Don't go hunting with the Cheney gang.

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heck, no!

Remember the lawyer he shot apologized TO HIM!

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The victim's obsequious, groveling response to being shot was self-caricaturing-- but revealing, in that it was a mortified, implicitly terrified response akin to that of a submissive low-level thug who fears that he's accidently embarrassed his don. The least he can do is take all of the criticism or blame!

It's a perverse twist on "adding insult to injury". Typically, it's not the injured party who adds the insult. IIRC, Deadeye Dick graciously accepted the apology; if the shot had been fatal, Deadeye probably would've had the deceased stuffed and mounted, and placed with the others. 👁 💥 🤨

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Sep 9Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I forgot that stuff about Darth's heart replacement! When people try to Terrible Orange Man me, I always bring up Cheney/Bush which they have all forgotten!

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Yep. They have the memory capacity of a flea

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The Cheney and Bush mob and PNAC are the most vicious psychopaths in recent US history. Not much of a Trump fan - but there is no way he even comes close to the mass murders overseen by the PNAC mob.

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Sep 8Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I haven't forgotten what a scumbag he was and is. And his daughter is definitely a chip of the old black hearted block.!

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"willful blindness" expresses very well Naomi Klein and many many others. without them those criminals like Cheney might have a more difficult time pulling off their vicious schemes.

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Under Cuomo, NY state raised the number of signatures to get on the ballot from 15,000 to 45,000 and shortened the time to get the signatures. The Democrats drove this change while the Conservative party and Libertarian party increased in popularity.

The Hudson Valley libertarians are actually quite reasonable in comparison to their national counterparts. They came out in favor of a national healthcare program and favored banning fracking. I've attended a few county Libertarian party meetings. Local Libertarians seemed surprisingly moderate and practical. Many were very anti-war and anti "intelligence state." They wanted to redirect resources to support and grow local small and medium-sized businesses. They gave me the impression they understand the voting base of the region. The local party made an effort to distinguish their policy positions from the national (more extreme) libertarians.

At the time the change to NY ballot requirements took place, the Conservative party was apparently the most popular third party. The ballot access change was Democratic party driven but I'm sure business as usual Republicans got behind it also. People were fleeing the Democrats and continued to during Covid (as they watched businesses fail due to Cuomo (and Hochul's) awful policies). This is a deliberate effort to block all the third parties including the Conservatives and Libertarians.

They also changed the ballot access from 50,000 votes in a gubernatorial race to 130,000 votes.

The Libertarians had a decent candidate running for Governor, Larry Sharpe. https://nystateofpolitics.com/state-of-politics/new-york/politics/2022/03/15/libertarian-gubernatorial-candidate-larry-sharpe-leads-political-coalition-into-2022-election

I don't agree with libertarians on everything. But Sharpe was a more appealing candidate than either Cuomo or Hochul could ever hope to be. Imagine if he or any other third party had resources and access like the current thugs in power. We might at least have a chance at a more honest political environment (if can I use those two words "honest political" together, not sure...)

There is a mafia mentality in the NY political leadership. They'll do whatever it takes to quash independent American voices. It pisses me off. People who give a damn about the country put energy, thought and heart into attempting to gain ballot access and run for office. (Just as you have done) What we need more than ever are people who honestly want to improve the country, whatever side of the spectrum they're on.

Apologies for the deletion of comments below.

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It might be worth your time to review my “course” and see if you think it’s worthwhile. In my opinion my “course” makes for the basis for a masterclass in world leadership and international diplomacy. It makes for the basis of a kind of non-religious religion. It makes for a playbook as to how we might best be able to save ourselves from ourselves. And last but not least, and most importantly, it makes for what the basis of the overall operating system for artificial intelligence if AI’s interests and actions are aligned with those that are in the collective best long term interest of the human race as a species.

Admittedly, even if one had a magic wand and could make my “course” the overriding ideology which drives both human behavior and AI’s behavior there are a few things that will be tough nuts to crack. As Daniel Schmachtenberger stated “the answer it all of the problems is the solution to all of the problems” and “we need to try to thread the needle between the democratization of catastrophe making and the dystopia which might result in an attempt to overcome that problem”. My “course” defines what that state is and it offers up concrete ways to get there. Despite that fact, there are hurdles to get over and obstacles which will be required to be overcome which are going to be very difficult to achieve. The three that come to mind which will be amongst the hardest things to overcome is the ability of nations to work together to solve the world’s problems, the changing of the incentives of the capitalistic system so that it is sustainable, and the management of AI itself so that it aligned with and works in our most beneficial long term interests.

I think what I have to say is important. I need some expert help in being able to start an intelligent conversation about it.

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