As much as I agree with that in theory, I can't endorse the use or existence of a US Black Site like Guantanamo Bay, situated in another country so as to avoid any legal issues while engaging in torture.
Preemptively pardoning mass murderer Fauci is indeed a travesty of justice!
On a positive note, JB also commuted Leonard Peltier’s life sentence. While a full pardon for him would have been preferable, it’s good news that Peltier can at last leave his unjust incarceration and go home to live out his days in his community.
The Cadaver in Chief can go fuck himself. He just put his entire family above the law---anything they did for the past ten years. Yeah, it's good some intern threw Peltier in there, but, it doesn't make up for all the vile evil he's done for the past four years---or the bureaucracy surrounding him did.
So true, it was crumbs compared to all the evil he has perpetrated, and giving his whole family license to kill and steal is over the top. But we got to still be glad about Leonare Peltier going home.
I believe Biden accomplished the impossible. He has replaced Benedict Arnold as the metaphorical poster child of the words Traitor and Treason. In contemporary application I offer this example:
“Anthony Fauci is truly a Joe Biden to America” and “The Cheney Family are truly Joe Bidens to the US Constitution”
Benedict can now rest in peace and hold Joe Bidens beer for the rest of eternity.
And he usurped the worst president from Jimmy Carter. Who died the 2nd worst president. At least in modern history. For sure, there have been worse, but this is the age of the public poll.
A top tier candidate for sure, but it was evil Abe, in my humble opinion, that laid the groundwork for him and all of those that followed to get us to this totalitarian government point in history.
Jill is a doctor of Education. Hilariously, Whoopi Goldberg said, on The View, that Jill should be appointed Surgeon general, because she is a good doctor. Which shows just how ignorant those blabbermouths are, IMO. The sleeping thing? yes, yuck, doubties that is the sleeping arrangement.
Pre-emptive pardons are nothing but more proof, as if we needed it, that the US so-called 'justice system' is a complete farce. I can speak from personal experience on that.
He and his dirty siblings have been grifting for so long he figured Trump would go after them the way his DOJ went after Trump. He really has no "legacy" or reputation left to speak of, so what the hell? 😝
I'm exhausted from chopping and shoveling encrusted snow and ice from my sidewalk-- only a few yards, but it felt like a few miles. Coming to this thread late, as usual I will recycle a comment I posted elsewhere last week. Sometimes I almost regret trusting my intuition:
Personally, apart from triggering WW3, I'm trying to suppress a low-level nagging dread that The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present will continue his orgy of malicious mischief in domestic matters, and on the way out issue still more bad-faith, self-serving amnesties and immunities upon his junior partners in crime.
No matter how outrageous and dubious they are, such official acts only need acquire a modicum of inertia and momentum to deter successors from rigorously seeking redress. Trump seems to have developed a forked reaction of vehemently trash-talking the Beltway villains and demons and their foul works, but ultimately retreating from taking promised corrective action for the usual lame reasons-- e.g., "optics".
I guess it didn't take psychic powers to experience that nagging dread, because The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present had pretty much telegraphed his intention to ride out on, pardon the expression, an orgasmic ejaculation of TDS. They must have tripled his Viagra dose!
Funny, I'm old enough to remember the satirical joke about Nixon: Would you buy a used car from this man? There were probably posters, but I'm too tired to look it up. I mention this because, as much as I wish it weren't so, the question is much more apropos for Trump.
Naturally, in my aggravated idealistic state I heartily wish that Team Trump will make it a priority to explicitly reject and reverse all of Biden's sleazy twelfth-hour defensive lawfare gambits. But when I righteously want to conclude "... as a matter of principle" the phrase sticks in my throat (or fingers). It does not compute.
As my recycled comment suggests, Trump talks a good game. But I expect that even if his DOJ formally challenges the legitimacy of "preemptive pardons", and for that matter a departing President declaring a Constitutional amendment "passed" via executive fiat, it will tiptoe away from rigorously investigating and prosecuting exactly the Rogues' Gallery supervillains holding Biden's newly-minted counterfeit "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.
I'll be mildly embarrassed, but pleasantly surprised if Trump orders badly-needed reforms at, er warp speed, including appropriate and comprehensive investigations and prosecutions. Instead, I expect him to revert to paternalistic happy horseshit: rising "above the fray"; moving forwards, not backwards; recommending that we let bygones be bygones-- à la Rodney King, asking “Can we all just get along?”
