Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
This Geo-Political World Domination has been an on-going Project at least since the Wilson Admin., but in point of fact, since at least 1848. Before that, it was all of the Indigenous Peoples Lands and Waters on the N. American Continent and then proceeded to all of Central and South America Hawaii, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and ultimately Africa and as much of S.E. Asia as possible plus the U.S. invasion of China and Korea , including mass bombing of Civilians in many places. Under Obama the U.S. added Drone Warfare, with any boy nine years and up, in Afghanistan and Pakistan eligible for murder. In addition, under Obama it also included Special Forces and the Private Sp.Ops and torture. In point of fact, it was not just the Bush Administration that carried out grabbing men and flying them to other Nations for Torture. The U.S. has always been an Imperialist Nation, just like Great Britain, France, Holland, Spain and Portugal, who were all, also involved in the enslavement of people bought and brought from Africa.
I assume everyone knows that Washington and Jefferson had Plantations run by enslaved human beings, but we're certainly not the only ones. Slavery as a legal Institution was both in the North and the South. NYS had passed a law stating that by 1882, no one could own slaves. The Abolishinist Movement was strong in the N.E. and some participated in the Underground Railroad. So - if one considers the the overall picture- you might conclude that the Colonies and then the U.S. - have/has, always been a warring and terrorist enterprise, eventually becoming committed to World Domination via Terror, War, Invasions, Special Ops and by using illegal starvation tactics on Indigenous Peoples, and over the past few decades via what are called Sanctions and the Petro Dollar, along with overthrowing uncooperative Governments and training and funding men to form Terrorist Groups, which the U.S. then claims it needs to fight, or to invade and bomb a Nation because of a Dictator, which they have helped fund and put into place. Anything goes, by any means necessary - either "legally" or through bombing, invasion, Sanctions, blockades or overthrow of Governments. The U.S. is heavily involved Militarily, in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central and South America and in South East Asia,including Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan and South Korea. "THEY" want it all. PS Also the Moon and Control of Space. Trump agreed to Nukes in Space, plus he supports War, while pretending not to. "Bomb bomb Iran", and also supports Zionist Israel and the Netanyahu Government and IDF Genocide of Palestinians trapped in Gaza, as obviously the Democrats do as well.
BRICS, plus at least six more Nations and maybe more, are banding together to break the financial power and tyranny of the U.S. Petro Dollar.
The story of the woman on fire in the subway is so odd and doesn't match the official story.
They showed her on fire just standing there with nobody doing anything. An officer was nearby too. You would think they would tell her to get off the train and or throw water on her?!
They also said she was some middle class white woman but the video hints at her being homeless, possibly out of it as she just stood while on fire.
I can't stand these stories that are Orwellian like.
It's like they're trying to see how many people don't believe their eyes or the lazy masses that read headlines only and regularly fall for the propaganda.
I had assumed Dakotah's malaprop, "fly by the seat of your hat", was deliberate, making me think he was referring to people with their head up their ass.
I believe based on the facts, that the FBI has always been corrupt- at least at THE TOP and since Bush 2 have had the supposed right to murder people without acknowledging they have done so. I assume this has always been the case, only not formally acknowledged via passing a law. The FBI has never been an on the "up" Government operation. They were part of the Fast and Furious guns into Mexico project which was exposed early on in the Obama Admin., they were doing nefarious stuff in Honduras during Obama Admin. as well as the Boston bombings during the Marathon. Russia had given them advance notice of this planned attack and gee - for some reason the FBI was off on another duty or mission at the same time. The 9/11 terrorist attackers were staying with FBI informants in Sandiego CA and Florida FBI Informants. Coleen Rowley caught and stopped the potential Highjacker receiving flight lessons at MSP or possibly the St. Paul Airport - I am unsure about that - but the same pilot who was training the potential Hijacker here in MN was the Pilot for the plane, our Senator Wellstone and wife and daughter were on, for a campaign trip in MN and needless to say, they all died in a a plane crash, with no finding by the NTB as to why the plane went down - to the best of my knowledge.. There was no bad weather. Our FBI were the first to be there. They were also involved in the murder of JFK and RFK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and I am assuming based on what I have read,in the murder of MLK. Of course, they were controlled at the top. The FBI, along with the CIA, were also involved in bringing illegal hard drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin,, into the Black Communities - at least in CA and NYC. I call the FBI a terrorist organization along with the CIA IMHO.
"We Cheated, We stole, We lied". USA USA USA ( repeat)? Just Say No. Cancel Israel & Co.. I love some Jews. Is the USA the first state of Israel? " We came, we saw, he died". The new I'm[roved Nazi symbol is the Star Of David. Sad. Karma & Blowback R a Beach. I love peas.
