Marky-Mark is close with his Uncle Sam.

"On February 4, 2004, the same day Lifelog was shut down, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his dorm room at Harvard University. The timing has fueled speculation that Facebook might be a continuation of the Lifelog project, rebranded under the guise of a social networking site."


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Excellent article, thanks. I have been very suspect about the official Facebook founding rags-to-riches story and this fleshes it out.

Zuckerberg appears to be some sort of Manchurian Candidate frontman, not very bright, not even smart in a nerdy sort of way one might expect from a software engineer.

I was in IT and have known a bunch of these types and Zuckerberg does not really fit the type.

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Denis Rancourt said a minimum of 17 million "covid vaccine" deaths worldwide as of a year or two ago, probably the real figure is 100+ million *so far*.

How many of those are due to Facebook propaganda and censorship?

A question for the sentencing judge, I guess. After a fair trial of course.

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No fair trials. These monsters should be lined up against a wall and shot with no trial.

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Then nothing will be learned and nobody else will be exposed. It makes no sense.

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But we already learned and we know these monsters cannot be trusted. The proof is in the pudding.

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I remember about a dozen years ago watching the Hollywood film Social Network, the “first hand account” of

Zuck’s rise from college nerd to Big Tech mogul. And sadly at the time I believed it was true. But like countless other blockbusters that claim to have the inside story on events that have shaped or lives, it’s clear that the Mockingbird Media includes these fluffy movies as part of their propaganda arsenal. The psychopaths who put this shit out rely on our gullible nature fall for it and our arrogance to refuse to acknowledge we’re getting conned.

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I recall that film also.

The Big Lie has been perfected and amplified via the monopoly controlled media.

With the COVID illusions the lies have become literally fatal.

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The same with one of my all time favorites, "All the President's Men".

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I’ve recently learned that Watergate was a coup.

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And Bob Woodward is a CIA asset. He was probably Deep Throat, or, was very connected to him.

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Hmm, it occurs to me that I've acquired the habit of recycling comments stored in my chaotic Wordpad archive here-- as if the Soapbox were my Goodwill, and I drop by every few days with another armload of vintage items that I think still have high resale value. 🤔

Be that as it may, your meme/graphic referencing Tuskegee prompts me to again give dishonorable mention to this scamdemic tidbit:

In April 2021, Obama, Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley recorded a PSA encouraging Americans to get the "COVID vaccine(s)"; this PSA was made to counter Black Amerika's reported sane and sensible aversion to getting jabbed. The Tuskegee atrocity was/is considered to be a significant cause or impetus for so-called "vaccine hesitancy". Ya thnk? 💉 ✋🏿

Accordingly, in the PSA Obama actually offers revisionist counterspin to construct a sort of reverse moral or lesson to the Tuskegee atrocities: Obama sententiously and superciliously explained that the true crime was that the medical authorities withheld the medicine desperately needed by their seriously ill subjects.

“'It wasn’t that they made them sick by giving them medicine, it’s that they didn’t give them the medicine they needed… If the medicine is available we need to take it', said Obama.”

This typical rhetorical sleight-of-tongue is obscene, abominable, and reprehensible: classic Obama; to use his own phrase "the old okey-doke". Apart from that, how can this supercilious pitch be reconciled with Obama's ironclad personal precept that it's always best to look forward, not backwards?

Oh, right-- I should've realized that it's also best not to "look backwards" at Obama's previous statements and positions, especially for the sake of exposing vile, self/overclass-serving hypocrisy.


I'm passing on a reaction to Zuck's makeover that resonated with me. It was in a comment somewhere, maybe here, but I can't recall the source.

The commenter pointed out that Curly Top Zuck-- or whatever you call his permed or teased new 'do-- sporting a gold medallion made him look like a Roman emperor. I think it's true enough; all he needs is a laurel wreath and a toga to complete the ensemble. This is not praise-- think "Caligula". 😠

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I repeat that Obama story quite often.

I remember when it occurred. I only read about it in comments, so I very open-mindedly thought "I'm going to do a little investigation and hear this for myself. Because it CANNOT POSSIBLY BE TRUE"

I subjected myself to that entire video only to discover that indeed IT WAS ALL TOO TRUE.