Speaking of Kings, at least the back breaking shoveling and the parthian Biden outrages preempted my usual rant about the insipid "Martin Luther King Day of Service" rhetoric flogged by the Establishment and mass-media today. Thank God for small favors! 😡
Reminder from other articles. Biden commuted Leonard Peltier's life sentence. I believe he had also put "sanctions" on some Israeli settlements that Trump is expected to remove. Trying to just keep to "No Libtard, No Trumptard, No Tards at all."
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying 'Fauxci', Milley, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Thanks Cindy - This unprecedented corrupt criminality would be hilariously funny in a script, but yes, I agree with Tommy that accountability on this earth (not just hereafter) is appropriate; if we tolerate this level of obviously criminal tyranny, we deserve to be subjected to it.
His nonsense is unconstitutional and will be reversed.
The guillotines will be ready. After fair trials of course.
the truth came out at the end....he pardoned all the murdering slime that he could....
Thanks, to me, these pardons are de facto confessions.
good for you Cindy..... they need to see the inside of gitmo
As much as I agree with that in theory, I can't endorse the use or existence of a US Black Site like Guantanamo Bay, situated in another country so as to avoid any legal issues while engaging in torture.
Preemptively pardoning mass murderer Fauci is indeed a travesty of justice!
On a positive note, JB also commuted Leonard Peltier’s life sentence. While a full pardon for him would have been preferable, it’s good news that Peltier can at last leave his unjust incarceration and go home to live out his days in his community.
That has been a long time coming for Leonard Peltier !
Thank you, Joe
The Cadaver in Chief can go fuck himself. He just put his entire family above the law---anything they did for the past ten years. Yeah, it's good some intern threw Peltier in there, but, it doesn't make up for all the vile evil he's done for the past four years---or the bureaucracy surrounding him did.
So true, it was crumbs compared to all the evil he has perpetrated, and giving his whole family license to kill and steal is over the top. But we got to still be glad about Leonare Peltier going home.
He suffered for so long though...
I believe Biden accomplished the impossible. He has replaced Benedict Arnold as the metaphorical poster child of the words Traitor and Treason. In contemporary application I offer this example:
“Anthony Fauci is truly a Joe Biden to America” and “The Cheney Family are truly Joe Bidens to the US Constitution”
Benedict can now rest in peace and hold Joe Bidens beer for the rest of eternity.
And he usurped the worst president from Jimmy Carter. Who died the 2nd worst president. At least in modern history. For sure, there have been worse, but this is the age of the public poll.
Woodrow Wilson had them all beat
i agree....worst prez ever
A top tier candidate for sure, but it was evil Abe, in my humble opinion, that laid the groundwork for him and all of those that followed to get us to this totalitarian government point in history.
Best of luck, friend,
~~ j ~~
Surely his handlers will not be propping up his near-necrotic husk at the swearing in?
If you have to pardon your entire family and your associates before they are even accused and tried - you are acknowledging their guilt. What a stain.
they did....he was unashamedly very prominent at the swearing in.
What I don't get is how Trump shook his hand.
I mean when someone is more loathsome than Trump, that's pretty bad!
And wifey Jill claims to be some kind of doctor....Imagine having to sleep next to that loathsome man for decades....ughh.
Jill is a doctor of Education. Hilariously, Whoopi Goldberg said, on The View, that Jill should be appointed Surgeon general, because she is a good doctor. Which shows just how ignorant those blabbermouths are, IMO. The sleeping thing? yes, yuck, doubties that is the sleeping arrangement.
in a democracy, Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. etc. would be hung for crimes against humanity.
Pre-emptive pardons are nothing but more proof, as if we needed it, that the US so-called 'justice system' is a complete farce. I can speak from personal experience on that.
He and his dirty siblings have been grifting for so long he figured Trump would go after them the way his DOJ went after Trump. He really has no "legacy" or reputation left to speak of, so what the hell? 😝
We can still lynch em, can’t we?
I guess we just need a rope and something to string it up.
Guillotines need to be built.
Give 'em the short drop, a la Nuremburg, as the long drop is too good for 'em. Ditto the national razor ... too quick and easy for 'em.
Good stuff as always Cindy, cannot thank you enough.
~~ j ~~
Can’t we do both?.. C’mon, good old Yankee know how!
