I don't get why Kennedy doesn't go on the libertarian or greens ticket.

Independent from two parties by going those ways.

I think his Israel support is strategic, keep them as "friends". How else can you cajole them into peace?

My gf thinks he's a miseducated boomer when it comes to it. She thinks he's still brainwashed, as he grew up in that political environment.

Perhaps him visiting Gaza would change his mind, like visiting the border changed his mind about open borders?

Here's a clip from a great interview with Norman Finklestein on The Jimmy Dore show.

Norman makes a great point "What were they supposed to do?"


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I agree with your girlfriend.

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I do like that Kennedy is going Independent instead of hopping on another political party.

In his speech, he explains he is running against the political party system and adopting the philosophy of the only one who was an Independent President, George Washington.

Hopefully Kennedy's candidacy puts a big dent in the Uni-Party!

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." George Washington

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Said that man who made false teeth out of the teeth of his slaves.

I really don't care about RFK's candidacy--I think he and West have campaigns that are clusterfucks, but, if he went Libertarian, or Green, he would have instant access to more ballot lines for each state. I think he is way closer to Libertarians on medical freedom, yet closer to Greens on his environmental stands. I would say he is closer to a trad-dem in his position on wars.

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RFKjr's only comment about President George Washinton was his cautionary speech against political parties (which I agree with). RFKjr is not bringing back slavery days of Washington.

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Journalist Pablo Gonzalez has been incarcerated incommunicado in Poland since February 28th 2022. He was on his way to Ukraine to report on the war when he was accused of being a Russian spy.


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I signed the petition.

Anybody else interested?

As long as you’re here?

It doesn’t require much effort.

Thank you Ina.

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Thank you, Mike Fish

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Yes, I signed too

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Thank you. You go girl. I like the way you think & act.

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I shared this. Thanks

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yes, thank you!

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Thank you!

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The 'NYT' debunks the lie, or the 'LA Times' does? I've only been able to source the LA Times debunk..

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One slimes is like the other---but, point taken.


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Just like they did to Native people in the USA, the Anglo-Saxon Empire wants to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth.

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yep, thanks for your comment, we do talk about that.

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Yeah. Sorry about that. I typed it before you talked about it.

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RFK Jr. and West seem to be running to support Biden.

West is praising brother Biden; RFK Jr. will take votes from Trump.

Or Trump and Biden will be out and someone else will replace them.

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I agree that RFK will take votes from Trump

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The elephant-in-the-room about Kennedy's pro-Israel support goes back to 1968 when his beloved father was assassinated by a Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, after his father's speech to send 50 Phantom Jets to Israel due to Bobby Sr.'s staunch pro-Israel support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma_RpEcm7NY . I was 10yo in 1968 and devastated by Bobby Sr.'s death, as were my parents. My parents explained to me the Palestine and Israel situation at the time. It was the first time I heard anything about Palestinians and also the first time I heard anything negative about Israel. Of course, it made a big impact on me at such a young age to try to understand this complex political issue. Naturally RFKjr was greatly impacted by this traumatic event in his life, as were his siblings and mother. https://www.cufi.org.uk/news/my-father-was-killed-for-supporting-israel/ I understand why RFKjr's great loss has impacted his views of his father who supported Israel since 1948, even though I disagree with them. I do not condemn RFKjr for adopting the pro-Israel views of his beloved father, especially since Bobby Sr died for those views. In spite of everything, RFKjr still forgives Sirhan Sirhan, which speaks well of RFKjr and his willingness to listen and be open to all views.

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You're going there again?

No one can say you aren't persistent.


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I am very loyal to people I support! :^) Disagreeing on an issue does not end my loyalty.

The only time I really dump someone I am loyal to is if they do me wrong personally or dump me first because of my views (aka vaccines).

RFKjr has supported me and millions of others for 18 years in the Autism Community.

Of course, everyone knew him before that due to his successful environmental causes.

We collectively kept track of RFKjr since he was censored and deplatformed so much the previous 17 years before his Presidential candidacy. We who follow him would contact each other and find out where he is speaking or what his latest platform is. His organization Children's Health Defense evolved after several years of being World Mercury Project. Through CHD and his speeches during and after Covid19, RFKjr has gained worldwide recognition for his Health Freedom views. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-speaks-at-berlin-rally-for-freedom-and-peace/

I like to think I know what makes RFKjr "tick" since I have followed him for so long.

As previously stated, I and my parents greatly admired his father Bobby during the 1960s.

It was one of my earliest lessons in life that you can admire someone without agreeing 100% with them. I learned this through my parents, whom I love and miss dearly.  

When someone's views are formed, it is usually not in a vacuum. As a human being, I can totally understand how and why RFKjr formulated his pro-Israel views since his father was killed based on his views about the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. I can understand RFKjr's vehement responses against false accusations of "antisemitism". We all have different journeys and that is why there are so many different viewpoints in America (based on population, millions of them)

I have never agreed 100% with someone I supported for President. I agree with most of the issues on RFKjr's platform for President. The fact that RFKjr is willing to listen to all views and even change his mind for what he thinks is best reinforces my loyalty to him as a human being.

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I am loyal to the truth. Because I think RFK is gross on this issue, i don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. To me, there is no excuse. An Iraqi killed my son, I don't hate the Iraqi people, or even the one who shot the bullet that killed Casey. I loathe the empire that sent him there to die.

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I am not going to judge anyone how they mentally handle personal loss. I am loyal, unless they do something against me personally. And RFKjr forgave Sirhan Sirhan.

I am fiercely loyal to you too Cindy, even though we disagree about a RFKjr.

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His support of Israel is connected to his deep pocketed key friendships imo. I also think he believes Israel has the right to exist because it claims to be a democracy in the Middle East regardless of what Israelis do or do not do. He does not condone the slaughter of Palestinians; he simply avoids it. Pretend you are opposed to drugs like opioids and you are in a friend’s house and find them in the bathroom. Do you denounce your friend publicly or do you talk to them privately about them changing their ways? I would call them on it and then if they did nothing turn them in. You?

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Honestly, and I know you to be a scrupulously honest person, does this statement look like he opposes the slaughter of Palestinians?

"This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.

I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense."

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The “unprovoked” meme has been echoed by every Zionist hack in the media and beyond. Kennedy is a cut-and-paste Zionist hack and liar.

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He has shown his true colors and I'm glad because I don't have to feel guilty about my disgust for him. I really don't know what his strategy is at this point because if he ever became president (BIG IF), he would be eliminated if he ever dared step out of line.

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Like any person who becomes president.

But, I would say, except maybe for Trump (in 2015-16), they were all compromised and bought into the system by the time they were promoted by the establishment to POTUS.

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turn your friends into whom?

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Da POLEECE. You know since we last spoke you know how I have left the fundraising committee and made my opposition clear. Since Governor Newscum is now sticking his elitist snout into the Middle East, tis clear as a bell that he will be running for PUKE-US. And will "win" and then what? I'm booking a tour to Sicily.

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