Jun 13Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Russell tells it like it is!

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In a very entertaining way.

I agree

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Cindy Sheehan

“In a straight choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, if you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don’t know how you could do anything other than vote for Donald Trump for precisely the reasons that they claim that you can’t,” Brand told Fox News’ Elizabeth Pipko.

My comment is that Trump is the only person that can meet with Putin and Xi to DeEscalate and Hopefully avoid WW3 a nuclear exchange that could/will eliminate 90% of mankind.

Sometimes All the Marbles are up for grabs, this time It's Life Itself. Some of my Choice for Trump is based on his Enemies, democRats and rinoRats, NeoCon warmongers, and Insane Transgender/LGBT promotion/propagandists.

Trump isn't even a homophobe. Actually Trump is more of a 60's JFK Democrat. but the USSA has done seismic political shifts since then.

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You could be right about Trump & resolving the Russia problem. Certainly, a better option than Joe on that front.

But he will make no difference otherwise. He makes lots of promises (like a politician, but his actions will be a complete contradiction. I.E. see his former promises to drain the swamp only to pack it with more of the same.

Then factor in that everything the Dumbocrats have warped, abused, corrupted will then assuredly be built upon by him.

I suspect the counter argument will be that everything else is moot if Nukes start flying. Personally, I tend to view Nukes as just more Fear Porn. There really is nothing to be gained by pressing the rec button. And I think even the psycho's at the top know this.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Trusting Psychos anywhere is a dangerous folly. Those at the Top aren't much different than those at the Bottom, just more Cunning.

So next time you read of a mass shooter in a school, or a carjacking that gives a psycho a 15 to 30 minute Thrill Ride in exchange for murdering the car owner,

You might want to reconsider your conclusions.

and then there is that VaXXXing thingy organized by Someone, (Bill Gates for One) that is quietly eliminating humanity ..... Cunning indeed. grid hack or EMP is even more "effective" taking out 90% of the USA population within 1 year tops, more like 6 months with no electricity. So maybe the Nukes are Fear Porn.

Is Everything Else??? and Trump is the only "voting" alternative, for what that is worth..... A Chance.

But then you are already Out of a Major City, with a functioning garden, stockpiles of food, ammo, and weapons for self defense ...... Right???

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You forgot to add that Russell Grant is also a pied piper.

There's a lot of supposition in your comment.

Who's saying psychos can be trusted? Clearly be medical definition that wouldn't be smart but you are comparing the ability of a psycho to be able to launch a nuke to a crazed shooter is crass.

Half the population would argue that Trump presents the threats you are concerned with by his alternatives. You really think Trump isn't as potentially dangerous? I believe he could defuse the Ukraine situation but that doesn't make him any less psychotic on pressing the red button.

I believe there's a far greater chance of a nuke flying by accident than intent. Substantiated by the documented times this has come extremely close to happening. But intentionally? Who wins?

All my life this threat has been espoused. Every time there's a conflict the cries of WW3 and nuclear armageddon sound out. Hasn't happened yet and if it does neither you or I and our opinions either way are going to matter.

So, with that in mind, I tend to focus on the things that might just potentially be achievable for the better. And for that reason I'll be voting RFK Jr. Not that he doesn't have some serious flaws, but of the 3 potentials, he is the only one IMO that offers any vague hope of turning in a better direction.

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You wrote "And I think even the psycho's at the top know this." So Your conclusion would be They/Them would not "push the button" on nuclear war.

Psychos "Do Not Care", is my point and Yes You are "Trusting" psychos to not be psychotic.

I have concerns about Trump not Rooting out the USSA Deep State. He certainly isn't psychotic. RFK also has some good points, but he will not win, but perhaps he could beat Biden however, which would be Fantastic!!!

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Jun 13Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He's a very smart guy. He is able to zero in on the crux of the issue which in this case is the hypocrisy of Pelosi and the entire broken system of our sacred "democracy."

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Good clip. It sure seems that the so-called and/or self-proclaimed Establishment "leftists" share more in common with foundational "rightists" -- the Monarchist "establishment" in 1789 France -- than the foundational "leftists" -- the leaders and "people" who stormed the Bastille. To Pelosi (and Hillary) the Jan. 6 protesters, and the Canadian truckers, and European farmers, are uncouth "deplorables," just like the "unwashed masses" that overthrew the monarchy. There's no vital difference between Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, and Ronald Reagan (maybe a possible insult to Reagan).

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In case you haven't seen it yet, this is BIG. Saudi just departed from the Bush World Order. Saudi canceled the 1974 treaty that forms the basis of the Petrodollar. Now the most important foundation of our policy has jumped the river.


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makes sense to me.

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Great meme! Russell Brand is truly an amazing "weaver of words," and typical of the mainstream, corporate climate today, the Establishment tried a hatchet job on him after he became unmistakably popular. The war on independent or alternative media is pretty intense, with the firing of Briahna Joy Gray from The Hill Rising show as the latest example. Pelosi's as corrupt as the Establishment she drunkenly represents.

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I fear people have been too conditioned. Even without 24/7 propaganda bombarding us, most people are happier in their tribes and don't like to question their own beliefs.

So, the pseudo-Lib's will convince themselves Jan 6 was the greatest threat to democracy the US has ever seen. We are at a point that no revelations (like Russell's clip of Pelosi confessing) have any effect. Four years after Covid & all the lies told have been exposed since, yet those who played along still believe they were right to do so.

Matt Taibi just put out a Substack that touches on this. How the lunatics believe their own lies. Well worth the read.


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