RFK Jr's run is a curiosity, and I wonder who put him up to it? There is an air of Old Time Religion about him, a kind of born-again energy, that reflects the messianic streak in American politics, and kind of explains his wacky embrace of Zionism. To the extent that he runs his Campaign like a Revival, I think he stands a snowball's chance (Kucinich is probably an even more religious fellow). Not that it matters which face shows up in the Oval Office, but if Biden gets the boot, all bets are off.

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It seems like his political understanding froze in 1968 when his dad was killed.

Yes, he has a snowball chance in hell....if Biden resigns, or is removed from office, the Democraps will still not allow Bobs, or Marianne to even be considered.

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I loved (OK...so "loved" may be a bit too "nurturing.") reading the snippet from the New York Crimes. You might be interested in this article about the corruption of the main scream media that goes back waaaaay further than I ever thought. Silly rabbit, I thought it was a relatively recent thing. It's been going on since the end of WWII. Most likely before WWI, what with the "yellow" "journalism" and all that.


Somebody will have to redefine "journalism" because it sure doesn't exist in this banana republic!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

When I was in high school (that also goes waaaaay back), I was in a Journalism class that had a term paper due. I thought I'd already done my fair share of foot-noted term papers, so in my adolescent mind I was looking for the 'easy topic' that time around, and I chose "comic strip history". Well, waddya know, long story short, the "history" part took me back to the comic strip "Yellow Kid", through the competitive sensationalism of Pulitzer's and Hearst's newspapers, and eventually morphed into "Yellow Journalism" of the Spanish American War and how it is a derogatory phrase to this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism I actually learned something too!

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He is close to the establishment. But that gives him an edge in exposing the corruption that came about after his indoctrination.

I see the same with medical dissidents. They still believe in SSRIs and statins, but they question official COVID treatments etc.

They are the ones that still can reach their brainwashed profession, much like Kennedy.

I also see that there's something odd going on which makes me think that there's multiple factions that are bailing on the medical lockdown state paradigm that was originally a sure bet to them, as they participated in it. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall and don't want to be a part of it anymore, because they don't want to lose more trust?

CNN even challenged fauci on the masks bullshit!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The Democrat primary system is so corrupt you don’t even need to investigate it.

Just look at it and the corruption shines out like a star.

I considered switching parties to vote for him. He would be the first democrat to get my vote.

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RFK Jr is a conundrum. He was a breath of fresh air (The Real Anthony Fauci), and then he dove deep into the Zionist rabbit hole. Sabby Sabs (Sabrina Salvati) has done some nice work recently exposing the DNC for the Corporate creeps they are. I think "Bobby's" on one of those mystical vision journeys that would have got some funding for the movie about it years ago. Arthur Penn might have directed that movie, even though his son Sean is a coke-head imbecile (just wanted to scootch that comment in there). And not to go overlong here, which I already have, But why are no celebrities getting on the RFK Jr train? It's a pretty obvious one to get on if you've got a Boarding Pass...

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Celebrities are on the DNC pHARMa bandwagon, and RFKjr has fought pediatric vaccine mandates for 18 years (on behalf of millions of autism families).

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I like RFK Jr being in the race, because it makes people think, even if they think he's crazy. Personally, I think he's all over the map, on a soul-searching shape-shifting mission, but his prominence is bringing attention to the disastrous policies enacted under the Covid Regime. A lot of Americans sense that something was terribly wrong about Covid, but don't have the words to express it, and I believe that RFK Jr's candidacy is at the very least therapeutic in this respect...

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I agree. With his name, he is getting coverage both good and bad. All bad from MSM but many if not most people are looking elsewhere for information. His message is muddled but obviously he will never be president anyway. He is not our messiah but at least he's shaking things up a bit. I'll never understand why he's still a Democrat.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFKjr is Democrat for the same reason that Bernie switched from Independent to Democratic Party for his Presidential run, more chance of actually being heard and winning. Since the DNC does not allow other candidates except their favored one to have a free and fair Primary Election, it is becoming more plausible for RFKjr to be heard and win as an Independent! This may or may not be that time, but it is the closest thing to being that time now that Democrat VOTERS are so fed-up with Tyrant Lyin' Biden, and the VP is no longer impeachment insurance this close to 2024..

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I disagree with you about RFK being a dem like Bernie.

Bobs considers the Democrats as his "family"

But don't believe me, read his own words:


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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Well, of course, HIS family has a very long history with the Democrats. RFKjr calls himself a KENNEDY Democrat to differentiate himself from the DNC. He makes it clear in the link that Democrat Party has gone off track. This is nothing new to him. He has been going up against Democrat politicians at the state levels since 2015 and made speeches against their state Dem bills banning vaccine exemptions all over the country before he decided to run for President.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat but he made a devil's deal with them long ago. He's "heard" but all you hear from him are the same old platitudes that NEVER lead to any progress. His two presidential campaigns are a perfect illustration of how he gets "heard" and then sells out his supporters. 🤔

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Bernie's main priorities as Senator have always been Medicare and Social Security, so I am glad he is an Independent voice on those issues so that they are not partisan.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


Here is another argument pro RFK Jr and his run for POTUS...not a great argument but the comments disagreeing with the writer are excellent and thoughtful

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It will be interesting to see what trends actually do happen among VOTERS in 2024 primary and general elections. There was an entire movement to register Democrats as Republicans for the 2016 GOP Primary to nominate Trump. I see the same trend being discussed in reverse on social media for RFKjr. Of course if /when there is no free and fair DNC Primary, then it will be really interesting to see if RFKjr goes Independent. Anything to keep him as a public speaker as long as possible is ok with me, because they will censor him again as soon as the election is over.... unless he does an upset like Trump and wins!!!! It was pretty obvious the establishment and media thought Hillary was a sure thing. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/newsweek-recalls-premature-hillary-clinton-madam-president-issues-w449631/

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There isn't going to be a "free or fair" DNC primary.

Like I discuss in this article, some states like mine have a "sore loser law."

One cannot change political parties if he/she loses in a primary to keep going. Of course, this only applies now to POTUS because we have "top two" primary for every other election.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

DNC is so power-hungry that they will devour their own Voters and eat its own tail.

As Johhny Carson used to say: "I did not know that!"

This is RFKjr's cue to jump ship at the 11th hour and take all his "Kennedy Democrats" with him to an Independent run

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but, like I have tried to point out consistently, he cannot do that in California, or 46 other states:


This is about the 10th time I have put this info in one of my posts, shows, or comments. It's a real thing.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes, "sore loser law" refers to the losers of primaries.

I don't see that prohibiting RFKjr jumping to Independent prior to the primaries in 2024. Seems like he has time to drag this out for awhile until he decides, unless there is some other unknown hitch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sore_loser_law

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It’s already too late in California. Maybe if he goes now he can save some states. But, whatever. I am merely an observer, good luck to everyone who finds hope in the cancerous system. My hope would lie with everyone who has hope in themselves for the future, not systems that have already proven their diseased nature. Have a ball, y’all. Peace out

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

ok...but please clarify why RFKjr has no opportunity to run in CA as Independent since he did not lose the CA Dem primary.

Did he miss a CA deadline for Super Tuesday in 2024? https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/upcoming-elections/pres-prim-march-2024/key-dates-deadlines

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I think with Bobs, there’s a lot of magical thinking happening: like everything’s going to supernaturally work out in the end and he will be POTUS and solve every deeply ingrained systemic problem. I pray with all my magic problems that this is the case. However, with my mundane brain powers, I am pessimistic.

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I meant magic powers not magic problems. Lol.

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