
Everything we call an attack is a defense. Russia has NEVER attacked us. We started permawar against Russia in 1918 and never really stopped.

I'll bet Snooki could do a better job of spying and strategizing and hand-to-hand fighting!!!!

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If the State of New Jersey can now talk, one would have thought it’s first words would’ve have been “sorry for Christie”.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 15

By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War

Mossad Motto

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As usual, I argue against escalation, whether it is by Israel against Hamas, or Iran against Israel, it all leads to WW3 against CIVILIANS. If we are to be a peace movement, should we advocate peaceful solutions/negotiations or "they did tit so the other side has every right to do tat and then some". There has to be a clear need for defense and not overkill. I get concerned when peace movement selects "teams", because the "team" is full of cannon fodder and rarely do the leaders fight their own wars!

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Russia is demilitarizing NATO and the "West" each day the Ukrainian "War" goes on. In fact, they are redefining battlefield tactics and stratagem. French troops have landed in Ukraine and will soon become canon fodder for the $200 drones Russia is using to destroy multimillion dollar Western "wonder weapons."

Navy SEALS are calling out the corruption in the military. What you think you know about who killed who and who was the "Lone Survivor" are lies...CIA propaganda.

The mafia "running" this country is being exposed almost daily now. Even MSM has to report on it because it's becoming embarrassingly ridiculous to ignore the facts.

The ONLY thing our blubbering incompetent fascist regime can do is launch nukes...which I have no doubt they are seriously contemplating. Of course, that means the end of the world as we know it.

There can be only two outcomes from the insanity that "rules" us now: the end of ALL wars or the end of humanity.

God have mercy on our souls.

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Nah, no attack. Words and lexicon and verbiage COUNT.

Iran has been attacked for decades. Israelis have murdered scientists, bombing them and shooting them in the heads. When Isra-Hell ATTACKS an embassy, well well, the response is a RESPONSE.


Richard's on fire here:


New Atlas LIVE now:


Common sense:

The escalation ladder, w/ Mohammad Marandi - The Grayzone live




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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Jeffries and all his felllow shitLib AIPAC apologists for the apartheid ZioNazi state and its imperialist funders are low lifes or, as Cindy calls them, "garbage people".

It is worth noting that Iran's retaliation for an outrageous violation of international law -- the Israeli attack on the Iran embassy in Syria and the murder of several top Iranian military heads -- consisted in launching rockets into Israeli military installations NOT civilians. This was likely done in concert with Hezbollah who has set it up with their own missiles to try and preemptively overwhelm the Israeli (and US funded) Iron Dome antimissile system.

Israel is a pariah state and US Capitalism is in terminal decline and being outpaced by China and Russia and their joining in the BRICS alliance.

Janet Yellen secy of Treasury was recently in China appealing for them to limit production in order not to flood the market with "excess". I think she might consider a bulk purchase of Chinese passenger jets on behalf of US airlines since corrupt and failing Boeing can't manage to make a jet resistant to in-flight failure which seems to be a daily occurrence.

Up until now Iran has played it cool and not responded in kind to numerous attacks instead making alliances with various anti-Zionist Islamic formations on the ground. That strategy apparently has now shifted as Israel tries desperately to suck the US into a war with Iran which would spell doom for the US and possibly the world.

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The US juiced Saddam to attack Iran in 1980, and made sure he had immunity for the use of chemical weapons materials that we supplied to his regime. When no longer useful as a proxy, he was disposed of, and his gold holdings conveniently stolen, like Libya later. The Iranian attacks on Israel were primarily symbolic, although some to considerable damage was inflicted on the facilities targeted. Iran doesn't need a war with anyone, but Israel, the Front Company masquerading as a Country, does. MIC-K-e-y..."I say: Is there a rogue Mouse in this House"?

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Excellent interview! How can we get the world to recognize that the danger of nuclear annihilation is greater than ever? We need to dismantle the sociopathic oligarchic system that is bent on destroying the world. The military brass and their allies seem so deluded that they actually believe that a nuclear war can be won.

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I love Gerald Celente! He's a stellar human being!

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Jeez they really think we're stupid, don't they. Our overlords that is. Maybe they should be fined every time they use the words "unprecedented" and "unprovoked." Those are signals that every word thereafter is utter bs.

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But Cindy, there is no history before Iran bombed Israel. Just like there, no history before Russia retaliated.. er, attacked Ukraine!

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