Obama looked straight into the camera and maybe for the first time actually told the truth! Those Tuskeegee fellows didn't die from syphillis - come on people, we would never do that - they suffered and died because we didn't give them the medicine to cure it. On top of which, we did not tell them we were not giving them the medicine to cure it, we let them think they were actually being treated.

Not one mainstream talking head called that out! Not one black actor, not one black politician, not the NAACP, not BLM, no one.

Front men. All of them.

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NAACP is Jews. Implicatiom, graft.

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Curly Top....😝

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As I step back and try to take a big (and long picture look, I realize many of us have gone from skeptic to questioner of everything, to a total non-believer of anything and everything coming from the government and its quislings. I wonder that if they actually spoke truth, are we too far gone to recognize it. It is just a wonder, because I think there's not a snowball's chance in hell that they will talk truth. I am now channeling MLK's Beyond Vietnam--A Time to Break Silence. I suggest everyone with a brain read it and then find the courage to speak and act while we still have voices to break silence and arms to write and legs to storm the Bastille.

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And take action. Start with the power of the purse-string. Then move on to getting rid of WiFi and get a hard-lined connection (Ethernet chord). Ask the technician or service provider to turn the WiDi off and hard-line your computer.

Then move on to taking pot shots at planes spraying chemicals on you. Then move on to strangling the driver of the truck spraying chemicals in your neighborhood.

Be creative, I'm sure you can think of ways to stop the NWO Globohomos in their tracks.

Start filming Freemasonic lodges and identifying their members. Make lists of neighbors with five-pointed stars nailed to their house.

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To sell your soul and any shred of self respect.....these people are the dregs of society.

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Garbage in, garbage out

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From attorney Jenin Younes ...

"If platforms don’t adopt strong free speech positions, public dialogue suffers, Younes said. “Censorship on Meta, especially during the COVID era, strangled public debate and even went so far as to prevent vaccine-injured individuals from corresponding with each other in private groups.”

Time to turn the tables and strangle Zuck the Schmuck? Figuratively of course. 😜 Thanks so much Cindy, for helping to further expose a despicable, censorious waste of protoplasm who is going to look good in orange.

~~ j ~~

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No not figuratively, for real. Psychopaths don't stop themselves. They must be physically stopped.

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It never stops...have you seen this?

What was in that "fog"?


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No, to be honest, I have been kind of avoiding putting that issue on my mind.....



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Call me a hopeless skeptic. But, I haven't believed a damn thing coming from the US Fed Government since 11/21/1963. Just can't go there!

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@Well, I was only 6, but, my violent wake up call was 04/04/04.

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Minimum wage per state. Oklahoma is the worst

Washington’s minimum wage is $16.66 an hour. They just had to have the 666

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Yes Jane, 666 is their calling card. That and the five-poimted star, the International symbol of Zionism.

Anytime you see 6, 66, 666, 6M, or 66M, know you are being hosed.

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I searched “brothers” who ACTUALLY invented Facebook:

Zuckerberg created Facebook after leaving Harvard, initially as a site for Harvard students only. The Winklevoss twins and Narendra sued Zuckerberg in 2004, claiming he stole their idea. They settled the lawsuit for $65 million.

The Winklevoss twins are Olympic rowers who competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. They are also known for their controversial business ventures, which have led to lawsuits and investigations.

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Yes, but did they actually GET the $65 million?

Or did they get a peachy deal from the you know who agencies with all present and future charges dropped for whatever shenanigans they come up with.

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Hey Tara! Nice to see you here, gurl!

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thanks, Cindy

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Well said.

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What percentage of US workers earn minimum wage? Answer: 1.3 %. Whenever I see this used to make a point about injustice, I know the writer is either uninformed or deliberately misleading.

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Respectfully, what does this have to do with the fact that Federal Minimum wage hasn't changed in 15 years. Double that amount is still poverty wages. For those 1.3% of workers, one hour of work won't even buy a dozen eggs, or a couple of gallons of gas. That info was relevant to that meme. What about the .000009% of people who are billionaires and exploiting the labor of others no matter how much they get paid?

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