I guess we can have regional preferences.
Firing squads in red states?
Tar and feathering in southern states?
I am sure they will get sanctuary and parades in blue states.
🎼 I guess that’s why they call us the Blues… 😢
Nah. Let's just lock em up in the normal prison system. Not a country club prison but normal holding.
They can enjoy being abused by psychopaths like themselves.
That would be an insult to honest criminals.
There’s nothing they did so bad as to bunk with the Bidens
I love your compassion JP---haven't those honest prisoners suffered enough?
It'll be the same like when they put a dirty murderous officer in jail.
Imagine you're in jail because of the Biden crime bill and hear that Biden is in your jail....
If you were innocent, it’s likely that it was Harris that put you there
hope never dies!
We should have guillotine building parties....workshops.
That may pucker the assholes of the oligarchy
In a further development, Biden pardoned everyone named Brandon!
Let's go Brandon!!!
I'm exhausted from chopping and shoveling encrusted snow and ice from my sidewalk-- only a few yards, but it felt like a few miles. Coming to this thread late, as usual I will recycle a comment I posted elsewhere last week. Sometimes I almost regret trusting my intuition:
Personally, apart from triggering WW3, I'm trying to suppress a low-level nagging dread that The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present will continue his orgy of malicious mischief in domestic matters, and on the way out issue still more bad-faith, self-serving amnesties and immunities upon his junior partners in crime.
No matter how outrageous and dubious they are, such official acts only need acquire a modicum of inertia and momentum to deter successors from rigorously seeking redress. Trump seems to have developed a forked reaction of vehemently trash-talking the Beltway villains and demons and their foul works, but ultimately retreating from taking promised corrective action for the usual lame reasons-- e.g., "optics".
I guess it didn't take psychic powers to experience that nagging dread, because The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present had pretty much telegraphed his intention to ride out on, pardon the expression, an orgasmic ejaculation of TDS. They must have tripled his Viagra dose!
Funny, I'm old enough to remember the satirical joke about Nixon: Would you buy a used car from this man? There were probably posters, but I'm too tired to look it up. I mention this because, as much as I wish it weren't so, the question is much more apropos for Trump.
Naturally, in my aggravated idealistic state I heartily wish that Team Trump will make it a priority to explicitly reject and reverse all of Biden's sleazy twelfth-hour defensive lawfare gambits. But when I righteously want to conclude "... as a matter of principle" the phrase sticks in my throat (or fingers). It does not compute.
As my recycled comment suggests, Trump talks a good game. But I expect that even if his DOJ formally challenges the legitimacy of "preemptive pardons", and for that matter a departing President declaring a Constitutional amendment "passed" via executive fiat, it will tiptoe away from rigorously investigating and prosecuting exactly the Rogues' Gallery supervillains holding Biden's newly-minted counterfeit "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.
I'll be mildly embarrassed, but pleasantly surprised if Trump orders badly-needed reforms at, er warp speed, including appropriate and comprehensive investigations and prosecutions. Instead, I expect him to revert to paternalistic happy horseshit: rising "above the fray"; moving forwards, not backwards; recommending that we let bygones be bygones-- à la Rodney King, asking “Can we all just get along?”
Speaking of Kings, at least the back breaking shoveling and the parthian Biden outrages preempted my usual rant about the insipid "Martin Luther King Day of Service" rhetoric flogged by the Establishment and mass-media today. Thank God for small favors! 😡
Agree it's not wrong to focus on prior regimes.
Pardoned by Trump on Jan. 20, 2021.
Reminder from other articles. Biden commuted Leonard Peltier's life sentence. I believe he had also put "sanctions" on some Israeli settlements that Trump is expected to remove. Trying to just keep to "No Libtard, No Trumptard, No Tards at all."
Every president kisses Israel’s ass. Amerika and Israel are 2 criminal regimes.
Or one????
This is criminal beyond words. But, sad to say, I am not surprised.
It is sad that nobody is surprised....
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying 'Fauxci', Milley, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
revolting to the last drop. fk them.
Thanks Cindy - This unprecedented corrupt criminality would be hilariously funny in a script, but yes, I agree with Tommy that accountability on this earth (not just hereafter) is appropriate; if we tolerate this level of obviously criminal tyranny, we deserve to be subjected to it.
I agree with you both!