No, the Enemy of my Enemy is Not My Friend
In this Case, it's Rand Paul (R-KY) and He Makes Some Valid Points about the Endless War in Ukraine
My issues with Rand Paul are sundry and varied.
I think he’s a grandstander, and no accountability has happened to Dr. Anthony Falsie (in fact, he is still prospering) despite Rand’s aggressive questioning particularly about the origins of “covid.”
In the video I have shared above, he makes many, many good points about the U.S. continued funding of the corrupt government of Ukraine, and subsequently playing with fire with potential wider, and more devastating war.
The one thing he says that I would tend to disagree with is that Russia is a deeply corrupt country. It may be, but the one country I know that is the most corrupt nation in the world, happens to be the one where Rand Paul serves in the government.
Also, I may have missed it, but I think the overriding aspect of this entire imperial crime that his father Ron Paul would have highlighted is the astronomical loss of life which can hardly be quantified by cash.
The U.S. taxpayer (borrowing and deficit spending) has sent a minimum of $100 billion to launder (oops, I mean “aid”) to Ukraine, when most of us here are suffering financially. I should declare that Putin is getting ready to invade me, then demand cash from my own country!
Please watch this video where Rand Paul puts his colleagues on notice that he will vote for NO bill that gives further aid to Ukraine and the “endless” war.
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Ron Paul and Rand Paul are very valuable voices against the Neocons and Military Industrial Complex for many years. I congratulate the Republicans voters for ditching the Bush Cabal.
Now we just gotta get Tyrant Biden and the Neocons out of DNC too!
Whoa, are we Putin Puppets? I diggit. End all wars! And while fantasizing, free Julian Assange.