Can't say this often enough!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
This Geo-Political World Domination has been an on-going Project at least since the Wilson Admin., but in point of fact, since at least 1848. Before that, it was all of the Indigenous Peoples Lands and Waters on the N. American Continent and then proceeded to all of Central and South America Hawaii, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and ultimately Africa and as much of S.E. Asia as possible plus the U.S. invasion of China and Korea , including mass bombing of Civilians in many places. Under Obama the U.S. added Drone Warfare, with any boy nine years and up, in Afghanistan and Pakistan eligible for murder. In addition, under Obama it also included Special Forces and the Private Sp.Ops and torture. In point of fact, it was not just the Bush Administration that carried out grabbing men and flying them to other Nations for Torture. The U.S. has always been an Imperialist Nation, just like Great Britain, France, Holland, Spain and Portugal, who were all, also involved in the enslavement of people bought and brought from Africa.
I assume everyone knows that Washington and Jefferson had Plantations run by enslaved human beings, but we're certainly not the only ones. Slavery as a legal Institution was both in the North and the South. NYS had passed a law stating that by 1882, no one could own slaves. The Abolishinist Movement was strong in the N.E. and some participated in the Underground Railroad. So - if one considers the the overall picture- you might conclude that the Colonies and then the U.S. - have/has, always been a warring and terrorist enterprise, eventually becoming committed to World Domination via Terror, War, Invasions, Special Ops and by using illegal starvation tactics on Indigenous Peoples, and over the past few decades via what are called Sanctions and the Petro Dollar, along with overthrowing uncooperative Governments and training and funding men to form Terrorist Groups, which the U.S. then claims it needs to fight, or to invade and bomb a Nation because of a Dictator, which they have helped fund and put into place. Anything goes, by any means necessary - either "legally" or through bombing, invasion, Sanctions, blockades or overthrow of Governments. The U.S. is heavily involved Militarily, in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central and South America and in South East Asia,including Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan and South Korea. "THEY" want it all. PS Also the Moon and Control of Space. Trump agreed to Nukes in Space, plus he supports War, while pretending not to. "Bomb bomb Iran", and also supports Zionist Israel and the Netanyahu Government and IDF Genocide of Palestinians trapped in Gaza, as obviously the Democrats do as well.
BRICS, plus at least six more Nations and maybe more, are banding together to break the financial power and tyranny of the U.S. Petro Dollar.
All true, thanks!
The False Flags are hoisted!
Let's burn 'em
Perhaps- suspicious, but not totally convinced that both N.O. and Las Vegas were Government Psyops. I wonder, if we will ever know.
I agree. My uncle worked for the See Eye people. My Grand dad too & others. Are you in Langley or Ft Mead? Have a nice day!
John Lennon..."Imagine" if the so called troops do an about face!
The story of the woman on fire in the subway is so odd and doesn't match the official story.
They showed her on fire just standing there with nobody doing anything. An officer was nearby too. You would think they would tell her to get off the train and or throw water on her?!
They also said she was some middle class white woman but the video hints at her being homeless, possibly out of it as she just stood while on fire.
I can't stand these stories that are Orwellian like.
It's like they're trying to see how many people don't believe their eyes or the lazy masses that read headlines only and regularly fall for the propaganda.
Shaping natratives
Yes it's odd. My point was about propaganda, tho
I had assumed Dakotah's malaprop, "fly by the seat of your hat", was deliberate, making me think he was referring to people with their head up their ass.
that's a good one, minecritter!
I LOLed.
Shall he "throw his pants in the ring?"
I believe based on the facts, that the FBI has always been corrupt- at least at THE TOP and since Bush 2 have had the supposed right to murder people without acknowledging they have done so. I assume this has always been the case, only not formally acknowledged via passing a law. The FBI has never been an on the "up" Government operation. They were part of the Fast and Furious guns into Mexico project which was exposed early on in the Obama Admin., they were doing nefarious stuff in Honduras during Obama Admin. as well as the Boston bombings during the Marathon. Russia had given them advance notice of this planned attack and gee - for some reason the FBI was off on another duty or mission at the same time. The 9/11 terrorist attackers were staying with FBI informants in Sandiego CA and Florida FBI Informants. Coleen Rowley caught and stopped the potential Highjacker receiving flight lessons at MSP or possibly the St. Paul Airport - I am unsure about that - but the same pilot who was training the potential Hijacker here in MN was the Pilot for the plane, our Senator Wellstone and wife and daughter were on, for a campaign trip in MN and needless to say, they all died in a a plane crash, with no finding by the NTB as to why the plane went down - to the best of my knowledge.. There was no bad weather. Our FBI were the first to be there. They were also involved in the murder of JFK and RFK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and I am assuming based on what I have read,in the murder of MLK. Of course, they were controlled at the top. The FBI, along with the CIA, were also involved in bringing illegal hard drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin,, into the Black Communities - at least in CA and NYC. I call the FBI a terrorist organization along with the CIA IMHO.
"We Cheated, We stole, We lied". USA USA USA ( repeat)? Just Say No. Cancel Israel & Co.. I love some Jews. Is the USA the first state of Israel? " We came, we saw, he died". The new I'm[roved Nazi symbol is the Star Of David. Sad. Karma & Blowback R a Beach. I love peas.
Improved Nazi's (correction)