Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

So many sensational displays of US government/political dysfunction distract the public's attention from the ongoing genocide in Gaza and other parts of Palestine.

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Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

How do we know Biden is actually still alive. It was difficult enough to tell before this all happened.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

I was going to point that out.

We haven't seen him since he scrabbled up the short stairs on AF One last Weds.

I don't put anything past them, but, wouldn't that be just a massive breach of trust with the American people...LOL...I can't finish. Sometimes I crack myself up.

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Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Perhaps he fell down another flight of stairs and was knocked out after writing the tweet and they are still trying to bring him around?

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Help, I've pooped my pants and I can't get up!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It would be just like them to have him "tragically" die of covid in order to whip up a shitload of sympathy....

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Joe who? You conspiracy theorists are so predictable. We have always been ruled by President Harris.

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Came here to ask that. Nobody's seen him, right? Since he broke up with us by tweet?

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Don't get excited, it's just conjectural.

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Maybe they should prop him up behind the desk in the Oval office, glue today's newspaper to his chin and snap a photo before he decomposes further.

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Leave it to Mika B to make an appeal to the OBushma families to get behind Kamala. Where was Joe Scar--checking on his dead intern? The initial wave, media-generated, of support for Kamala will appear pretty intense, but I expect it to turn into a dismal trickle as the weeks wear on to November.

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thanks for knowing he probably murdered his mistress who worked in his congressional campaign. He is so Moral Oral, but, has many skeletons in his own closet.

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Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This is another and always is a dog and pony show. Mace is a genocider against the Palestinian people with utterly no conscience whatsoever. A true monster trying to score brownie points while children die.

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Aren't they all? Except for a few people in the government who are mildly calling on Israel to limit civilian deaths, they are all genociders.

it's all a dog and pony show, but that's entertainment.

They are all "true monsters."

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This is entertaining. Daily Kos banned me in 2011 for not being lockstep enough with the Democratic platform and hanging out with people who had a clue as to what leftism actually is. All of a sudden this weekend they dredged up my email address from somewhere and are deluging me with fundraising emails, which Apple is happily sending to my spam file.

Seriously, guys? You’re so desperate you’re fundraising at banned members from over ten years ago? Exactly what did you think might have changed?

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Ha! I was banned by DK when I left the democrap party in 2007.

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You really haven't blogged if you've never been banned from Daily Kos.

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Plus Markos piece of shit wrote an entire hit piece chapter about me in a book he wrote. How do we say CIA without really saying CIA?

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“Going through a lot...”. 🤣

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I only know about this based on an Abby Martin appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast a few years ago; it was a darkly funny exchange about Mr Scarborough and his dead intern, who was in marathon-running shape. Kind of straight-up funny that MSNBC scrapped "Morning Joe" the Monday morning following the bizarre attempted assassination of Trump...

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Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Wow! - Thanks for providing this information and perspective!!

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Jul 22Liked by Cindy Sheehan

So cool .. tell it like it is

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Very funny

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Assassination attempt (sic, NOT, Error 404)??

American Cognitive Decline: It's Bipartisan/ "Trump shooting" kayfabe spectacle proves Republicans and Democrats are drooling idiots



Century of the Jew:


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