Bless you Cindy, so THANKFUL for what you do! Love the memes!

'MOO' to you too! Those turkeys were not cowed!

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Happy Thanksgiving.

May God grant us peace and freedom.

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Thank you, Cindy. I love the memes, especially the one of the turkey being unfriended on Facebook.

A powerful essay by Glen Ford written in 2003:


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I’m most thankful for you ❤️

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aw, thanks!


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I'm thankful today for you and your always informative and entertaining writing. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks, Pepper!

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Up here in Canuckistan Cindy, giving thanks for you and other dissident Americans.

You have often made my days, and nights, more bearable these past 4+ years. Knowing I was not alone.

Just read MMA, and her "Cat's Cradle" post of July 18, 2022. You're part of my "karass". My tribe. My peeps.

Happy Thanksgiving Cindy et al.

PS: Ours was in early October here in Canada. I skipped the big deal at my sister's, as did my 92 year old mum. "Troppa confusione"...

So, I purchased an herb roasted chicken and made just a few fixings for mum and I, which included real homemade "Saskatchewan Farm Woman Gravy". My gravy used to be beloved by all in my family, back in the day, when I was always "in charge" of cooking a vat of it, and the mashed potatoes.

These days: does anyone still make gravy "from scratch"?

If so, please post your recipe! I would LOVE to read how y'all do it!

Cheers! 🇨🇦❤️🇺🇸

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We do. Make a roux, add the fat from your chicken, turkey, roast whatevs....stir with a whisk. It's far cheaper and easier to make gravy from scratch. With all of the prepackaged garbage, people have forgotten the lost art of home-cooking.

xoxoMuch love back up to you, my dear!

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The U.S. has the dumbest "holidays" and Thanksgiving is probably the worst. A day celebrating gluttony and the slaughter of millions of living beings and then sitting around watching men slam into each other and throw each other to the ground.

The pardoning of the turkeys by our murderous presidents is the epitome of American exceptionalism/stupidity.

Still, I'm grateful for what I have and the freedom of speech we can still exercise thanks to people like Cindy!

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Hey Bill . . . Reduce your carbon foot-print, skip the xmas lights.

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Lakota historian Nick Estes talks about the violent origins of Thanksgiving and his book,Our History Is the Future. "This history … is a continuing history of genocide, of settler colonialism and, basically, the founding myths of this country," says Estes, who is a co-founder of the Indigenous resistance group The Red Nation and a citizen of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe.


“Four ways to decolonize your thankstaking” by the Indigenous Environmental Network / A Twitter thread reminding readers that the hard work only begins with land acknowledgements, a reflection on the Indigenous land that you live or work on as a way to honor the history of the people who had the land stolen from them.

“Thanksgiving Is Another Reminder of What America Forgot” by Nick Martin / Reflecting on how our educational system still fails Indigenous children.

“Vital, Funny and Beautiful Films to Watch for Native American Heritage Month” by Migizi Pensoneau / Screenwriter Migizi Pensoneau on five Indigenous films that stick with him because of their representation and their storytelling.

“The Thanksgiving Tale We Tell Is a Harmful Lie. As a Native American, I’ve Found a Better Way to Celebrate the Holiday” by Sean Sherman / A chef asks Thanksgiving celebrants to forge a deeper understanding of the Native American histories of their food.

Now, learn why it’s time to give Native Americans their land back.


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