"They just keep fucking us over". So true.

Disheartening but not at all surprising to see how many people actually believe that what is going on now in the banking sector is a result of coincidental mismanagement. That is naivete on a whole other level...

Also I hear so many people referring to the Hollywoke movies about the 2008 crisis Margin Call and The Big Short these days. I guess the role of these movies was to prepare the people to "pre-forgive" the ultra rich once again I guess. Even if you argue rationally, the emotional impact the movies have is hard to undo.

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Yes, I also don't believe any of this is a "mistake."

They always like to call the wars, "mistakes" as well.

It's like someone is walking down the street, trips on a curb and falls into billions of dollars of free money----after smashing a civilization to pieces. "Whoopsie"

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