I don't care which time they pick ..just do it and stick to one time

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"Does anybody really know what time it is".

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Does anybody really care?

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great discussion re sacrificing peace in order to glory in hating Trump who has done a number of things I agree with and I think brought a new energy to a dying nation. I am continuously appalled by the stupidity of U.S. followers (to the death) of a moribund democratic party. Black and white thinking is not an indication of mental health.

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I've long since lost hope that the aggravating, cumbersome, socially masochistic "Standard vs. Daylight Savings" time ritual will ever be sensibly abolished.

Unfortunately, apart from the additionally vexing circumstance of Elected Misrepresentatives fitfully fussing and essentially teasing the prospect of eliminating this obsolescent and unpopular hassle, there's also the dilemma of whether to settle on ST or DST.

Since I'm neither a farmer nor an early riser, here in Pennsylvania I would much prefer permanent DST. I have birdfeeders in my tiny back yard, which I call The Peaceable Kingdom. When DST is in effect, I can put out critter food and toss peanuts to squirrels into the evening; when ST kicks in, the Food Court goes dark by 5:00pm. 🐤 🐿️ 🥜

I only recently discovered that my sister M. has the opposite view. She says that DST screws up her biorhythms somehow, and she feels "off" until ST resumes; she hates DST. So either she gets biotherapy, or I install a lighting system on the patio. We cancel out each other's votes. 🤨

Speaking of biology and votes, I circle back Psaki-style to bemoan the complication of solving the dilemma with "scientific research". The simmering debate has been a rising tide that lifts all academic and commercial research boats, so there's lots to choose from. If the Elected Misrepresentatives, including our Supreme Executive, actually put the issue on the table, they will invite "science" (including medicine) and its Scientific Solomons to weigh in. Among other things, it's a handy way for the politicians to deflect taking responsibility.

I don't trust Official Science; the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic schooled me. So I'm not sanguine about the decision being made in accordance with some medical or scientific finding. Of course, if the consensus went my way I would think better of them. But for now I'd just as soon have it settled with a coin toss and take my chances-- in the infinitesimal chance the moment ever arrives. 🤔 🟡

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