What exhausts you?

1. The failure of the entire "civilized" (sic) world to break the Israeli imposed blockade of Gaza

2. The designation of Cuba, a small country that exports doctors and nurses (not mechanized war) as "state sponsor of terrorism"

3. A gone-berserk medical industrial complex (the 2nd MIC) who have sabotaged a significant trust

Pure fascist ideology of absolute control that permeates UN agencies and their derivatives

4. Addle-headed populations that fail to perceive #1-3

5. Upside down, inside-out, and backward political thinking that speaks of the Biden-Haris-Pelosi-Schumer gang as "socialist, communist, or ( go ahead and laugh) Marxists (Old Karl must be chortling on that one)

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My favorite no-nothing slur is “cultural Marxists” which has the virtue of a meaningless contradiction. Although the near uniform credulity of The Left in unquestioning acceptance of the COVID Operation and its religion of Scientism feeds these sorts of misapprehensions.

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Hi, I was actually wondering if you were okay. I have been meaning to reach out, but, my life is pretty weird right now. Thanks!

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Thanks for the personal message Cindy. I am in quite good health, mentally and physically, but of course like everyone, dismayed at the present world history. But I remain cautiously The dialectic is at work, as always, and the internal contradictions cannot be denied or swept under the rug. If you want to reach out privately via email, go ahead.

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Thank you Cindy. Agree with you. It's also all so heartbreaking especially the death and destruction this country visits on the world for greed?

You keep me going as the empire crumbles faster and faster or as George Carlin said "circles the drain faster and faster..."

I envy those who believe that God and their faith will save us all but they too are exhausting to those of us who don't believe and their constant optimism is exhausting to me. Especially "what the Bible and the prophets say..." somewhere in the infinite universe there is a better model - this earth is just a first draft... and it created a country that is destroying it all...

take care.

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Exhausted by the constant "slur" use of the word "atheist," after realizing the term is ANOTHER top down invention of a Judeo-Christian power structure based on the a priori, imposed assumption of the "Truth" of the Abrahamic world view as the one and only spiritual path.

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It's exhausting and depressing how many people are so fkkn ignorant. I had a bizarre exchange with a Native American woman the other day who accused me of supporting the genocide of indigenous people if I don't vote for Que Mala....😳

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Ignorance is equitable. It doesn't distinguish by race, creed, color, religion, gender, ....

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Kalama intends to fund the ongoing genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine. As does Miriam Adelson’s pimp, Don Trumpolini. But that doesn’t count I guess.

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American "Christians" supporting genocide.

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Trying to explain why I can't vote for either Trump or Harris, trying to explain why even though I am a U.S. citizen, living in Colombia, that should not disqualify me from voting, even if I am voting for Jill Stein and not Kamala Harris, explaining that I do know what genocide is and that what Israel is doing with U.S. support is genocide and the list goes on.

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Thank you Cindy! I concur with your list, especially the first item which is so urgent. I would make one qualification to #2, however, and call it something like “Big money in politics that utterly corrupts politicians.” At the hyper local level, in my home city I do know a few politicians who are actually honest, sincere in fighting for ordinary people and not lying pathological egomaniacs. They’re rare and we need more of them!

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Government For The People and Peace and Justice does not exhaust me. The Governments of Profit and Zionism exhausts. Cancel them. Cancel War Crimes against humanity.

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Same, Cindy. I hope the pressure will ease up the tiniest bit next week when we know whether we’re dealing with OMB or Que Mala. Either way, what is happening in Gaza 24/7 makes it hard to sleep, and the election of either means continuing genocide for them.

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Jews exhaust me, sorry, I know that's going to be about as popular around here as you resisting the experimental gene therapy was among your cohort.

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Every Jew?

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99% of them yes. It's not just the genocide it's the usury and rent seeking capitalism. Even the good Jews like Aaron Matte and Glenn Greenwald feel like they are entitled to a labor free upper middle class income solely for being good Jews. IMO it shows Jew arrogance that these good Jews also want to be the leaders of the "anti-Zionist" movement. That doesn't mean I want to hurt them, but it is exhausting, and I am sick of it.

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That we as a nation are the ultimate terrorists, even to our own…

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What wears me down to a nub is the complete apathy of almost everyone I know, particularly anyone over 50. How can anyone live that long and not see the corruption of the government and every institution in this country? Just being an arrogant selfish American is no excuse. And this stupid election should makes it very obvious to everyone except the brain dead.

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I am pretty convinced that if a person can’t recognize the outright corruption by now, they are simply too far gone to be reached. The fraud is about as transparent as it has ever been.

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All of the above you all have stated eloquently. Trying to help those in need however I can helps me. It’s the spark of how bad times I have encountered in the past challenge me and remembering what helped. A lessons I learned is the importance of community. Being in community with humanity that questions “everything” is important to me.

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All the killing by the U.S. and its proxys (or is the U.S. a proxy of Israel?), but also the seldom mentioned fact that all the refugees that everyone is so upset about are coming because the United States has ruined their countries by war or sanctions.

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You are not alone, Cindy. Keep on keeping on, as you are an inspiration to your fans.

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All of the above, concerns about potential WW3s and the use of Nukes. I will not go back to before Bush2 right now, but it was Obama"s Administration and his complicity in torture and killing via Drones of anyone over the age of 8 in Afghanistan and elsewhere- Yemen for instance, which really WOKE ME UP. I forgot to mention bailing out the Banksters and turning his back on the rest of us. Trump was and is equally terrible, but worse in terms of his racist words. Next up - Biden and Harris - ditto. And now? HELP - the only thing we are supposed to be devoted to is a War with Russia, Genocide of Palestinians, War with Iran and WW3 in Europe and the Middle East and if the Deep State is really really lucky - WW3 with China. Are we sure creatures from another Planet or Galaxy are not running this horror show?

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I would like to quote the "The The" Kissing The Ring Of POTUS" song. "The Empire of lies secures allies like a spider ties up flies".

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