It seems the "hill to die on" is here. No more compliance with anything the garbage people put out. This is it folks!

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Damn...you beat me to the punch. I hope folks realize the seriousness of what you are writing. This is not metaphor. We are talking about literal death, no? I started getting ready at the beginning of the scamdemic. I knew who was behind all this and realized death would be the only way out. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I have to tell you it's really liberating once you accept it. Talk about living life to the fullest!!!

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I mean, wasn't I clear enough about this?

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My apologies...the sheer mention of the "Governor" triggers me. So I went back and read as much more of your article as I could stand. I'm glad I did because we both had exactly the same reaction to the elder abuse at the beginning of the scamdemic.

When I saw what was happening to people like me in New York "hospitals" I knew something terrible was going on. But what really put me over the top was the utter CRUELTY of it all...forcing those people to die alone. (There is a special place in Hell for the people behind this. In fact, Lucifer is going to have to add on space in Hell for the crowd that's coming.)

I can only say my guardian angel was working overtime for me and, I hope, saved my soul. I'm still doing penance for 30+ years of narcissistic agnosticism. Thankfully, our God is merciful and forgiving.

So...yeah...you were PERFECTLY clear!

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Yes, it grieved me that they shut up the care homes in the UK and as you say forcing people to die alone.

Strictly it is Hades or Gehenna and Lucifer has the lake of fire to look forward too.



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I think the reason the majority of western civilization is so easy to manipulate is the fear of death. Psychedelics were a great way to meet death and lose the fear. But what happened to all the hippies? I am still so puzzled at how many of them have become agents of the dark!!

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"Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds."

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The Hippies were mostly broken by the machine. We know that. They were the bravest and they suffered the most targeted psy war ops attack ever, so if you see one give them a wink and a nod. It ain't over yet and hey you never know... maybe an old hippie will be the "One".

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"Today is a good day to die?" That's an old Apache saying I believe?

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Yes ma'am. I've been saying that for years.

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Thank you, Cindy. People must be reminded over and over and over until it sinks in! We were betrayed by our misleadership all the way down the line. Here in Massachusetts it was as bad, if not worse...unimaginable, right? As you know, I work with seniors. The trauma and outright horror that so many suffered should always be regarded as crimes against humanity- at the highest levels! Many who did survive are still terrified to participate at our Senior Centers as they once did to socialize. Socialization is always #1 in the healthy care of elders.

Over seventy senior veterans died at a facility early on when then-Governor Charlie Baker gave the go-ahead to house sick and not sick vets in the same spaces. SEVENTY! Elders were locked in in nursing homes, rehabs, assisted living facilities and hospitals with NO CHANCE of being visited by loved ones.

Some were sick and made sicker until they died. Any moron knows that isolation of elderly is a sure death sentence. But they did it anyway and scoffed and mocked those of us who raised hell about it. The so called 'heroes', dancing nurses and doctors seemingly having a blast...was a complete and utter disgrace. While some were truly caring, many were not. Nurses and even doctors left in droves. If they refused to be vaxxed when the death juice came out- they were fired, 'let go'. So many seasoned practitioners are now gone and the system is not only broken, it is on life support- and barely that. 400 skilled RNs were fired right off the bat. The reasoning (early on) is that they were not needed. There has been a cover up of this action.

I personally watched elders suffer and die. If not from the brutality of isolation, from the poison jabs supposedly meant to 'protect' them first. Ha! The plan was to kill off as many seniors as possible in the first rounds. Remember the 'over 75' hype?

Your anger is my anger. It should be all of our anger and disgust and DAMMIT ALL TO HELL if these types are re-elected we will be in deep trouble because in these DIS united States anyone over 60 is already dead!

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I read awhile back that each senior in a longterm care facility cost NYC 500 grand a year? If that's true, then the motive was clear. Tens of thousands of seniors were killed by Cuomo and his policies.

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Well, it depends a lot on the kinds of services and at what level but $500k per year sounds way inflated. Having said that, during the CovidCon, there were 'charges' related to obtaining ventilators (remember?) and all kinds of critical care doohickies. The profit motive in elder care is ENORMOUS! I am the POA and healthcare agent for a 94 y/o woman who is in relatively good shape- for a not-so-great facility (rehab/skilled nursing) it is nearly $180,000 per year. Nothing fancy, believe me. They want us dead but they'll pretty quickly impoverish us and leave nothing for our families without batting an eyelash before that happens. Most elders today will die poor.

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Where in Mass are you? I grew up in Hull....I was just there for three weeks between Douglas, Hull and Weymouth...seeing family

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In Canada and in Italy: same playbook.

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great one. too bad so many are willing to believe the lies of the garbage people.

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The Doctor law in California is particularly egregious, and an example of tyrannical overreach going forward. Was there any pushback from the medical community?

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minor pushback from outspoken doctors.

