Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

''lost so much'' for speaking truth

(me too, guess they weren't friends after all)

MANDATE (from our heartless, sovereign leaders)

''no good deed shall go unpunished''

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At least we have our health

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

As fate would have it, back in March 2021 (age 74), I trusted my VA doctor and got the J&J 1-jab. Then I was vaccine injured resulting in lymphadenopathy and atrial fibrillation. Then I found Dr. John's website and have refused the Cv boosters, flu and all the other vaccines recommended by the VA for us old timers. Now I take supplements to boost my immune system. Live and Learn.

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I am so sorry you were vax-injured! I am happy that you are on the right track though.

Who is Dr. John? There are a lot of them.

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I read somewhere that one possible side effect is FUCKING DEATH....

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Yep. Genocide

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At the highest level of manipulation and decision making YES but at lower levels like one's general practicioner cowardice and ignorance

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and greed

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Pfizer is so evil but Gates is eviler

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"...MAY not be..."?!?!? Pfuck You - Pfizer - you know DAMN WELL that's not all of the potential side effects...you listed more than 1200 in the documents that you wanted to keep hidden for more than 75 years. How about Maddie DeGaray? She's permanently paralyzed. You listed that as "abdominal discomfort"... But you didn't even mention"abdominal discomfort" - much less - permanent paralysis... What about Guillane-Barre syndrome? How about strokes and blood clots?

These people are genocidal, eugenicist mass-murderers - just like their business partners - Bill Gates and the Pentagon.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

You sure do turn out beautiful works!!!! : https://www.facebook.com/phil.fellows.3

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Looks like Thailand is going after Pfizer...!


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Well said CiaNDY!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Another enjoyable read. Thanks.

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Thanks Cindy - right on target - great to see that CiaNN and all the Noise outlets are being increasingly ignored - the plutocrats capture the media, so we have to make our own, like you are doing!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Here's a good article that Katherine Watt's writing partner, Sasha Latypova, just cross-posted: https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/how-the-us-govt-built-a-shadow-structure-that-enabled-covid-vax-bioterrorism/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Unfortunately the Climate lockdowns are coming (at least that's their plan). I'm pretty sure they are going to try to scare the pants off of anyone still watching corporate media. So the more we can let people know that human caused global warming is a farce, the better.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Pfizer is most definitely evil, but turns out that how this plandemic came about is much more sinister than that. For the real story of how this happened, watch Katherine Watt's latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9mFc4_5S0A&t=311s Spoiler alert: the Dept. of Defense was behind this, and Pfizer (and everyone else involved) has just been fulfilling their contracts with them.

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Yes, I do know that there are far shadowy forces behind everything.

Like I said in my piece.

I am not sure the DoD was the ultimate culprit.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Cindy, Righteous stuff. 🙏👍 See below. FYI.

ICYMI 📝👉*Article: With a Lie this Large (The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds), by Greg Maybury.

#Covid19 #Censorship #BillGates #Propaganda #RFKJr #ExperimentalVaccines #BigPharma #NewNormal #CorbettReport #OperantConditioning #PredictiveProgramming #Fauci

My feature length article* on the Covid ‘scamdal’ from two years ago advanced the notion the real “virus” was of a different, less tangible, yet far more insidious kind. (NB.: The original version was penned a good six months before anyone had heard of the term “mass formation psychosis”.)

Since publishing it, our “minds” have become ever more infected, the lies larger, more frequent, contradictory, absurd, and seemingly enduring. And more widely and aggressively spread. With the truth becoming more distorted, corrupted, fragmented, censored. As for the liars—none of whom have yet to be held accountable—they are still gaily whistling past the graveyard on their way home from the bank🏦 .

A ‘bonus’ for readers of this narrative who make the effort is my unpflinching, pforensic take-down of Moobie-Man (aka Bill Gates). It alone I feel is worth the ‘price of entry.’


What readers said about “With a Lie this Large (The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds)”. Feel free to distribute and repost as you see fit. GM


👉 ‘Whew, just finished a first reading--there’ll be several more I'm sure. Beautifully written, [a] powerful piece...it's an important perspective that may shed some real light on how we need to proceed. i.e. [how we need] to break the Covidian trance. Thank you.’

👉 ‘Everything by this writer is worth reading, and this article in particular is one to be stashed and shared under "Must Read". Tear yourself away from arguing with someone about why or why not you'll get the "Vaccine"…and understand the deeply troubling ramifications of what this global emergency is about.’

👉 ‘Many thanks to you for sharing. You are an inspiration and a strength in a world made by a few, dull and weak (sic). I look forward to more of your great articles and stories. Hold your spirit strong ‘cause you are here on the right side of this great thing they call life. Your wisdom and words are much needed to awaken the dormants. Keep up your great work.’

👉 ‘I recommend this article [on transmarginal inhibition*] to understand why all this fear is being promoted. Pavlov did a considerable amount of work to understand this phenomena. Essentially, if the PTB can scare the crap out of you, then you can be made to believe the most implausible things.’

👉 ‘A really good read...I have read so much material that counters the current mainstream media regarding #COVID, I am seeing many of the tools used [by them] to get the counter argument across. I am now a firm believer that the world is currently being misled, [and] misinformed with selective information...But many counterarguments are falling short; this article managed to stay thought provoking all the way through without any sensationalism, and therefore sits alongside many of the great articles I have had the good fortune to read on this website. Genuine food for thought. Thank you.’

👉 ‘Greg, I wish I had your eloquence and gift for expressing yourself on so many topics, but alas, I don’t. Keep it up!’

👉 ‘Your essays are brilliantly informative and entertaining...don't change a thing...[For my part] I will continue to be obstinately objectionable and question EVERYTHING! AND you no doubt will continue researching and entertaining us with your wonderful essays.’

👉 ‘Thank you [Greg]. I found it a lucid and interesting article. It set me thinking on a couple of things.’ [*Ed. Note: 👍 One of the main points of the exercise I’d like to think🤔.]

👉 ‘Greg, congrats on your Covid essay, I think you’ve nailed this in that it has become a total psychological game where our so called leaders dance to the tune of a prescribed narrative, and pity anyone who dare speak of an alternative view. The real tragedy is that most support the fools they call leaders. Your essay could be well illustrated with an image of the Pied Piper...’

👉 ‘Hi Greg, You are one of the most creative writers that I know of. This important article uses your remarkable creativity to broadcast an important message that goes against the convention (sic) madness.’

👉 ‘[Hello Greg], thank you for your impressive and admirable work. Congrats! It is very valuable for me because I can use and reference it in conversations and correspondence.’

👉'Many thanks Greg, again you have demonstrated your unique ability to voice the truth and add graphics plus links which make it easy for your readers to research for themselves your thesis...I'm totally "on board" with your presentation and clarity.’

👉 ‘A REALLY GREAT COLLATION of fact and, hopefully, reconsideration, gratefully digested, Matey. May the harsh wind blow gently at your back! Enjoyed your elegant spiel.‘

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

My Rabbi Michoel Green makes resistance music videos with his family. This is the best one yet!


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awesome....great Rabbi!

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all this ballooning stuff is so inspiring for me as an absurd rebel poet and i wrote a poem called:


I see such "news coverage" as evidence of declining mental health of the (re)public and certainly the media (both producers and consumers unfortunately). This requires some countermeasures - poetry! The best poetry is written in the craziest times if that's any consolation. Thank you, Cindy, for staying on the right side of sanity. I'd be hesitating myself without voices of reason like yours.

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