Thank you for this. I almost want to vote for Trump. All these political war mongers need to go to the front line and experience war up front and personal. Thank you again.

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And all of these creeps support the ongoing genocide in Israel. The points where they agree reveal the true agenda.

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You want to hear how compassionate the U.S. is to their troops? U.S. Soldiers are dying in Ukraine. But the Pentagon is reporting them as “accidents”…climbing mountains, car crashes, airplane crashes, training “accidents.” But wait, Jimmy, it gets worse. U.S. Soldiers are trapped right now in the Kursk region of Russia (part of the Snowman’s PR stunt to get more U.S. taxpayer money). It is very likely that if they can not be rescued (and there have been two failed attempts do far), they will BE LIQUIDATED and their bodies burned so they won’t fall into Russian hands. JUST LIKE THE U.S. DID IN MARIUPOL.

NOW…with a straight face tell me the U.S. Is not behind the genocide in Gaza. If the U.S. doesn’t give a rat’s ass about our military, what makes you think they give a shit about Palestinians? Israel is another proxy for the vampires running Blackrock who want, what? Take a guess…Ukraine’s natural resources and Gaza’s gas. And it doesn’t take a freaking genius, or an economic or military “expert” to figure that out.

The shitstorm is coming and we deserve it.

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When you say "you" are you specifically talking to me?

I agree with your comments.

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No, my dear. I could have worded it better. I got triggered that morning when I first heard the news. Of course, I knew about the “accidents” and I knew the NAZIs were capable of war crimes. But it was a shock to know they’d off U.S. soldiers at the behest of their puppet masters (although certainly not out of the realm of possibility either). I know there is shit going on in the military that no one knows about (although it is beginning to come out and it’s more than “friendly” fire). It’s interesting how it’s so freaking difficult to hide the truth. If the rat bastards working so hard in keeping the heinousness perpetrated by our government used that same effort in honorable efforts, we’d be exploring the galaxy and colonizing planets by now (if that kind of thing floats your boat). So we soldier on.

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Shocking. This also includes British & French troops.

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“You really can’t hate the Democrippled-activists in the Garbage People enough.”

Here in my precinct of Wokened Snarkville there is being called a post-election celebration of Kopmala’s victory hosted by a sub genius group of jazz musicians. I kid you not.

The arrogance of these folks is stomach churning. The same types who virtue signaled about receiving the clot shots a few years ago many of whom are now experiencing health fallout from same.

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and still getting their boaster shots....how can people destroy their immune systems like this?


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It is sad. Even in the cases of the virtue signallers. The ground has been prepared through about a century of propaganda by the medical cartel around vaccines, germ theory, and viruses.

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"Boaster shots," Cindy you crack me up.

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Every once in awhile, the thought will pop into my head, "Could I actually vote for Trump?" I know the answer is no, but like you I feel like I am being pushed by the absolute insanity of the Democraps. I wish I could step away a bit more and just watch it all as a form of entertainment, but the damage that is being done to family/friend relationships is too troubling.

The scamdemic certainly contributed toward people being distrustful of each other and seeing each other as vectors of disease. I don't see how we recover from this, although the stories out of Hurricane Helene devastation show that people helped each other out without asking if they were members of the blue or red team. Wresting control away from corporate media and their efforts to induce mass-insanity by sharing independent voices like yours is life and love-affirming.

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So, voting makes you happy, placated, what? Vote for Cornel, then, or Stein, but you are being pushed to fucking vote for the Nazi Fascist Rapist Grifter UnMan Orange Man, whose brain is as dead in the water as Biden's? My fucking god, vote for Bannon and Pompeo and Kushner and Adolph Netanyahu, don't you know.

The Planned-Demic pushed people toward distrust?

It only worked because the Jewish Edward Bernays Mad Men got this fucking country sucker punched by cigarettes, wars in Chile, El Salvador, you name it, and then, damn, JFK murdered by Mossad and Mossad having those tricky explosives in the elevator shafts of the WWC?

When has the Corporate Media ever been any good? Take me back, please, to CIA New York Times, CIA Wash Post, CIA CIA, and, spooks everywhere. COINTELPRO? Hmm, distrust? Only since the bioweapon Event 201 Proving Grounds? Never distructed Vioxx and all the other poisons of Pharma BEFORE planned-demic?

Good luck on that one. Was Jimmy "Mine the Harbors in Nicaragua" Carter the Last Good Guy?



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What's your damage---she says she is NOT voting for OMB, like me.

If you knew any better, you'd know that Gail is a Green and protests against the devastation of Gaza all the time.

Why be so hostile?

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Thanks, Cindy! I thought he placed his comment in the wrong spot.😜

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I know...didn't make sense to me, either.


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Nah, Trump didn't even "lock her up" when it came to the bigger criminal, Hitlarly.

This is pro wrestling like drama.... "I'm gonna get so and so at WrestleMania". 😂

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As we have pointed out repeatedly on SheeLilly, seems like both sides forget that he was already POTUS once. I hope you read the entire piece because my title was snarkasm

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Oh yeah, sorry I meant the comment for those that might read this and think he's for real 🤡.

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Remember when she fell getting into the SUV and all the agents helped shove her in the back seat with one shoe off. That was her arrest

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Nov 2Edited

Beginning in 2016, it became de rigueur, if not obligatory, for TDS-free (TDS-pure?) commenters expressing anything remotely positive about Trump to begin with variations of the disclaimer, "Now, I'm not FOR Trump, but...". Everyone who normally despised Trump was so paranoid and uptight about being taken for a "Trump supporter" that they felt it necessary to bend over backwards to prove their bona fides and rhetorically armor themselves against being mistaken for MAGA Deplorables.

