thanks for the eloquent if painful reminder.

it is needed as much as ever.

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Thanks, Rick!

Hope you're well, I know you're busy

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And the horrible birth defects, like Viet nam, which continue into perpetuity. Such carnage.

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When people cite the New York Times as a "trusted" news source I cite the WMD lie they actively promoted to get the "smart set" on board. And US troops are stationed in Iraq to this very day! No better proof of mental illness prevailing inside the "Beltway" than Iraq-Attack-Two, which made no sense whatsoever. Perhaps the sickest motivation of all: They just wanted to grab Saddam's gold holdings. This was nothing but a Robbery dressed up as a "splendid little war." The real history of this political-military "fiasco" has yet to be written; I'm still shaking my head at the stupidity of it. At least the World is tilting in a different direction, despite the chaos in Ukraine, genocide in Gaza: the Writing's on the Wall that is collapsing in slo-motion.

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I have seen the agony in your eyes. The softness of your voice when you speak of your first-born. The grinding anger and disappointment at how you were mistreated when you requested an accounting from the government that sent him into the hell hole it created.

I would venture to guess that most people nowadays don't know that you've not always been a kick-ass activist for peace and the end of armed hostilities.

I would love for you to share 'who' you were before this theft of your son by the same elements involved in Gaza and every other armed conflict on this planet, before and after.

I feel it is important (in so many ways) that the mothers of murdered, uniformed personnel tell their stories. I know you have, in many venues- but I dare say most here don't know who you were before April 4, 2004. Love you. xoxo

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In some ways, exactly the same, in most ways, very different.

I know this is a short answer, but, with the 20th anniversary of Casey's death right around the corner, I don't think it would be a good thing for me to dwell on it too much right now. Maybe later. xoxo

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Of course. xo

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Casey is no doubt very proud of his brave Peace Mom...

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thanks <3

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Those were terrible days, when the majority of the world was screaming against the invasion and the rulers totally disregarded us. Some things never change....

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Taxation for unjust wars is treason.

"Taxation without representation is Treason"-- Patrick Henry, Irish-American Revolutionary.

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I've been a war tax resister since 2004. I should have done before.

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Happy Spring, Cindy. Yes, so sadly true, every year there are anniversaries of atrocities and tragedies too terrible to contemplate. Then every year there is the coming of spring.

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“Reprehensible US imperialism “

This is the powerful articulation of Cindy Sheehan.

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HIstory IS heeded. Rulers study history avidly and apply it diligently to correct their errors. That's not the problem. The problem is that rulers view total obliteration as the ideal endpoint, and anything less than total obliteration is a terrible error.

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Thank you for sharing. I was with you every step of the way, in your grief and anger, and your Public challenge to Bush 2. You and are awesome. I too was angry, but only grieving for the Many, I did not know - for the people of Iraq and for the U.S. soldiers. This, in my opinion, IS the history of the U.S. and the current actions and plans - Perpetual WAR for land, water, resources and total GeoPolitical and Economic Control of the World. My oldest daughter was born in February 1979.

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Beautifully said, Cindy. Let's all pray for peace. For me, I'm done with marching! Even though no one is marching any more anyway. They are all too sick from the jabs!

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There are millions marching against genocide...

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