A lot of these guys like Chomsky are basically amoral. Whatever they have wanted most of their so called acclaimed lives they have been allowed. Chomsky visited scumbags frequently is my bet because they intrigued him and they gave him power in some weird way...fame is addictive and for these aging icons like Chomsky whose mental acuity is diminishing before his family and fans, hanging out with convicted child molesters like Epstein is part of their adolescent rebellion. And those men who continue to defend their iconic standing should take a real good look into their own frustrated ambitions and desire for lasting fame....
Well, CJ Hopkins said I was a discredit to myself and my peers for wondering about those meetings. Gnome meeting with Espstein doesn't make him a child molester, but who the fuck would want to associate with one at all? From what I have seen Epstein was also a go-between Gnome and Ehud Barak---then Gnome was against BDM. He is a gatekeeper, period.
i often wonder what positive difference have these "public intellectuals" who are lifetime activits -- without being assassinated or buried alive --- made? why would they keep doing the same ineffectual things if they were expecting different results? well that was a rhetorical question...
I'm not calling myself an intellectual, and I think gnome is more of an academic, but that's why I don't do protests marches anymore. Especially if they have permits and are declared "peaceful." They. Don't. Work. I am at a loss to imagine what would at this point, as the geriatric war criminal in the White House drools us to WWIII
i'm one of those who are rather squeamish with violence and blood, which explains my lifelong vegetarianism. people have all kinds of weaknesses and strengths, talents and skills, resources and needs. boycott -- ghandi style -- including non-participation, non-contribution, and beyond, limited only by one's abilities and imagination, in coordination and solidarity with others around the world seems good, but again, whatever each can and wants to do, as long as we want the same thing at the end, should be encouraged. "peaceful protests" shouldn't be allowed to suck all the oxygen in the room.
Antronex (sounds a like a drug but it's a supplement), quercetin, and probiotics (especially histamine-degrading strains) for allergies!
A lot of these guys like Chomsky are basically amoral. Whatever they have wanted most of their so called acclaimed lives they have been allowed. Chomsky visited scumbags frequently is my bet because they intrigued him and they gave him power in some weird way...fame is addictive and for these aging icons like Chomsky whose mental acuity is diminishing before his family and fans, hanging out with convicted child molesters like Epstein is part of their adolescent rebellion. And those men who continue to defend their iconic standing should take a real good look into their own frustrated ambitions and desire for lasting fame....
Well, CJ Hopkins said I was a discredit to myself and my peers for wondering about those meetings. Gnome meeting with Espstein doesn't make him a child molester, but who the fuck would want to associate with one at all? From what I have seen Epstein was also a go-between Gnome and Ehud Barak---then Gnome was against BDM. He is a gatekeeper, period.
i often wonder what positive difference have these "public intellectuals" who are lifetime activits -- without being assassinated or buried alive --- made? why would they keep doing the same ineffectual things if they were expecting different results? well that was a rhetorical question...
I'm not calling myself an intellectual, and I think gnome is more of an academic, but that's why I don't do protests marches anymore. Especially if they have permits and are declared "peaceful." They. Don't. Work. I am at a loss to imagine what would at this point, as the geriatric war criminal in the White House drools us to WWIII
i'm one of those who are rather squeamish with violence and blood, which explains my lifelong vegetarianism. people have all kinds of weaknesses and strengths, talents and skills, resources and needs. boycott -- ghandi style -- including non-participation, non-contribution, and beyond, limited only by one's abilities and imagination, in coordination and solidarity with others around the world seems good, but again, whatever each can and wants to do, as long as we want the same thing at the end, should be encouraged. "peaceful protests" shouldn't be allowed to suck all the oxygen in the room.
Histaminum hydrochloricum is an effective homeopathic remedy and can be found on Amazon.
thanks, just the ticket!
For general use throughout allergy season, dissolve 5 pellets of Histaminum hydrochloricum 30C under the tongue three times a day until symptoms are relieved. https://www.amazon.com/Boiron-Histaminum-Hydrochloricum-Homeopathic-Medicine/dp/B01CMDX4QO
I am grateful, thanks
You’re very welcome!💗