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Was it not challenged judicially and voided?

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I just read that the doctor bill has an injunction against it.

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was it?

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Hi! It's me again....yeah I have a tendency to go off the rails when responding to your amazing posts. I often inadvertently 'ignore' your theme and go off on a tangent. Your theme here has to do with your governor (Newsome) and the partisanship 'suddenly' forming around the CovidCon and how so many of these liberal-types want to pretend they really and truly JUST DIDN'T KNOW! They didn't realize just how harmful all of their decision-making was BUT...golly gee, we were trying to help!

In a sentence: the phony baloney bleeding hearts of all DEMS will never miss an opportunity to play the misguided, unintended decision-making on ANY subject (especially war and death) and blame the Republicans or Russia or whomever. They NEVER take responsibility for anything...and never will. It is their shtick.

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I wouldn't call what you have said 'off the rails', I call it righteous anger. I am very angry myself which as much as anything why I set up my WordPress site in 2020.

I am not polite about the scum who pretend to lead but are only in it for profit.

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The scum always seems to rise to the top. 😟

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that's why I call it a Kakistocracy.

Turds in a punchbowl.

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Gross visual, but really does put it concisely.,

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In Canada they have that. Turd and water, in French 'eau'. Turd eau, hmm, now where have I heard that...?


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In one way he's right. The torture camp was originally a Bush plan, implemented by Trump. In a normal partisan system, all the D governors should have resisted it and all the R governors should have amplified it.

All OTHER orders by Trump worked normally. D governors cheerfully disobeyed his orders on immigration and religion and climate, and R governors unenthusiastically went along with him.

The reverse happened with the "virus" genocide, which made it a bipartisan genocide.

Trump is now campaigning on "We Shall Not Comply" with Trump's orders. This is beyond crazy.

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But Trump did not go so far as to order mandates right?

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Which just goes to show the hypocrisy of many, if not all Democrat governors.

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So other than that, you think he's a fab guy.

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I think he has ZERO redeeming qualities, that's why I think he should be on death row.

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OK, but other than that then, he's a fab guy.

There's something a bit Monty Python about this.

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"No one expects the inquisition."

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Cardinal Biggles, bring out the comfy cushions.


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"Bring out your dead."

(Funny, not funny in the age of Covid1984)

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By the end of March 2020 I posted a YouTube clip of that on Facebook, asking "Too soon?". Little did I realize the 3 years later I would still be able to ask the same question.

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Or the COVID Shamdemic...even the Pythons could not dream that one up!

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Sure. He’s a fabulous piece of shit that doesn’t stink and is shaped like a million dollar bill. Counterfeit of course. Highly regarded by other California pieces of shit. He’s perfect to be Potus. Because we are the United States of Deceit and Destruction. So proud to be an American in the 21st century. Aren’t we all?

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I have made a general comment on this page, but

a moving sphincters whore

a moving stench worshiper

Mr pawing coven horseshit

Are three anagrams of his full name, Gavin Christopher Newsom. Don't you love it when these things are observed?

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Anyone slightly awake and not brain dead should be able to see through this utter bullshit. The empire has all the resources at their fingertips, and we all know it. Newsome is a bag of crap.

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"It seems like, now, he will be awarded with higher political office..."

Maybe he read the room...


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Harris the Camel, how nice! I thought she was running things anyway.


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Re Kamala: I've no idea Michael...

I'm more concerned about THIS shit that the Canadian government, today, is "recommending" not "forcing".


Trying to escape this utter madhouse.

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Thank you for that. Who is that tit behind the mask and why is she wearing it? Scare tactics towards the terminally dim I suppose.

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That's Dr. Theresa Tam.

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer...

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Thank you for coming back to me. I have to say though listening to other videos of her without mask it really doesn't sound like her in the mask. I appreciate mask might affect the sound, but I sense someone else speaking behind the mask.

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It's her.

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We are dispensable beings to these fascists. They detest our very existence. They are in for a very rude awakening I would venture. :)

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That election that got him into the mayor's office was completely rigged. Numerous poll monitors brought the election fraud to the attention of Matt Gonzalez and he promptly advised them to be silent. I was very disappointed with him.

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Ballot boxes from precincts that went heavily for Matt were found floating in the bay. He told me that himself

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I have wanted to do a post on Gavin Nuisance myself but there is so much to do. However, I note

a moving sphincters whore

a moving stench worshiper

Mr pawing coven horseshit

Are three anagrams of his full name, Gavin Christopher Newsom. So that's a start.

Anyway, you keep sticking it to him, horseshit or any other kind, I am not fussed!

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Hopefully so but not sure

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"First Partner"?????

That's not a parody??

Oh, California.

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Well said, Cindy! - Now comes the big test as the plutocrats push another wave of tyranny - Time for acountability for the perpetrators, but quite honestly those who are so toxically gullible should be accountable too...

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