no rebuttal from the youth. Those under the age of 18 can have sex change operations and be sent to war and also to American Gulag Schools and Camps to be tortured and killed but, according to Pelosi, they aren't cognitive enough to vote.

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“We’re only as sick as our secrets” is a Counseling axiom. And we’re all much more rationalizing than objectively rational because #NEARLY minute by minute we’re all doing what we “think”(!) is best for ourselves; hour by hour what we hold to be better for our families & friends; day by day we do what we have determined to be good for the large groups with whom we affiliate: clan/tribe, class/school; and finally week by week we will most generally forsake all consideration for anOTHER, #TheStranger, #Outsiders in favor of the Authorities’ Ruling Governmental Underwriter’s Elitist Socialites (ARGUES moi, your plebeian poster).

Factual Evidence Adding Relevance (#FEAR):

In the “dismal science” of Economics #compassion is a #moralHazard.



#CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer)

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Netanyahu's running his dirty war(s) like a mob crime boss, and the fact that Nasrallah couldn't find a "mattress," or safe house, is a sign of either stupidity or "I don't care if they blow me up, too" mentality. Makes me wonder if Israel, the Gangster State, didn't figure out a way to booby trap the previous Iranian President Raisi's plane as well. Reminds me of "The Godfather," a movie I don't plan on watching again--seen enough of that, even though it's gorgeously shot (no pun intended). Interestingly in this context, Pelosi's father in Maryland, I think he was the Mayor of Baltimore, had to pull out of his bid to be Governor because of his mob ties. Bunch of Gangstahs running the Show until further notice...

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I know it is trading....I just was trying to be clever.

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U.S.taxpayers and others pay for Israeli bombing and Terror in Gaza Lebanon Syria Yemen and more, so think about how to get Peace and Justice for the World. Vote D or R? BDS all of the Pigs against people?

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