I'm not unsympathetic, insofar as I personally experienced TDS-afflicted binary thinkers (for lack of a better term) for whom even a single positive word about OMB was-- and remains-- anathema.

In recent weeks, if I may say so (and I am), this disclaimer has re-emerged, modified to a compulsion to reassure viewers or readers that the commenter would never actually VOTE for Trump.

Well, forgive me if you can, but depending on my mood I might just wander down to my polling place on Tuesday and vote "for" Trump. After all, I live in the crucial "swing state" of Pennsylvania. If I do vote for Trump, it will be purely for spite-- not just general spite towards the TDS "Resistance" embodied by the Democratic Party of Judas, but spite towards certain TDS-saturated zealots.

For years I've subscribed to a formerly pleasant, geeky website called A Word A Day (AWAD). Without going into too much detail, it's run by an academic type named Anu Garg. Sadly, and outrageously, in 2016 Garg evidenced symptoms of acute TDS-- and instead of sensibly keeping politics out of his pleasant apolitical site, used it to showcase TDS-fueled repugnance and snark toward all things Trump.

When many long-time non-TDS AWAD devotees protested back then, Garg bumptiously doubled down and insisted that it was entirely appropriate, and indeed morally and politically necessary and laudatory, to use his site as a platform to combat The Orange Satan and his foul works. (I paraphrase.) Since then, in weekly e-mails he showcases fellow TDS contributors who incorporate the word(s) of the day into scathing anti-Trump sneers and jeers.

Last month, every daily e-mail featured "election interference" entries trashing Trump and praising Que Mala. I stopped reading them.

AWAD is just one appalling, egregious manifestation of TDS. (BTW, unsurprisingly Garg is also pro-vax and was a scamdemic True Believer). But it may be the last TDS straw to overcome my karmic fastidiousness about voting for Trump. I'm bitter enough to do it just to stick it to Garg for allowing his demented political perspective to ruin what should be an apolitical site. 😡

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I try not to tell anyone what to do.

You can go and vote for Trump with a clear conscience!!!

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If Cindy keeps up this kind of lean to the OMB . I think she might get a place in the new cleaned government

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I'll be minister of Grandbabies.

I lean towards revolution, but, there are not enough of us willing to take that step.

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Great I have 13 grand babes

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I only have 6....but we have to stay in the struggle for them!

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I intend to sit in the Election Day bleachers wearing my F--k politicians shirt, quietly rooting for Trump in all probability even though he didn't get my unique, precious, makes-all-the-difference vote.

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So, you are going to elect Trump. or Kamala because one of them will lose by ONE VOTE!!!!

Damn you, Howard.

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I know. It's not easy carrying the fate of the world on your shoulders.

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So well said, Cindy - thank you!!! First time voting for Trump and delighted to do so... (But haven't voted for a Democrat in 12 years, and never will again....)

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Yes, it's bee since 2004 that I voted for a democrat.

Ugh--Kerry. That was the year that Casey was killed, though, and I was only Anybody But Bush.

Thanks, Will!!

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Yas Queen ‘Mala had said they were aiming for 100% vaccination 💉 of Americans. She cares 😉.

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Even though I oppose the death penatly, it's a charming idea. However, I already voted for my dog Ever Everything for President and her daughter Esther Eternal for Vice President.

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Haven’t voted since 2004. This year I voted, absentee, for OMB.

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OMB was running in 2004? Or did you mean 2024?

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No, I haven’t voted since 2004, but this year I registered as an absentee and voted for OMB. Suffragio jacta est.

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Gotcha---I just realized what you clearly meant.

I read it on my phone, and I had a procedure on my right eye that makes it harder to see small print. Sorry!

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Well... I wouldn't call for her execution, at least not until she had a "fair" trial...

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thanks for confirming what I said about trials.


I am curious, though, what would a trial for war criminals look like here in the US? I feel like we'd have to take over and have people's tribunals because the current "justice" system is laughable.

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Let's see who gets to be AG under Trump, and not to forget that RFKJr will be advising, in the background. And if the Senate goes Repub, with SCOTUS backing it all up. this is probably 1000% too hopeful, but at least it ain't boring.

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If RFK Jr is anything, he is enamored with the system.

He thinks it just went astray after his uncle and dad were killed--that was the era of the rise of the police state and both used it for their political ends.

You do remember that Trump was president already and not one war criminal was prosecuted?

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See this:

With Kennedy on Board, This is What a Trump Win Will Mean for Democrats

It Will Lead to the Repudiation of Accepting Pharma Money and Pushing the Pharma Agenda as a Wise Way to Run a Political Party

James Lyons-Weiler


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Booster shots leading to a myriad of health issues. Hmmm. I’ve never believed in karma, but I may have to revisit my thinking.

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Instant Karma is literally a killer, sometimes!

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Orange Man Bad Will Execute Lizard Cheney? That's the final straw, I'm voting for him!

This opening line gave me a good chuckle; For the 3rd time I voted for the same candidate for POTUS.

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Also, all the shit libs celebs vowing to leave the country if OMB wins is a powerful incentive.

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Oh, the cunt election (sic)?

Nobody cares.

Nobody is on your side.

Nobody tells the truth.

Nobody will defend your freedom.

Nobody is truly independent.

Nobody will end the wars.

Nobody will stop arming Israel.

Nobody will restore power to the people.

Nobody will challenge the power of the central banks.

Nobody will stop the systematic theft of your collective wealth.

Nobody will defy the evil global criminocracy.

Vote for Nobody!


Jesus Fucking Christ -- 'First Man' Makes a Case for the Lobotomizing of America, since WWII and Iwo Jima . . . .

First Man -- more Yankee mush movie muddling, a la, Speilberg produced, oh, those dumb Goyim and Crocodile Tears for the NAZA - NASA war space race.


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